Hidden City Story #49 Origami Dream (Tea House)
ヒドゥンシティストーリー№49 折り紙の夢 (茶室)

《Case №49:Origami Dream》2019.3 Event: Cherry Blossoms and the Crane

☆Spirit Dwelling and Stone Chest
☆Sakura Ume's Assembler Shop
★Gift collection

*This story's adaptation is Tea House's collection #8
☆Tansu Chests and Cherry Blossom Keys
  • 25 keys: Ninja Chest
  • 75 keys: Samurai Chest
  • 150 keys: Daimyo Chest
  • 250 keys: Hatamoto Chest
  • 500 keys: Ruler's Chest
  • 1000keys: Chest of Prosperity

Trail of Perfection》⇦Prev Next➡《The Strongest Bonds 最強の絆

Sub Quest Series #73
《Beyond an Event Horizon》
Next➡73-1【Kokeshi Dolls こけし人形】

《Cherry Blossoms and the Crane》 2019.3 Event 《桜と鶴》  
The morning wind, along with the warmth of the awakening spring, has brought flower petals to the City's streets, announcing the beginning of Hanami Matsuri, the Japanese cherry blossom festival.
When the fog receded completely, it revealed a small Japanese house near a blossoming garden.
What mystery is hidden behind the fragile walls of this house?

Mon ami, do you smell this wonderful scent? The cherry blossom garden is blooming! As I walked past the torii this morning, I heard the cry of a crane and, after looking closely, saw a small house. Did the Japanese Spirits send us some more trails? Come quickly! I can't wait to take a closer look at everything. Oh, there's a letter. Juliette
モナミ、この芳(かぐわ)しい香りを感じる?庭園の桜が咲いてるのよ!今朝鳥居の前を通り過ぎたら鶴の鳴き声が聞こえて来て、近付いて見てみたら小さな日本家屋が見えたの。日本の英霊たちがまた何か試練を用意してるのかしら?早く来て!もっと近くで全部見たくって待ちきれないの。あら、手紙があるわ。 spirit: 人ならざるモノ全般を指す。幽霊、精霊、妖怪、天使、悪魔など。ここでは日本庭園に住まう見えざる監視者を指している。
★昨年の4月《Trail of Perfection》でシティの住民に試練が課されていた話を受けている。
- Hurry up and read it! Player (YOU) -急いで読み上げて!
Message from the Invisible Judges

For a year, the Spirits have watched the City of Shadows. They looked into the hearts of its habitants, watched their actions, and evaluated the decisions they made.

The Spirits found the City's residents worthy of a blessing and will give everyone the opportunity to fulfill their fondest wish.
Today our messenger will arrive in the City and make sure that everyone who wants it can receive this Gift.

Go to the Tea House without fear and accept our blessing.
Message from the Invisible Judges 「姿なき見証(けんじょう)」からの言伝(ことづて)



★Invisible Judge 姿なき見証(けんじょう):日本庭園にいる目に見えない審判たちのこと。見証(けんじょう)は審判の古語。江戸時代までは審判とは言わず見証(けんぞ、けんじょう)と言っていた。

evaluate: 査定する、評価する


[Refined Balance]
Unlock the Tea House. - Explore the Tea House.
The townspeople received the blessings of the Spirits. It sounds too good to be true, buddy. What do you think? I suspect that this fulfillment of wishes can lead to... anything! Most likely, there's some trick to this generosity. Let's go take a look at the Tea House and keep an eye on it. Keep your eyes open! Detective
住民たちが英霊たちからの言祝(ことほ)ぎを受け取った。本当なら話がウマ過ぎないか、相棒。お前、どう思う?俺はこの望みが叶うなんてのは…えらいことになりかねないと思ってるんだがな!よくあるこった、こういう気前のいい話には何かしら裏があるもんだ。茶室に行ってしっかり見張ろうぜ。目を皿にしておけよ! it sounds too good to be true: 本当の話にしては話が旨過ぎる、夢みたいな話だ。
anything: ここでは何か特別なこと。
there's some trick to~: ~には何某かの企みがある。裏がある
- I won't let you down! Player (YOU) -君をがっかりさせないようにするよ!
The message of the Invisible Judges inspires awe. It's a great honor to receive the fulfillment of a cherished wish as a blessing. Well, let's go to the Tea House immediately and see what the blessing of the Spirits brings us! Isabelle
Only the ancient torii gates separate us from the Tea House, but I don't have enough courage to step past them and break the subtle balance of energies with my presence. Can you smell the aroma of brewed herbs? Do you hear the distant sound of a waterfall? This place truly holds many secrets. 茶室と私たちを隔ててるのは古式ゆかしい鳥居だけね、でもそこの鳥居をくぐって足を踏み入れたら、私のせいでここに漂う微妙な力の調和が崩れちゃう、そんな勇気ないわ。お茶を入れるハーブの様な香りがしてるのが分かる?遠くから滝の音がするのが聞こえる?この場所はそれこそ山ほどの秘密を抱えてるのよ。 💬イザベルの話は抽象的で分かりにくいですが、クエスト名が「Refined Balance 磨き抜かれた調和」なので、鳥居の向こうの茶室の周りには独特の調和が保たれた空間があって、そこに足を踏み入れるのが調和を崩しそうで怖いと言ってるようです。
[In Search of a Blessing]
Enter the Tea House. - Explore the Tea House.
In their message, the Spirits said that we need to go to the Tea House to receive their blessing. But no one is waiting for us here at the ancient torii gates. Perhaps we should be bolder and step into this slice of paradise to find the blessing among the abundant cherry blossoms? You go first, mon ami. Juliette
あのメッセージの中で、英霊たちは言祝(ことほ)ぎを受けるためには茶室にいかなくっちゃと言ってたわ。でも、この古式ゆかしい鳥居の前には誰もいないじゃない。もしかしてもっと勇気を出して、咲き乱れる桜の中から言祝(ことほ)ぎとやらを探しにこの楽園を切り取ったような場所の中に足を踏み入れなくっちゃダメなのかしら?あなた、先に行って、モナミ。 💬あ、なんか怖いからって、すぐ主人公に…
Cherry blossoms have bloomed at the foot of an ancient waterfall. Among the fragrance of the first spring flowers stands a cozy house. Its doors are open to let in the warmth of an awakening spring, and on the table everything is ready for a tea ceremony. But who created this calming place and what secrets are hidden here? Tea House
Tea House
This truly is a paradise: the kettle on the table emits the rich aroma of herbs, musical bells play their quiet melody, obeying the flow of wind, and a white crane strolls majestically around the courtyard. Juliette
ここは本当に楽園の様ね、だって机の上の急須からはハーブの様ないい香りが漂っていて、風鈴は風が吹くのにまかせて静かな旋律を奏でていて、しかも丹頂鶴(たんちょうづる)が悠々と中庭を歩き回っているんですもの。 emit: 香りや熱、光などを放つ
★white crane: 正式な呼び名ではないものの、丹頂鶴を白い鶴と呼ぶ人も多いらしい。ロケーションにいる丹頂鶴のことを指していると思われる。
Maybe I was wrong to be suspicious of this place... But maybe I was right!
Look, buddy, a magical glow has surrounded the crane. It seems to be turning into... What kind of magic trick is this?! Is this the trap of some cunning Japanese demon?
It seems to be turning into...: 何に変わって行ってるのかが無言(...)で分からないが、turn into は見た目がすっかり変わる事を指す。
- Let's see what happens next Player (YOU) -何に変わるのか見てようよ
Greetings, inhabitants of the City of Shadows!
I was expecting you.
My name is Hanako, the messenger of the Invisible Judges. Spring winds led me to the City so I can offer the blessing of my patrons.
Anyone who wants to can write their wish on a piece of paper, fold it into an origami figure, and leave it at the Tea House. Then, by the will of the Spirits, their wish will be granted.
Please come in. I will poor you some green tea.
expect 人: 人が来ることを期待する、心待ちに待つ

💬あらら、鶴が花子になったみたいですね。そりゃ確かにturn into だ。なんか鶴の恩返しみたいだな。
- Pleased to meet you Player (YOU) -お目にかかれて光栄ですよ
[Inevitable Choice]
Start an investigation. - Open the Diary.
How lucky that the Crane Lady Hanako turned out to be a benevolent messenger of the Spirits and not a devious killer demon! Her Tea House appeared in the City as the cherry blossoms bloomed so that she can offer a blessing to the citizens: fulfillment of their wishes.
Let's make an entry about this wonderful event in the Investigation Book and start folding a paper figure before all the paper is taken.
make an entry: 書き記す
《Origami Dream》 Case №49 《折り紙の夢》  
The fog has receded, revealing a small Tea House surrounded by cherry blossoms. Its only inhabitant is Hanako, the Crane Lady and the servant of the Spirits.
Her Tea House appeared in the City as the cherry blossoms bloomed to offer the blessing of the Spirits to the citizens. They promised to fulfill the wish of anyone who writes it down on a piece of paper and fold it into an origami figure.


49-1【Origami Secrets 折り紙の秘密】
Origami Mater's Self-Portrait "Secret of a Thousand Cranes" Washi Paper Water Spray Bottle Shide Cherry Blossom Origami
折り紙の匠の肖像 「千羽鶴の秘密」 和紙 霧吹き 紙垂(しで) 桜の折り紙

The blessing of the Spirits promises the fulfillment of wishes to anyone who makes an origami figure. This incredibly painstaking process requires stamina, a clear mind, and peace. Will we have enough skill and perseverance to receive the blessing of these great spirits?

Goal:   Fold an origami figure.


Goal:  折り紙を折ろう。
painstaking ペインズテイキング:忍耐力のいる
clear mind: 雑念のない思考、明晰な頭脳
perseverance: 根気
[Master's Advice]
Find the Origami Master's Self Portrait. - Explore the Tea House.
49-1 ①
I can't wait to fulfill my desired wish. How about you, mon ami? I'm so nervous. I've never folded origami before. I hope I can do it.
Have you already decided what wish you'll make? Me? No, I can't tell you. It's a secret until it's granted. Let's get to work. What do we need for this? I'm sure everything we need is in the Tea House.
- Me too Player (YOU) -僕もそう思うよ me too: 直前の会話の相手の意見に完全に同意する時に使うので、ここでは主人公も同じく必要な物は茶室にあると思うという意味。「僕もだよ」と訳すと意味が通じなくなるケースがある。
Have you decided what figure you'll make? To fold a figure properly, we should turn to the experience of the masters. There's nothing better than to learn from those who have succeeded in a certain task. Let's turn to the spirit of the master through his self-portrait. He will tell us how to fold origami. Martha
何を折るかは決めたの?きちんと折り紙を折るには、匠(たくみ)の経験に頼(たの)むのがいいんじゃないかしら。何事もその道を究(きわ)めた者から学ぶに越したことはないものね。匠の作った自らの肖像を通して、折り紙の匠の精の力を頼みましょう。きっと私たちに折り紙の折り方を教えてくれるわ。 turn to~: ~(の力、知恵など)を頼る、頼む
★Origami master: 吉澤章さんという折り紙作家の方がモデルのようです。正に挿絵のような、折り紙で作った自分の顔があります。世界に折り紙を広めた立役者なのだそうです。
You need to be a really great master to fold your own portrait out of paper, don't you agree? I'm sure that his spirit will be kind enough to share with us some secrets of his skills. 折り紙から自分の肖像を折るとなったら真の名匠に自分がなるしかないわ、あなたもそれには同意見でしょ?折り紙の匠は精は彼の持つ技の秘密をきっと教えてくださるに違いないわ。 kind enough to do: ~してくれるくらい親切な。~して下さる。丁寧な表現。
[Ancient Books]
Find the "Secret of a Thousand Cranes." - Explore the Tea House.
49-1 ②
I prefer to draw knowledge from books. I'm sure we'll find records about origami creations and descriptions in the Tea House. Find them. This is the best way to master this ancient art and fold your own origami figure. Isabelle
"The Secret of a Thousand Cranes." You found it! I can't believe that I'm holding this ancient orihon book in my hands. Lend it to me after you fold your origami, okay? 「千羽鶴の秘密」じゃないの。スゴイの見付けたわね!こんな古代の折り紙教本をこの手に取れるなんて信じられない。あなたが自分の折り紙を折り終わったら私に貸して、いいわよね? 💬a Thousand CranesのWikipediaでは、千羽鶴には神様から願いを叶えてもらえる力があるとの記述がありました。この話の元ネタは千羽鶴なのかな?
[Best Material]
Find the Washi Paper. - Explore the Tea House.
49-1 ③
Buddy, I finally decided what wish to make and wanted to write it on a piece of paper that I could fold into an origami figure, but Valerie took the last of the washi paper from under my nose. Help me find some more sheets of this special paper in the Tea House so I can fold my origami. Detective
Now that's more like it. Some origami Washi Paper... it even has a pattern on it. You quickly found the place where Hanako keeps it. It's time to look at the diagrams and fold an origami figure. よーっし、いいぞいいぞ。なかなかいい和紙の折り紙じゃないか…、模様まで付いてるし。お前、花子がこれを保管してる場所をあっという間に見付けて来たな。さあこれでこの図面を見て折り紙を折り始められるぜ。 that's more like it: いいぞいいぞ。そう来なくっちゃ。前より良くなった時に使う。
Some ~ Paper: このsomeは何枚かではなく「結構いい」そのためPaperが単数
[Special Technique]
Find the Water Spray Bottle. - Explore the Tea House.
49-1 ④
Have you chosen the wet origami folding technique? How cool, me too! Then let's find a Water Spray Bottle before we get to work. We'll need to constantly dampen the paper to achieve the beautiful folds. Look for a spray bottle in the Tea House. Valerie
折り紙を濡らして折るっていうテクニックをやってみた?すごいカッコいいわよね、私もそう思うわ!そしたら、作業に取り掛かる前に霧吹きを探しましょ。綺麗な折り紙作品を作るのには紙を絶えず湿らせながら折らないとダメなのよ。茶室で霧吹きを探して来て。 dampen: 湿らせる
★wet-foldingウェットフォールディング: 濡らしながら折り紙を折る事で、より多彩な折り紙を可能とする手法。折り紙の匠のモデルであろう吉澤章氏が考案したらしい。
What a beauty! The spray bottle you found looks very old. I wonder if the pump still work? Yes! There's even water inside. Excellent! Let's start folding our origami. なんて綺麗なの!あなたが見付けて来た霧吹きはスゴイ古そう。そのポンプってまだ動くのか疑問なんだけど?あ、まだいける!水まで入ってるじゃない。最高!さあ、折り紙を折り始めましょ。  
[Keeping Calm]
Find the Shide. - Explore the Tea House.
49-1 ⑤
The process of creating origami is very subtle and similar to a ritual. Use a Shide to protect where you're going to work. These zigzag paper ribbons are stored in the Tea House. They'll help you to draw the Spirits' attention to your work. Monk
折り紙を折る過程はとても繊細で儀式に似ておる。作業をする場所を守るのには紙垂(しで)を使いなされ。そういうギザギザの紙が茶室に保管されておったぞ。あれなれば英霊の注意をお主らの作業に惹きつける助けになろうて。 zigzag: ジグザグの、ギザギザの。実はフランス語
You have found the Shide ribbons. Now mark the place where you're going to work to draw the Spirits' attention and enlist their support. 紙垂(しで)を見つけたのじゃな。なれば、英霊の注意を引きその助力を得んがため、作業する場所にこれを印として付けなされ。  
The items you've collected are amazing and will hopefully help you make a sophisticated origami figure if you have enough skill and perseverance. Don't forget to make a wish and write it on the sheet of washi paper so that the benevolent Spirits may grant it. My wish? No, I'm not participating in this farce. I know better than most that there are two tragedies in life: not getting what you dream of, and actually getting it. Mistress
お前たちの集めたアイテムには驚かされるわ、上手く行けば洗練された折り紙を折るのに使えるでしょうね、お前たちに十分なスキルと忍耐力があればですけれど。願いを和紙の折り紙に書くのを忘れぬ様になさい、慈悲深い英霊とやらがその願いを叶えてくれるというのだから。私(わたくし)の願い?ふん、こんなバカバカしい茶番に参加するつもりはなくてよ。私(わたくし)は人生には二つの悲劇があるという事を他の者より良く知っているのです、それはね、夢見たモノを手に入れられない事、そして実際に手に入れてしまう事よ。 farce: 茶番、馬鹿馬鹿しい

- You have a point Player (YOU) -なるほど、含蓄(がんちく)のあるお話ですね you have a point: それも一理あるね、いいとこ突いてるね
[Fondest Wish]
Fold the Cherry Blossom Origami. - Assemble the "Origami Secrets" collection.
49-1 ⑥
Oh, I see you've collected everything you need to create your origami blessing and fulfill your fondest wish. But it might be unfair to demand mastery from you since you've never studied it. I'll help you fold an origami figure and call for the blessing of the Spirits. I only need a few artifacts. Hanako花子 あら、折り紙によって言祝(ことほ)ぎを得ることで皆さまの心からの願いを叶えるのに必要な物を全てお集めになられたのですか。しかしあなた方に匠の域を求めるのでは公正さを欠いているかもしれませぬ、皆さまは折り紙に精通しているわけではありませんし。あなた方が折り紙を折って、英霊からの言祝(ことほ)ぎを呼び寄せるのに手をお貸ししましょう。いくつか仙術触媒があれば結構ですわ。 fond wish: 甘い願い、虫のいい望み
unfair: 不正な。公正さを著しく欠く。日本語のアンフェアより意味が強い。
The master always advises one to consult with the ancient books, spray the washi paper with water, and begin work by strictly following the diagrams. I protect your place with the Shide, and the magic of the artifacts holds the paper together so that it doesn't tear. You've made a beautiful Cherry Blossom Origami! 匠は常に助言を授けています、古の書物に知恵を借りる者に、折り紙に水を吹きかける者に、そして図面に従いひたすらに作業に取り掛かる者に。わたくしが作業場を紙垂(しで)でお護りしましょう、さすれば仙術触媒の仙力が割けないように折り紙の形を保ってくれまする。あなた様は綺麗な桜の花の折り紙をお作りになられたのですね! hold together: 形が崩れないように保つ

It's done! Wishes were made and written down, and the origami figures were folded and left at Hanako's Tea House. The only thing left is to wait for tomorrow when, as the sun rises, every resident of the City will get what they always dreamed of. This is so exciting! I wonder what the townspeople wished for. Adeline will have a lot to write about. By the way, have you seen her? Valerie
- She's probably still folding her origami Player (YOU) -多分まだ自分の折り紙を折ってる最中じゃないかな
Buddy, while we were busy collecting things to fulfill our wishes, some townspeople have disappeared without a trace! I wanted to show my origami to you and Inspector Dipp, but he's disappeared, as have Cardsharp and Adeline, who were supposed to take my picture for the newspaper. And Hanako herself has gone somewhere.
Look, there's a note. Maybe it's from her...
- What's written there? Player (YOU) -何て書かれてるの?
Decree of the Invisible Judges

Some residents of the City have stained their honor and were punished! By trying to use the Great Blessing of the Spirits to cause harm, their souls are now enclosed in origami figures:

Inspector Dipp-san is punished for wishing to inflict harm on Detective-san.
Adeline-san is punished for wishing to inflict harm on Lady-san.
Cardsharp-san is punished for wishing to inflict harm on Mayor-san.

Those who are punished will stay in their prison until the ones against whom their wish was made finds forgiveness in their hearts and pass the trail of the White Crane.



inflict: 害を与える
Such is the will of the Invisible Judges, my patrons.
Dipp-san, Adeline-san, and Cardsharp-san have suffered punishment for the malice harbored towards their neighbors and friends.
Of course, if there is forgiveness in one of the hearts of those against whom the wish was made, I will bless them for the trial of the White Crane. So, there'll be a chance to clear the name of the guilty person and rescue them from their origami prison...
No, Detective-san, this is not a mistake.
I've never wrong!
malice: 相手を傷付けようとする意図的な悪意
harbor: 悪意などを抱く
- Even the wisest ones make mistakes Player (YOU) -どんなに賢明な人だって間違いは犯すものだよ
I don't believe that old Dipp made a wish against me.
Hanako, sweetie, surely you mixed something up...
Don't look at me like that! I will prove that he's innocent! What do I need to do to pass your trail and rescue Dipp from the captivity of a paper figure?
Find out what wish he made? Excellent! I'm ready!
Are you with me, buddy?
Detective 俺は信じないぞ、慣れ親しんだディップのヤツが俺に不利になるような願い事をしたなんて。
mix something up: 何かと思い違いをする
- I'm in Player (YOU) -僕も参加するよ

49-1【Origami Secrets 折り紙の秘密】
Origami Mater's Self-Portrait "Secret of a Thousand Cranes" Washi Paper Water Spray Bottle Shide Cherry Blossom Origami
折り紙の匠の肖像 「千羽鶴の秘密」 和紙 霧吹き 紙垂(しで) 桜の折り紙

49-2【Banners of Honor 名誉の旗印】
Symbol of Responsibility Symbol of Courage Symbol of Fortitude Symbol of Reliability Symbol of Loyalty Fan Flag
責任の象徴 勇気の象徴 不屈の精神の象徴 信頼に値する者の象徴 忠義の人の象徴 扇の旗印

Some townspeople disappeared after making their wish! They are now trapped in an "origami prison" for using the blessing of the Spirits to do harm. Their wishes were directed against their friends. Inspector Dipp was among those who were punished. But what did he wish against his colleague, the Detective, to be considered a wrongdoer? To find it out, the Detective decided to pass the Trial of Honor.

Goal:   Learn the Inspector's wish.


Goal: 捜査官の願い事を突き止めよう。
[Only the One Who is Worthy]
Find the Symbol of Responsibility. - Explore the Tea House.
49-2 ①
Inspector Dipp-san wished misfortune on Detective-san and was imprisoned in an origami figure by Invisible Judges. But Detective-san doesn't believe in the fairness of this decision and wants to clear his friend's name. So I give him my blessing to undergo the Trail of Honor and collect banners with the coats of arms belonging to the samurai.
First you should find the banner of responsibility at the Tea House.
believe in: in が付くと単に信じるより強くなり、頑なに信じる、根拠がなくても信じるというニュアンスになる
You've found the symbol of responsibility and permanence - a banner with a Chinese bellflower. Only one who is worthy of trust has the right to depict this flower on their flag. 責任と永続の象徴たる桔梗紋の旗印を見つけられたのですね。信頼に足る者だけがこの花をその旗に描く資格を持つのです。 Chinese bellflower: 桔梗
[Only the one Who is Courageous]
Find the Symbol of Courage. - Explore the Tea House.
49-2 ②
What could Dipp have possibly wished for to get him imprisoned in a paper figure? And now I need to pass a trial to save him. By the way, the next step in the Trial of Honor is to find the coats of arms belonging to noble samurai. First, let's find a banner with an image of hawk feathers - a Symbol of Courage. Detective
ディップが折り紙の中に囚われちまうなんて、一体どんな願い事をしたらそんな事になるんだ?こうなったら試練をパスしてあいつを救い出すしかないぜ。話を戻すと、「名誉の試練」の次のステップは高潔なサムライの紋章を見つける事だとさ。まずは、鷹の羽根の意匠が描かれた旗印を探そうぜ-立ち向かう勇気の象徴だそうだ。 courage: 恐怖心にめげずに困難に立ち向かう事。鼠がライオンの前に立ちはだかる勇気みたいなものをを指す。
You managed to find the samurai banner of courage. Thanks, buddy. Look, it says here that this symbol can only be bestowed on a person who avoids lies and hypocrisy. お前、どうにかこうにか勇気あるサムライの旗印をを見付けて来てくれたんだな。感謝するぜ、相棒。見ろよ、ここに説明がある、この意匠は嘘や偽善に屈しなかった者にのみ与えられるんだと。 hypocrisy: 偽善
[Only the One Who is Brave]
Find the Symbol of Fortitude. - Explore the Tea House.
49-2 ③
brave: 困難に恐れ知らずに立ち向かい行動を起こす事
Mon ami, did the Inspector really make a wish to harm my lovely Detective? I'm confused, but I cannot stand idly by. I want to help with the trial. Let's find a banner with the image of oak leaves - a Symbol of Fortitude. Juliette
モナミ、捜査官は本当に私の愛しの刑事さんを傷付けるような願い事をしたのかしら?訳が分からないわ、でも指を咥えて見てるだけなんて嫌よ。私も試練を手伝いたいの。柏の葉の意匠の描かれた旗印を探しましょう-不屈の精神の象徴なのですって。 fortitude: 不屈の精神
The samurai banner that you found could only be worn by those who had the courage to not stay silent and to protect the truths they believed in. This is what Hanako said. あなたの見付けてくれたサムライの旗印は、沈黙を破り、固く信じた真実を護りぬく勇気を持った者だけが掲げる事を許されたのですって。花子が言ってたのは、こういうモノの事でしょ。 ★courage と braveryは非常に似た意味だが、対でもよく使われる。対になっている時、courageは立ち向かう精神的勇気を、braveryは実際に行動する勇気を指す。
[Only the One Who is Reliable]
Find the Symbol of Reliability. - Explore the Tea House.
49-2 ④
To find out what the Inspector wished for and release him from his origami confinement, the Detective needs to pass the Trial of Honor. Let's help him find the samurai banner with the image of a diamond so that he can complete Hanako's test. Huntress
捜査官がどんな願い事をしたのかを突き止め、彼を折り紙の監禁状態から解放するためには、刑事が「名誉の試練」を通過しなければならないのか。よし、花子の出す試練を突破できるよう、菱形の意匠の描かれた旗印を探すのを手伝ってやろうじゃないか。 confinement: 監禁状態
Mein Freund, you found it! According to Hanako, the diamond banner symbolizes reliability. Only those who can be relied on in any situation have the right to wear such a coat of arms. マイン・フロイント、そいつを見付けたのか!花子によれば、菱形の旗印は信頼を象徴するのだそうだ。どんな場面でも頼れる人物だけがこういう家紋を掲げる権利があるのさ。  
[Only the One Who is Faithful]
Find the Symbol of Loyalty. - Explore the Tea House.
49-2 ⑤
Whatever your heart tells you, the voice of facts cannot be ignored either. The Inspector used the blessing of the Spirits for wrongdoing, wishing for something that would harm the Detective. Or is it a mistake? We're one step away from the answer. To pass the Trial of Honor, your friend now only has to find the banner of Rindo mon - gentian flowers and bamboo. Monk
そなたの心が何を主張しようとも、事実の声もまた無視することはできぬ。捜査官は英霊からの言祝(ことほ)ぎを悪事に用いてしもうた、刑事を害するような願い事をしてな。でなければ、それは何かの間違いじゃと?その答えももうすぐ判明するじゃろうて。「名誉の試練」を通過するためにそなたの友が見付けねばならんのは、後はもう竜胆紋(りんどうもん)の旗印だけじゃ-竜胆(りんどう)と笹の葉の紋じゃよ。 gentian: 竜胆(りんどう)
A banner depicting a gentian is the symbol of loyalty. Only those who are loyal to their principles in any situation can wear these banners. 竜胆の描かれた旗印は忠義の心の象徴でな。どのような状況に置かれても己の信ずるところに忠実な者だけがこの旗印を掲げる事が出来るんじゃよ。 principle: 人の行動原理となる主義
Buddy, I didn't think the Trial of Honor would be so difficult! When I raised the banners of the samurai you found at the Tea House, I saw situations from the past right before my eyes... I've never thought about the consequences that my actions caused to other people. It turns out that the Inspector is mad at me over something... But why, buddy? We've always been partners. Detective
相棒、俺は「名誉の試練」ってのがこれほど難しいとは思っても見なかったぜ!お前が茶室で見付けて来てくれたサムライの旗印を掲げてみたら、過去の出来事が俺の目の前に見えたんだよ…。俺は自分の行動が必然的に他人にとんでもない結果を突き付けていたなんて事には一度も思い至らなかったんだ。捜査官は何かの事で俺にムカついてるんだって分かったのさ…。だが何故だ、相棒?俺たちはずっとパートナーとしてやって来たんだぜ。 consequense: 過去の行動から齎される結果で、特に悪い事を暗示する。
- We'll find out soon enough Player (YOU) -もうすぐ分かるさ
[Trial of Honor]
Collect the Fan Flag. - Assemble the "Banner of Honor" collection.
49-2 ⑥
The collected samurai banners are enough for Detective-san to complete the trial and reach a new level of honesty with himself. Then he will learn the wish that Dipp-san made, and if he decides to release him, it will be so.
Bring me the artifacts and I will begin the ritual.
Ancient Spirits, hear my call! Detective-san passed the Trial of Honor, learning new facets of responsibility, courage, resilience, loyalty, and reliability, demonstrating the qualities inherent in a samurai. Grant him the origami that's become a prison for a lost soul. 古(いにしえ)の英霊よ、我が声を聞き届けたし!刑事さまは「名誉の試練」を通過なさいました、責任、勇気、不屈の心、忠誠心、そして頼られる強さという新たな精神性を身に着け、侍の心意気をその身で持って表したのです。失われた魂の牢獄となっている折り紙をこの者にお与え下さいまし。 facet: 何か目に見えないモノの別の側面。ここでは新たな精神性の事。
resilience: 困難なことに躓いた時の立ち直りの速さ、不屈の心
Honorable Spirits, please give me a chance to surpass my colleague, the Detective, during an investigation. Please put him on the wrong track.

(Text appears under the words written by the Inspector)

I was a brilliant investigator! But now... I cannot compete with the Detective. He solves mystical and intricate crimes in the blink of an eye and boasts of his strong deductive skills. When my friend Angela went missing, I was left completely alone. A successful investigation would cheer me up, but how can I contend with the Detective?


boast: 自慢する、吹聴する
💬あちゃー、《Hiding Place Story》のアンジェラの事件で自信を失っちゃって、それがずっと尾を引いてるって事ですか…。刑事は確かにdeductive デダクティブ(推理していけばくらいの意味)ってしょっちゅう言ってるな。全編読んでればそれが口癖なんだろうなと思う位には言ってる。実際には言ってる割に、頭から突っ込んで失敗してるけど。
It seems that the Trial of Honor showed me the truth: through Dipp's neat handwriting, I saw the reason why he wishes me failure. Of course, I like to embellish my stories and present myself in a good light, but I didn't think that my colleague would feel overshadowed by me. Dipp has always helped me and I never appreciated this. I'll need to apologize when we free him and the others from their origami imprisonment. Detective
「名誉の試練」が俺に真実を見せてくれたっぽいな、ディップらしいきちっとした筆跡を見たら、彼が俺の失敗を願う理由が分かったよ。そりゃあ、俺は話を盛って、俺のいいように自己アピールするきらいがあって、だけど俺は自分の同僚がよもや俺のせいで憂鬱な気持ちになってるなんて思いもしなかったんだ。ディップはいつだって俺を助けてくれてたってのに、俺はそれが如何に素晴らしい事かちっとも分かってなかったんだな。彼と他の奴らを折り紙の束縛から解放したら、謝んなくっちゃならん。 embellish: 話を盛る
present oneself: 自己アピールをする
in good light: 自分のいいように、前向きに
overshadow: 憂鬱にさせる
appreciate: その本来の価値を分かる、評価する。
- Who's the next one to undergo the trial? Player (YOU) -この試練、誰が次に受けるの?
I'm re-reading this line from the Invisible Judges' message: "Adeline-san is punished for the harm mentally inflicted on Lady-san"... But what harm could Adeline wish on me, and why? I have to learn this in order to free the poor girl from her origami prison. Hopefully Ms. Hanako won't be too strict with me when choosing the tasks. Lady
- You can count on my support Player (YOU) -任せて、僕、全面的に応援するよ

49-2【Banners of Honor 名誉の旗印】
Symbol of Responsibility Symbol of Courage Symbol of Fortitude Symbol of Reliability Symbol of Loyalty Fan Flag
責任の象徴 勇気の象徴 不屈の精神の象徴 信頼に値する者の象徴 忠義の人の象徴 扇の旗印

49-3【Harmony of Nature 自然の調和】
Ume Plum Flowers Twisted Branches Ikebana Basket Green Branch Buds Ikebana
梅の花 捩(よじ)れた枝 生け花の籠 新緑の枝 蕾(つぼみ) 生け花

Adeline Svensson was also put into an "origami prison." She wished Lady harm and instantly paid for it. To free the journalist, Lady needs to find forgiveness in her heart and pass the Trial of Harmony. But why did Adeline use the blessing of the Spirits for harm?

Goal:   Find out what Adeline wished for.


Goal:   アデラインが望んだものを突き止めよう。
[Embodiment of the Past]
Find the Ume Plum Flowers. - Explore the Tea House.
49-3 ①
I give Lady-san my blessing to undergo the Trial of Harmony. In order for the venerable Spirits to reveal the origami that contains Adeline-san's soul, she needs to make an Ikebana bouquet based on Ume Plum Flowers. They are reflection of the passage of time, the transition from the past to the future. They can be found at the Tea House. Hanako
You brought the best Ume Plum Flowers from my garden. Their buds are fully opened, which means they are the embodiment of the past. わたくしの庭から最高の梅の花をお持ちになりましたのですね。その蕾(つぼみ)は満開ですわ、つまりそれは過ぎ去りし日々を表しておりまする。  
[Embodiment of the Trinity]
Find the Twisted Branches. - Explore the Tea House with the "Illusions" anomaly active.
49-3 ②
To find out what Adeline wished for and to save her from the origami prison, I need to make an Ikebana. Hanako says that I will need three Twisted Branches, which symbolize heaven, man, and earth. Help me find them at the Tea House. Lady
アデラインの願い事が何なのかを突き止め、彼女を折り紙の牢獄から救い出すためには、わたくしは生け花を活けねばなりませんのね。花子に三本の捩(よじ)れた枝が要ると言われましたの、その三本が天、地、人を表すのだそうですわ。茶室でそれを見付けるのを手伝ってくださいませ。 ★天地人:生け花では不等辺三角形を形作るように花を活けるのを基本とする。一番高い頂点を天、下を地、真ん中を人とする。
You've found magnificent branches. Thank you for your help. I'll fix all the stems to make them look like the crown of a single trunk. 堂々たる枝を見つけて来てくれましたのね。手伝っていただいて感謝しますわ。わたくし、この茎を全て固定して、これが一つの幹の天辺を飾る様に見せるつもりですの。 crown: 何かの頂点部分。通常は尖っていないもの。
[Embodiment of the Foundation]
Find the Ikebana Basket. - Explore the Tea House.
49-3 ③
When making a bouquet, the first thing to do is to determine the size of the vessel in which the flowers will stand. The size of the flower arrangement depends entirely on its diameter and depth. Let's find a suitable Ikebana Basket so that Lady can pass the trial with honor and free Adeline. Juliette
花束を作る時に最初にやる事は、その花を立てて入れる花瓶を決めることなのよ。フラワーアレンジメントの大きさは花束の直径と深さによって決まってしまうの。レディが名誉の試練を通過してアデラインを自由の身にしてあげられるように、ちょうどいい生け花の籠を見付けましょ。 diameter ダイアマター: 直径。アクセントはア。○○meterはmeterの直前にアクセントが来て、meterの読みはメーターではなくマターになる。
Oh, what a wonderful basket you've chosen! Mon ami, it will suit Lady perfectly for making an Ikebana. I hope we can find out what Adeline wished for and free her soon. あら、あなたが選んでくれた籠、とっても素敵!モナミ、レディが生け花を活けるのにぴったりよ。アデラインの願い事が何なのかを突き止めて、彼女をすぐに自由にしてあげられるといいわね。  
[Embodiment of Constancy]
Find the Green Branch. - Explore the Tea House.
49-3 ④
The Spirts refuse to tell me the essence of Adeline's wish. To find out, Lady must pass the trial and make an Ikebana. Hanako said that a Green Branch is needed for the arrangement. It is the embodiment of the present. Martha
The leaves have just appeared on the Green Branch. They carry the energy of constancy and harmony of the present day. You've provided invaluable assistance to Lady in her trial. この新緑の枝には新しい葉が出始めた所ね。この枝は変わらぬ活力と今のこの日の調和を齎すのよ。あなたのお蔭でレディは試練にかけがえのない助けが得られたわね。  
[Embodiment of Impermanence]
Find the Buds. - Explore the Tea House.
49-3 ⑤
Flower buds are an important component of ikebana art. The combination of colors and branches forms a complex language. Let's find the Buds to help Lady pass the Trial of Harmony and save Adeline. Doorkeeper
花の蕾(つぼみ)は生け花を活けるにあたっての重要な構成要素なんだ。様々な色と枝の組み合わせが複雑な表現を形作るのさ。蕾を見付けて、レディが「調和の試練」をクリアしてアデラインを救い出すのを助けようよ。 art: ここでは生け花を活ける技術
You managed to find magnolia buds. This flower symbolizes the fragility and impermanence of love... Perhaps Adeline lost a love and it turned her against Lady? 木蓮の蕾を探し出して来てくれたんだね。この花は愛の儚さと永遠性を象徴してるんだよ…。もしかしてアデラインは失恋して、その気持ちがレディに対する苛立ちに変わってしまったのかな。 💬ええ?まさかのドアキーパーに横恋慕なの?
[Embodiment of Truth]
Make an Ikebana. - Assemble the "Harmony of Nature" collection.
49-3 ⑥
The fragrance of opened buds, fresh foliage, and the sound of wind chimes help me achieve peace of mind and harmony. Ms. Hanako said that while I'm making an Ikebana, the Spirits will point me to the origami that contains Adeline's soul. Ah, I'm worried that I won't have enough courage to keep my composure when I read her wish. What if she truly dislikes me? Lady
花開いた蕾の香りに瑞々(みずみず)しい葉、それに風鈴の音が、私の心落ち着け調和を作り出すのを助けてくれますわ。花子さんが仰いましたの、わたくしが生け花を活けている間に、英霊たちがアデラインの魂が入った折り紙の場所を教えてくれると。ああ、わたくし、心配ですわ、アデラインの願い事を読んでなお、平静を保っていられるほどの勇気がないのです。彼女が本当にわたくしを嫌っていたらどうしましょう? foliage: 草木の葉っぱ全部
composure: 平静
- She wouldn't wish misfortune on you Player (YOU) -あの娘があなたの不幸を願ったりなんて事は絶対ないよ
The materials you've collected are enough for Lady to make an Ikebana and pass the trial with honor. I will perform the ritual, and the honorable Spirits will point her to the origami that Adeline created. All that remains is to call on the magic of the City. Hanako
The magic of the artifacts enhances the energy of Ume Plum Flowers and passes through the Twisted Branches of the young green leaves. Magnolia buds complete the composition... Look, the Ikebana is ready, and Adeline's origami figure materialized in the basket. 仙術触媒の仙力が梅の花の生命力を強化し、捩(よじ)れた枝の若葉を通り抜けます。木蓮の蕾でこの生け花は完成するのですわ…。ご覧くださいまし、生け花が整いました、アデラインさまの折り紙が籠の中に実体化しましたわよ。  
Dear spirits, who sent a blessing to the people of the City of Shadows, please make the unique paintings which adorn Lady's Mansion disappear.

(Text appears under the words written by Adeline.)

When I ended up in the City, lost everything I loved: journalistic practice related to the study of art, my friends... I'm ready to do anything to return to the things I love at least one more time in order to find material, study the situation, and write an exposé.
I hope Lady won't be too upset. I swear that I will help return her paintings.


exposé: すっぱ抜きの記事
The Spirits have revealed to me Adeline's wish. I never thought that this cheerful, lively girl missed her favorite work so much. I must confess that at first I felt offended deep in my soul about Adeline, but now, when I know the true reason for her wish, I absolutely forgive her. I'm ready to become a true friend to her when everything is over. We can talk about art as much as she likes and, maybe, arrange our own investigation! Lady
- Soon we'll free everyone Player (YOU) -もうすぐみんな解放されるよね
Ms. Hanako told me that it was my turn to undergo the trial in order to save Cardsharp. I have to decide whether or not to do it. I have doubts... The City would be quieter without Cardsharp: fewer semi-illegal dealings, fewer explosions and disappearances of rare artifacts. But he is a citizen here and my duty as mayor is to look after his well-being. Fine, I'm ready to undergo the trial. Mayor
花子殿に告げられたのだ、次は私が試練を受ける番だと、カードシャープを救うためにな。試練を受けるか否かを決めねばならん。私にも色々と思う所があるのだがな…。カードシャープがいなければ、シティはもっと静かになるかもしれん、違法まがいの取引は減り、騒ぎの勃発や珍しいアーティファクトが消える事も減る。とは言うものの、あれもここの市民の一人ではある、そして私の市長としての義務は、そのような一市民の幸福を見守る事にあるのだ。良かろう、その試練、受けようではないか。 look after~: ~を見守る、様子を見る

- Very noble of you Player (YOU) -素晴らしいお考えですね、市長 noble of ~: ~が称賛に値する

49-3【Harmony of Nature 自然の調和】
Ume Plum Flowers Twisted Branches Ikebana Basket Green Branch Buds Ikebana
梅の花 捩(よじ)れた枝 生け花の籠 新緑の枝 蕾(つぼみ) 生け花

49-4【Bonds of Gratitude 感謝の気持ちの絆】
Pine and Plum Knots Bamboo Knot Ship Knot Chrysanthemum Knot Turtle Knot Noshi for Luck
松と梅の水引 竹の水引 船の水引 菊の水引 亀の水引 幸運を呼ぶ熨斗(のし)

Cardsharp also used the blessing of the Spirits to harm his neighbor. His wish was directed against the Mayor. Ms. Hanako blessed the Mayor for the Trail of Giri. Will the Mayor pass it with honor?

Goal:   Find out what Cardsharp wished for.


Goal:   カードシャープの望みは何なのかを突き止めろ。
Trail of Giri: 難しい所だが、おそらくは「義理人情」や「浮世の義理」という時の義理を指していると思われる。
[Bonds of Friendship]
Create Pine and Plum Knots. - Explore the Tea House.
49-4 ①
I feel doubt in the heart of Mayor-san. Despite this, he wants to save his ill-wisher, Cardsharp-san, from his origami prison.
To do this, you must pass the Trial of Giri: make knots that reflect and honor the different relationships and events in which special gifts are often presented.
First make the Pine and Plum Knots, then I will tell you about their sacred meaning.
ill-wisher: 他人の不幸を願う者
You managed to create the Plum and Pine Knots. They're traditionally used to decorate celebratory messages with wishes of good deeds and fortune, and are sent to friends and companions. どうにか松と梅の水引をお作りになられましたのね。これは伝統的に良い行いと幸運の願いを込めてお祝いの手紙を飾り付け、友や親しい者に送るのに使われるのですわ。  
[Ties of Companions]
Create the Bamboo Knot. - Explore the Tea House.
49-4 ②
In order to free Cardsharp from his origami prison, I need to pass the trial and find out what affliction this scoundrel wanted to put on me. Help me make a Bamboo Knot. According to Hanako, this knot represents the strength of relationships between companions. The Tea House should have everything you need. Mayor
カードシャープを折り紙の牢獄から解放するには、試練をクリアしてあのロクでなしが私に如何なる不幸の種を撒こうとしていたのかを突き止める必要がある。私が竹の水引を作るのを手伝ってくれたまえ。花子の話によれば、この水引は親しい者と結びつきの強固さを表すのだそうだ。茶室には必要な物が全て揃っているはずだな。 affliction: 不幸の種。固い表現
put affliction on 人:人に不幸の種を撒く、人に苦痛などを受けさせる
I can always rely on you. Thank you for helping me make this complex Bamboo Knot, which symbolizes the strength of relationships. However, I'm sure that Cardsharp won't appreciate our efforts. 君の事は常に頼りにしているよ。この複雑な竹の水引を作るのを手伝ってくれて感謝する、これは関係の強さを象徴するのだな。とは言え、こんな努力をしてみても、きっとカードシャープはそれを分かろうともしないと私は思うがね。 💬市長のカードシャープに対する言葉はいちいち刺があるなぁ…。それだけ仲が悪いんだろうな。
[Ties of Competitors]
Create the Ship Knot. - Explore the Tea House.
49-4 ③
The Mayor simply doesn't have an adventurous spirit. When he passes Hanako's trial and releases Cardsharp from his prison, he'll realize that he's not that bad. Cardsharp is just restless, like me. Let's help the Mayor make a Ship Knot, which is used to decorate giri gifts for competitors. Valerie
市長さんて全くもって冒険精神に欠けてるのよね。花子の試練を突破してカードシャープを檻から解放してやれば、市長さんも彼がそこまで悪いヤツじゃないって分かるはずよ。カードシャープは単に落ち着きがないってだけでしょ、私みたいに。市長さんが船の水引を作るのを手伝いましょ、ライバルへの贈り物を飾るのに使われたんですって。 he's not that bad: 彼はそこまで悪いヤツじゃない。thatは否定で使われると「そこまで~でない」という意味になる。that が指しているのはそこまでの会話の内容。
Hanako said that the Ship Knot reflects the relationship between competitors. It's a symbol of wealth and success. May both sides have them. How dignified! 花子が言うには、船の水引というのは競い合う者との関係を映し出すんですって。富と成功の象徴なのよ。お互いがそれを手にすることを願って。すんごい崇高なのね! dignified: 品位や風格のある
[Ties of Wisdom]
Create the Chrysanthemum Knot. - Explore the Tea House with the "Illusions" anomaly active.
49-4 ④
I never thought I'd be helping the Mayor rescue Cardsharp from his prison. To pass the Trial of Giri, the Mayor is learning to make different magical knots. Let's help him with the Chrysanthemum Knot. It needs to have exactly 16 petals. Will you help, buddy? Detective
よもや市長がカードシャープを囚われの身から助け出すのに手を貸す羽目になろうとはな。「義理の試練」をクリアするために、市長はそれぞれ違った魔法の水引を作れるようになろうとしてるんだろ。菊の水引を作るのを手伝おうぜ。きっかり16枚の花弁を作らにゃならんのだと。手伝ってくれるか、相棒? chrysanthemum: 菊
Wow! You're a jack of all trades. A Chrysanthemum Knot with one, two, three... there are too many petals to count! Hanako says that it symbolizes the debt of giri to a superior. To a person of power, for example. わお!お前ってホント色々と芸達者だよな。菊の水引には一枚、二枚、三枚…数えきれんほど花びらがあるぜ!花子が言うには、こいつはお偉いさんへの恩義への義理を象徴してるんだと。権力者とかへのってことだな、要するに。 jack of all trades: 何でもできる人。元々は「jack of all trades but a master of none 多芸は無芸、器用貧乏」という慣用句の一部だったのだが、最近はいい意味でも使う。
[Imperial Ties]
Create the Turtle Knot. - Explore the Tea House.
49-4 ⑤
The turtle is one of the oldest symbols. In order to pass the Trial of Giri and save Cardsharp from imprisonment, the Mayor must learn to tie this incredible knot for giri gifts. Let's help him! Martha
亀は最も古来からある象徴の一つなの。「義理の試練」をクリアしてカードシャープを束縛から救い出すためには、市長は義理を通すための贈り物としてこの途方もなく手の込んだ水引の結び方を身に着けなくてはならないのよ。さあ、彼を手伝ってあげましょう! imprisonment: 束縛、監禁。
Your Turtle Knot is exceptional and symbolizes wisdom and longevity. It has powerful energy, I'm sure the Mayor will pass the trial with dignity. その亀の水引は稀なる意味を持つモノで、知恵と長寿を象徴するの。これは強力なエネルギーを持っているわ、きっと市長は堂々たる面持ちでこの試練を通過することでしょうね。 exceptional: 例外的な
[Giri Magic]
Create the Noshi for Luck. - Assemble the "Bonds of Gratitude" collection.
49-4 ⑥
I feel that, by learning the art of knots, Mayor-san has begun to understand the true essence of things - things that didn't seem to matter before. The doubts that raged in his soul weakened as he tied each knot. How gratifying. But I must warn you, Mayor-san, if you have any doubts in your heart, you will not be able to pass the Trial of Giri. Hanako
ひしひしと感じますわ、水引の技術を学ぶことによって、市長さまは物事の本質を理解し始めていると-かつては重要視されていなかった物事の本質をです。市長さまの中に湧き上がっていた疑いの心が、水引を一つまた一つと結ぶたび弱くなって行ったのです。ですがわたくしはあなた様に警告せねばなりませぬ、市長さま、もしあなた様の心に欠片でも疑念があれば、あなた様は「義理の試練」を通過する事は適(かな)いませぬ。 matter (vi.): 問題となる
rage: 荒れ狂う
warn [wɔ́ːn] ウォーン:警告する
- He will do it! Player (YOU) -市長さんならやってくれるさ!
I think that's all! The knots that you helped me make are sufficient to complete the Trial of Giri. But I really have some doubts about releasing Cardsharp... I need to dispel them. I have an obligation to him! City artifacts will help me strengthen my confidence I'm sure. Please bring me some. Mayor
やっと終わったな!君が作るのを手伝ってくれた水引なら「義理の試練」を十分に満たせるぞ。だが、私がカードシャープを解放する事について疑念がないと言えば嘘になる…。それを払拭しなければならんな。私には彼に対する責任があるのだから!シティのアーティファクトがあれば、必ずやもっと自信が持てると思うのだよ。頼む、いくつか持って来てくれたまえ。 sufficient: 何かをするのに質や量が十分な。enough に比べて固い表現、質に重点がある。
The magic of the City gave me the strength to pass the Trial of Giri with honor so that the venerable Spirits would indicate the origami that contains Cardsharp's soul. The Spirits heard my call and turned the knots into a small envelope decorated with a fancy knot. What's inside? Let's open it! This is Cardsharp's figure. シティの魔法は、厳かなる「義理の試練」を乗り越える強さを私に与えてくれた、尊き英霊にカードシャープの魂が入った折り紙を指し示して貰うためにな。英霊たちは私の願いを聞き入れ、水引は装飾的な結びの付いた小さな封に形を変えたぞ。中に何が入っているのだ?開けてみようではないか!これがカードシャープが折ったモノなんだな。  
Dear Spirits, I humbly ask you to send the Mayor some serious troubles so that he will stop watching my every step. Any contagious disease will do!

(Text appears under the words written by Cardsharp)

Old Cardsharp is tired of the Mayor's constant supervision. I look into the Red Rose's window and the Mayor is right there. I touch the secret files in the City Hall and I see him again. I decide to keep an eye on the Troll Market... and I need permission. From whom, do you think?

Cardsharp cannot take a step without the Mayor's approval, as if I'm a child and he's my nanny.



contagious: 接触感染性の

old Cardsharp: このoldには年寄りの意味はない、皆さまお馴染みの、いつもの、くらいの意味で、普通は他人に使うのだが、カードシャープはよく自分に使っている。
approval: 正式な承認
nanny: 乳母、ばあや。お世話係。


Maybe I really am slightly intrusive with Cardsharp. But you must understand, many of his deeds had unpleasant consequences. After completing the ritual, I realized that I was wrong. Cardsharp is an ordinary resident, like you and I, and not every step he takes is borderline illegal. In the future, I promise to adhere to the presumption of innocence. Well, Cardsharp's origami was the last one, so let's free everyone from their origami prisons.
もしかすると私は少しばかりカードシャープに対して干渉し過ぎなのかもしれんな。だが君も分かるだろう、彼のやる事なす事の多くは不愉快な結末に至るのだ。儀式が終わってみて、私は自分が間違っていたと自覚したよ。カードシャープとて普通の市民なのだ、君や私の様に。彼の一挙手一投足全てが違法スレスレなどという事はないのだからな。これから先、推定無罪のスタンスを堅持すると約束しよう。ふむ、カードシャープの折り紙が最後の一つだったな、それでは全員を折り紙の牢獄から解放しようではないか。 intrusive: 押しつけがましい。過干渉の。固い表現。
adhere to~: ~に粘着する、~の考えをしつこく守る
presumption: 推定
💬反省してるみたいだけど、「adhere 粘着する、堅持する」って表現を使ってる辺りが心配だなぁ。市長って粘着質だったんだなー。そう言えば、娘にも異常に愛を注いでたもんな。
- It's about time! Player (YOU) -ようやくその時が来たね!
For the first time during my service to the Invisible Judges, people have decided to release those thoughts were unclean. I feel that you've not only forgiven the guilty, but also understood the reason that prompted your friends to wish you harm. I will gladly perform a ritual and ask my patrons to release your friends, but I'll need your help. Hanako
「姿なき見証(けんじょう)」様にわたくしが仕え始めてから、邪(よこしま)な考えを抱く者を解放すると人々が決めたのは初めての事ですわ。あなた方はその罪を赦(ゆる)しただけでなく、ご友人たちがあなた方に害を成そうと望むに駆り立てた理由にまで理解を示されました。喜んで儀式を執り行い、主(あるじ)たちにご友人たちを解放して頂ける様、わたくしからお願い致しましょう、とは言え、わたくしにもあなた方のご助力が要りまする。 prompt 人 to~: 人を~に駆り立てる
- We'll do everything necessary! Player (YOU) -僕たち、必要な事なら何でもするよ!

49-4【Bonds of Gratitude 感謝の気持ちの絆】
Pine and Plum Knots Bamboo Knot Ship Knot Chrysanthemum Knot Turtle Knot Noshi for Luck
松と梅の水引 竹の水引 船の水引 菊の水引 亀の水引 幸運を呼ぶ熨斗(のし)

49-5【Hanako's Ritual 花子の儀式】
Branches for Dancing Red Hakama White Haori White and Red Hairband Bell for Dancing Crane Origami
神楽のための枝 緋袴(ひばかま) 千早(ちはや) 白と赤の髪飾り 神楽鈴(かぐらすず) 鶴の折り紙

The townspeople passed the trials and Ms. Hanako agreed to ask her patrons to release the guilty from their origami prisons. She'll need emotional balance and special attributes to carry out this complex ritual. While Hanako meditates, we can help her prepare for the ritual.

Goal:   Perform a ritual of liberation.


Goal:   解放の儀式を執り行おう。
attribute: 何かの特徴を端的に表す持ち物。あれと言えばこれが付き物みたいなモノの事。ここでは巫女さんの装束
[Flowers for a Dance]
Find the Branches for Dancing. - Explore the Tea House.
49-5 ①
To free the townspeople from their origami prisons, led there by their own dark desires, we had to go through difficult trials. Now that the Inspector, Adeline, and Cardsharp are forgiven, Ms. Hanako will ask her patrons to free the captives. To do this, she must prepare for the ritual of the White Crane. While she is meditating, let's collect the attributes of the clothing of the Sprit's servants for her. Martha
自らの邪な願いによって引き込まれてしまった折り紙の牢獄から街の人間を解放するために、難しい試練を通過しなければならなかったわね。これでようやく捜査官、アデライン、それにカードシャープは赦(ゆる)されるのよ、花子殿が彼女の主(あるじ)たちに囚われの者たちを解放してくれるように頼んでくれる事になってるのだから。そのためには、彼女は「丹頂鶴」の儀式の準備をしなければいけないのね。彼女が瞑想している間に、英霊の巫女の装束を集めましょう。 💬なんでかマーサだけMs. Hanako て呼ぶんだな。自分と同じ職種だから敬意を表してるのか?あるいは自分より長生きしてそうだと感じてるのか?
- Of course Player (YOU) -それが良さそうだね。
We need a flowering branch for Hanako's ritual. This ritual element is used in a dance, and afterward it's given to the Spirits as a gift. Come, I'll help you choose the best branches for the dance. Lady
花子の儀式のためには花の付いた枝が必要ですわね。この儀式の中では神楽(かぐら)が舞われるのですわ、儀式の後、捧げものとして舞いが英霊に奉納されるのです。さあ、わたくしが舞いに最適な枝を選ぶのを手伝って差し上げますわ。 ★儀式:神楽(かぐら)・巫女舞(みこまい)を指していると思われる。巫女が神をその身に降ろす神がかりの儀式として行われていた。現在では奉納舞いに変化しているところも多い。
What a wonderful fragrance the flowers you found exude. But be careful, they're rather fragile. I wouldn't want them to lose petals before the start of the ritual. あなたが見付けた花の香りのなんと芳(かぐわ)しいこと!でも、お気をつけあそばせ、その花はとても繊細なのですわ。わたくし、儀式が始まる前に花びらがなくなってしまった、などと言う事はどうしても避けたいんですのよ。 exude [ɪgzúːd]: 香りなどを発散する
[Ceremonial Clothes]
Find the Red Hakama. - Explore the Tea House.
49-5 ②
Special clothing called hakama is needed for the ritual that Hanako is going to perform to appease the Spirits. They are long split trousers, like the ones worn by a samurai, only with a belt and a bow. Let's try to find them in the Tea House. Valerie
花子が英霊たちを宥めるのに行おうとしている儀式には、袴(はかま)って言う名前の特別な装束が必要なのよ。長い二股に別れた穿(は)き物で、サムライが穿(は)いてたような奴に、腰紐(こしひも)でリボンに結ぶようになってるの。茶室からそう言うのを探し出して来ましょ。 ★緋袴(ひばかま):巫女さんの赤い袴。前で大きいリボン結びをして縛る。
appease: 物を与えるなどして人を宥める
What nice fabric: lightweight and alluring. I should make myself something like these hakama. Maybe Hanako also has a sewing pattern for these pants somewhere. すんごい素敵な生地じゃない、軽くってうっとりしちゃう。私にだってこういう袴みたいなのがあってもいいわよね。もしかしたら花子がこういうパンツの型紙をどこかに持ってるかもしれないんだし。 fabric: 生地
alluring: うっとりするような
[Ceremonial Haori]
Find the White Haori. - Explore the Tea House.
49-5 ③
Ms. Hanako will need to dress in a white, long-sleeved haori to perform the ritual. There should be one in the Tea House, skillfully embroidered with red threads. Martha
花子殿が儀式を行うためには白い長い袖の羽織を着る必要があるわ。茶室にそう言うのがあるはずよ、赤い糸できっちりと刺繍されたのがね。 ★千早(ちはや):巫女さんが巫女舞や神楽(かぐら)で上に着る白い羽織。刺繍は赤とは限らないらしい。
Great, you found the White Haori for the ritual. It even has red insets. I wonder if they have some sacred meaning? Ask Hanako after she frees our friends. やるじゃない、儀式用の白い羽織を見つけたのね。赤い縫込みまで入ってるじゃないの。これには何か神聖な意味があるのかしら、気になるわね?彼女が私たちの友人を解放してくれたら聞くことにしましょう。 inset: 衣類に別のパターンが縫い込まれている縫込み部分
[Approaching a Deity]
Find the White and Red Hairband. - Explore the Tea House with the "Illusions" anomaly active.
49-5 ④
Mon ami, Hanako's ceremonial dress must have a red and white ribbon to decorate her hair. This is a very important attribute. Look for the fabric, and I'll fold it as shown in the scroll that I found in the Tea House. Juliette
モナミ、花子の儀式用の装束は赤と白のリボンで髪を飾らないとならないのよね。これってこの装束の中でもとっても重要なのよ。その布地を探して、そしたら私がそれを茶室で見付けた巻物にかかれてたように折りたたむから。 ★髪飾り:紙状の丈長(たけなが)という飾りで髪を束ねる。シンプルな時はこれだけ。神楽の際にはそれに熨斗(のし)を付けたりする。挿絵は熨斗付きバージョン。
I read that the hair decoration and the entire ceremonial attire is white and red for a reason: this is the color scheme of the gods and, by putting it on, a servant of the Spirits will spiritually become closer to the deities. 私が読んだのの中にあったんだけど、髪飾りと儀式用の正装一式が白と赤なのには理由があるんですって、これは神々の配色で、それを身に着ける事で英霊に仕える者が精神的に神格に近付くのよ。 attire: 正装
[Melody of ritual]
Find the Bells for Dancing. - Explore the Tea House.
49-5 ⑤
Many rituals need music. It has the unique effect of putting you into a trance, and raising your spirit. Hanako's ritual also requires music. Find some bells for the dance. They're somewhere in the Tea House. Alex

儀式っていうのは音楽が要るモノが多いよね。人をトランス状態にして、精神を昂(たかぶ)らせる独特な効果があるのさ。花子の儀式にも楽の音が必要だろ。神楽用の鈴を見付けておいでよ。茶室のどこかにあるでしょ。 ★神楽鈴(かぐらすず):御神楽で巫女さんが手にもって舞う鈴。森羅万象を表す五色(ごしき)布が付いている。
These bells are an unusual musical instrument, aren't they? They don't just create rhythm for the ritual dance, but also drive away evil spirits so that none of them interfere during the interaction with the Spirits. この鈴は珍しい楽器だよな、だろ?神楽のためのリズムを作り出すだけじゃなくって、英霊とやり取りする間、何者にも邪魔されないように悪霊を追い払うんだぜ。  
[Crane Dance]
Perform the ritual. - Assemble the "Hanako's Ritual" collection.
49-5 ⑥
Look, Hanako is coming out dressed in her ceremonial clothes. The ritual is about to begin! I'm so nervous. What if something goes wrong? What if the Spirits deem that we're not sincere enough? What if there are bad feelings somewhere in the most hidden corners of our souls? Am I sure of myself? Of course! I sincerely want to save Adeline, the Inspector and Cardsharp. Lady
ご覧になって、花子が儀式用の巫女装束でこちらに向かっていますわ。儀式はもうすぐ始まりますのね!わたくし、不安でたまりませんの。何かが上手くいかなかったら?英霊がわたくしたちの真摯な気持ちが足らないと思召(おぼしめ)したら?わたくしたちの心の片隅のどこかに悪い感情があったなら?わたくしは自信が持てますの?大丈夫ですとも!わたくしは心からアデラインを、捜査官を、そしてカードシャープを救いたいと思っておりますもの。 deem: ~と思う。文語で固い表現。
- Everything will be fine. Player (YOU) -万事うまく行くさ。 💬こういう時、主人公の能天気っていいですね。
We collected everything necessary for Ms. Hanako's ritual so that she can contact the Spirits and ask them to release the Inspector, Adeline and Cardsharp from their origami prisons. Let's call upon the energy of the City to help her perform this extraordinarily complex ritual in which the Spirits themselves will speak through her. Bring the artifacts, then we will begin. Martha
花子殿の儀式に必要な物は全部集めたわね、これで彼女は英霊にコンタクトを取って、捜査官、アデライン、そしてカードシャープを折り紙の牢獄から解放するように頼むことができるのよ。シティのエネルギーを呼び寄せましょう、英霊そのものが彼女を通じて語り掛けるという普通ではあり得ない複雑な儀式を彼女が執り行えるようにね。アーティファクトを持っていらっしゃい、そしたら始めるわ。 💬古式に則って、神降ろしの神楽なんですね。
Look, Ms. Hanako, dressed in her ceremonial hakama and haori, is dancing with a peach tree branch. Falling petals surround her like some kind of magic. The bells strike the rhythm of her dance and...! Her eyes glow as crane paper figures flock to her, forming a whirlwind. ご覧なさい、花子殿が儀式用の袴と千早(ちはや)に身を包み、桃の枝を手に神楽(かぐら)を舞っているわ。ひらひらと落ちる花びらが彼女をある種の魔法のごとく包んでる。鈴が彼女の神楽のリズムを打ち鳴らして…!彼女の目が光ると同時に、折り鶴が彼女に群れを為して集まって行くわよ、つむじ風を作りながら。 flock: 群れをなす
The Invisible Judges have answered the call of their servant Hanako!
She appealed to us to ask for the release of those who used our blessing for evil!
However, the citizens have passed the trial to clear the names of the guilty ones in order to release them. We feel that the forgiveness in their hearts is sincere. Therefore, we accept your request. Henceforth, Dipp-san, Adeline-san, and Cardsharp-san are free!
- We thank you Player (YOU) -一同(いちどう)感謝致します
Treatise of Justice
White Crane Scroll

The townspeople demonstrated that they grasped the true essence of justice and are able to find forgiveness in their hearts for those who were not worthy of it. This story will become a new legend and will be passed from generation to generation, endowing everyone who comes to The Tea House to look for it with its wisdom.
This wisdom sounds like such:

"The righteous are punishing only to themselves, and forgiving to others."


treatise: 何かに関する論述。論文。報告書。めちゃ固い。※発音注意、トリーティス
endowing everyone to look for it with its wisdom: このfor itは漠然とした必要なモノを指す。文語的な表現。

Adeline, Inspector, Cardsharp, how glad I am to see them! I wonder if they remember what happened, how they were imprisoned in an origami figure. I need to tell this story to Adeline. She'll definitely want to write an article about this event and how the Invisible Judges themselves spoke through Hanako, and that this story is now captured in scrolls. But you know, mon ami, I understood something incredible: the main thing is not the fulfillment of a coveted wish, but the path that you have to overcome to achieve your goal. Juliette
アデライン、捜査官、カードシャープ、ああ、彼らに会えて嬉しいわ!何が起きたのかとか折り紙の中に囚われていた様子とか、覚えているのかしら。私、今回の話をアデラインに話してあげなくっちゃ。きっと記事にしたがるでしょ、この事件についてや「目に見えぬ審判たち」が花子を通して話した様子や、更にはこの物語が今や巻物にしたためられているって。ねえモナミ、私、スゴイ事に気付いちゃったの、肝要なのは、ない物ねだりの願い事を叶える事ではなくって、自らの目標を達成するために克服しなければならない道筋の方なんだって。 capture: 文書などに保存する

you know: 相手が予想ついてそうな時に使う。ジュリエットがこういう風に言ったって事は、主人公が考えそうな事だと思ったか、ジュリエットそう思ってる事は予想済みと思ったかのどちらか。予想外の事にはyou seeを使う
covet [kʌ́vət]: 自分にない物をむやみに欲しがる。固い
- This is great wisdom Player (YOU) -それこそ偉大な賢者の知恵だよね
[Picnic Under Cherry Blossoms]
Receive your reward. - Complete the investigation to receive your reward.
What a day, huh, buddy? The Spirits' blessing turned into a wild adventure, which showed that not all citizens have pure thoughts. Thankfully we freed them. You know, one question is bothering me. Why did Hanako arrive right now? Her view of justice is rather severe. Could she bring new troubles to the townspeople? Detective
なんつう日だ、フゥ、相棒!英霊からの言祝(ことほ)ぎのせいでとんでもない体験をする羽目になっちまったぜ、お蔭で全ての市民が純粋な心を持っているわけではないって分かっちまったじゃないか。お前も気付いたか、一つ疑問が俺の頭から離れないんだ。何故花子は今このタイミングでここに辿り着いたんだ?彼女の正義に対する考えはかなり厳しいぜ。彼女が街の人間に新しい問題を持ち込まんとも限らんぞ? 💬最後の巻物の考察というか論述は花子の意見ですか…。確かにシビアだなぁ。グレーのなさそうな性格といい、問題起きそうだよね。一番相性の悪そうなのはやっぱりカードシャープかな…。市長とはいいコンビが組めそうだ。
The blessing of the Spirits turned into an incredible adventure! We freed the townspeople from origami captivity, and those who chose to pass the trials found enlightenment. The Detective realized that he often forgot about the Inspector, Lady decided to become Adeline's friend, and the Mayor understood that not all of Cardsharp's actions were wrongful.
The City now has a new resident, but her view on justice is rather severe. Could she bring new troubles to the City's citizens?

Rewards: Hanako's Amulet
Double the chance of finding collection items and assemblers in locations and mini-games. Lasts for 6 hours.


enlightenment: 物事や状況に大きな気付きや知識を得る事
wrongful: 違法な

49-5【Hanako's Ritual 花子の儀式】
Branches for Dancing Red Hakama White Haori White and Red Hairband Bell for Dancing Crane Origami
神楽のための枝 緋袴(ひばかま) 千早(ちはや) 白と赤の髪飾り 神楽鈴(かぐらすず) 鶴の折り紙

49-おまけ【Way of Atonement 贖罪への道】
49-1 ⑥ 49-2 ⑥ 49-3 ⑥ 49-4 ⑥ 49-5 ⑥ 49-おまけ ⑦
Cherry Blossom Origami Fan Flag Ikebana Noshi for Luck Crane Origami Sakura's Forgiveness
桜の折り紙 扇の旗印 生け花 幸運を呼ぶ熨斗(のし) 鶴の折り紙 桜の赦(ゆる)し

[Repentance and Forgiveness]
Create the Symbol of Atonement. - Assemble the "Way of Atonement" collection.
49-おまけ ⑦
For the first time in my long life devoted to traveling and serving the Spirits, I met people who were able to find forgiveness in their hearts. I was once human... and did something terrible. In order to atone for my guilt, I dedicated my life to serving and fulfilling karma, but I still punish myself for letting dark thoughts overpower me. Do you think I can be forgiven? Hanako
世界を渡り英霊に仕えるわたくしの長い人生の中で初めて、心の中に赦(ゆる)しを見出す事の出来る人々と出会いました。わたくしはかつて人間だったのでございまする…そして何と申しますか酷い事を致しまして。わたくしはその罪を償うため、人生を奉仕に捧げ、業(ごう)即ちカルマを除くことにしたのですが、わたくしは暗い考えに押しつぶされそうになる自分を未だに罰し続けているのでございまする。あなた様はわたくしは赦されるとお考えでございましょうか? atone: 罪を償う。固い
karma カルマ:業(ごう)とか欲とか訳される仏教用語。元はサンスクリット語。人間の欲に纏わる因縁みたいなもの。
- I hope so Player (YOU) -そうだと良いね
Ms. Hanako wants to know if she can be forgiven for the crime she committed in her past. Let's try to find out the answer from the honored Spirits. I will perform a ritual with the objects that we found while undergoing the trials. Bring me some artifacts so that the voice of the Spirits sounds clear when they contact us. Martha
花子殿は知りたいと思っているのね、彼女が過去に犯した罪が赦(ゆる)されるのかどうか。崇高なる英霊たちから答えを聞き出せるかやってみましょうか。試練を遂行する間に見つけたものを使って儀式を執り行いましょう。アーティファクトをいくつか持ってらっしゃい、そうすれば英霊たちがこちらにコンタクトを取って来た時に、声がはっきり聞こえるでしょうからね。 💬マーサだけMs. Hanakoと呼ぶのはいつまで続くのだろうか?
Oh, honorable Spirits, answer me, is your faithful servant, Ms. Hanako, forgiven for the crime committed when she was human?
I feel the presence of the Spirits. They are showing me a symbol of redemption. It means only one thing - that you are forgiven! Your path of atonement is over!
redemption: 救い

49-おまけ【Way of Atonement 贖罪への道】
49-1 ⑥ 49-2 ⑥ 49-3 ⑥ 49-4 ⑥ 49-5 ⑥ 49-おまけ ⑦
Cherry Blossom Origami Fan Flag Ikebana Noshi for Luck Crane Origami Sakura's Forgiveness
桜の折り紙 扇の旗印 生け花 幸運を呼ぶ熨斗(のし) 鶴の折り紙 桜の赦(ゆる)し

Trail of Perfection》⇦Prev Next➡《The Strongest Bonds 最強の絆

Sub Quest Series #73
《Beyond an Event Horizon》
Next➡73-1【Kokeshi Dolls こけし人形】


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