Fortune Teller's Curiosity Shop in Mar 2020
占い師の珍品堂 (2020年3月)

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Shop1: Energy

Plum Cakes Sakuramaki Sakura Ume's Aroma
*Sakura Ume: Temporary Staff in Mar 2019
*桜 梅(さくら うめ):2019年3月の臨時店員
Crane Dance
Cycle Changer
Guardian of Dawn
The item gives 35 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 20 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. The item gives 150 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 30 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. The items gives 280 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 30 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. Double the experience and gold gained when exploring locations and mini-games. Lasts for 6 h.
Replaces all active anomalies in the Lower City with the "Words" mode once. Doesn't affect the event location.
Reduces energy required to explore locations in the "Words" mode and mini-games by 50%. Lasts for 6 hours.

Shop2: Sticker (Moments)

Shop3: Avatar

*Avatars you already have do not be displayed in the shop.


Shop4: Assembler

Beckoning Cat
Flower Tea
Mimosa Branch
Suzu Bells
*Pixiu 貔貅(ひきゅう):中国の神獣。牛鈴で寝ている貔貅を起こすと願いを叶えて貰える。

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