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Shop1: Energy
Plum Cakes | Sakuramaki | Sakura Ume's Aroma *Sakura Ume: Temporary Staff in Mar 2019 *桜 梅(さくら うめ):2019年3月の臨時店員 |
Crane Dance 鶴の舞い |
Cycle Changer 周期変換器 |
Guardian of Dawn 東雲の護り手 *東雲(しののめ):夜明けの雅語 |
The item gives 35 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 20 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. | The item gives 150 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 30 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. | The items gives 280 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 30 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. | Double the experience and
gold gained when exploring locations and mini-games. Lasts for 6 h. ロケとミニゲーム探索時の経験値と獲得ゴールドを二倍にする。継続時間6時間。 |
Replaces all active anomalies
in the Lower City with the "Words" mode once. Doesn't affect the event
location. 下界シティのアノマリー全てを「ワード」モードに一回だけ置き替える。イベントロケには作用しない。 |
Reduces energy required
to explore locations in the "Words" mode and mini-games by 50%. Lasts for
6 hours. 「ワード」モードのロケとミニゲームへ入る際の必要エネルギーを50%減少させる。継続時間6時間。 |
Sticker (Moments)
*Avatars you already have do not be displayed in the shop.
Beckoning Cat 招き猫 |
Flower Tea 花茶 |
Mimosa Branch ミモザの枝 |
Suzu Bells 牛鈴(ぎゅうれい) *Pixiu 貔貅(ひきゅう):中国の神獣。牛鈴で寝ている貔貅を起こすと願いを叶えて貰える。 |
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