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Shop1: Energy
Glazed Gingerbread | Summer Breakfast | "Amigo" steak | Medallion of Time 時のメダリオン *2nd sale. 2度目の販売 |
Wanderer's Compass 彷徨う者のコンパス *2nd sale. 2度目の販売 |
Lucky Chip ラッキー・チップ *color difference of the "Golden Luck" |
The item gives 35 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 20 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. | The item gives 150 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 30 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. | The items gives 280 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 30 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. | Double energy recovery rate.
Lasts for 10 hours. エネルギー回復レートを二倍にする。 継続時間5時間。 |
+30% chance to find
collection items; +30% experience and coins for exploring locations and
mini-games for 6 hours. ロケとミニゲームの探索で、コレクションアイテムの発見確率を+30%、経験値とコインを+30%。 継続時間6時間。 |
It gives 1 assembler for each collection item received. Last for 7 days. |
Shop1: Energy
explanations about avatars in the Curiosity Shop and the additional
Event reward
Mug of Coffee コーヒーマグ |
Cat earrings 猫のイヤリング |
Ticket List チケットリスト |
Copper Coin Case 銅製のコインケース |
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