The City #1-6 Introduction (the City) 始まりの書 (シティ)
The City #Left of 7 - Jan 2023
The Detective's Room 刑事の部屋
Detective's room seems to be somewhere around the Hidden Row.
The City #Right of 7 - Apr 2023
Juliette's Room ジュリエットの部屋
Juliette's room has come to life in Aug 2023!
The City #Left of 8 - Aug 2023
Valerie's Room バレリーの部屋
Valerie's Room is in the same apartment house as the Detective's.
The City #Right of 8 - Feb 2024
Mr. Black's Room ブラック長官の部屋
This room seems to belong to Mr. Black's secret child...
The City #Left of 9 - May 2024
Adeline's Courtyard アデラインの中庭
Adeline Svensson is preparing sensational material and organizing a photo
shoot. Help her capture some shots. Maybe you'll see the City of Shadows from a
different perspective.
*This description appeared on the L9 at Mr. Black's Room.
The City #Right of 9 - Sep 2024
Isabelle's Attic イザベルの屋根裏部屋
Isabelle is studying the City's anomalies and, as it turns out, breeding new
ones. Can you find out why she's doing it?
*This description appeared on the R9 at Adeline's Room.
The City #Left of 10 - Jan 2025
Rayden's Winter Garden レイドンのウィンター・ガーデン
No way!!
Raydon has a crush on a woman?! Who is she?
<Previous description: before Dec 2024>
Rayden's newfound family is coming to visit. Help him make arrangements for the
big day!
*This description appeared on the L10 at Isabelle's Room.
The City #Right of 10: Feb 2025
City Ball シティの舞踏会
The Founding Day Ball has already begun! Invite more townspeople, and
Adeline will send you a unique photo as a keepsake!
(former description)
They're expelling anomalies and cleaning up now. Wait a moment and you'll be
able to drop by.
*This description was on the left of 8 when the Detective's Room appeared, on
the R8 at Juliette, on the R9 at Valerie, on the R10 at Mr. Black's Room,
deleted at Adeline, and appeared again on the R11 at Isabelle.
And finally, advance notice appeared on the R10 along with Rayden's Room.
The City #Left of 11
New Room: it seems Huntress' Room
The Huntress's neighbors complain of occasional eerie noise coming from her
house. When you receive an invitation, don't miss the chance to pay her a visit
and find out what's going on.
*This description was on the left of 11 when Rayden's
Room appeared
The City #Right of 11
New Room
Many in the City have a sharpened intuition. Mine says I'll get an invitation to
come here for tea.
*This description was on the right of 8 when the
Detective's Room appeared, deleted at Juliette, appeared again on the L9 at
Valerie, on the R9 at Mr. Black, on the L10 at Adeline, on the R10 at
Isabelle, and on the R11 at Rayden.
The City #Left of 12
New Room
The boggarts hinted that someone was going to invite me over. I wonder who...
*This description appeared first on the left of 9 at Valerie's
room, on the L10 at Mr. Black's room, on the R10 at Adeline, on the L11 at
Isabelle, on the L12 at Rayden.
The City #Right of 12
They're expelling anomalies and cleaning up now. Wait a moment and you'll be
able to drop by.
*This description was on the left of 8 when the Detective's Room appeared, on
the R8 at Juliette, on the R9 at Valerie, on the R10 at Mr. Black's Room,
deleted at Adeline once but appeared again on the R11 at Isabelle, and on the
R12 at Rayden..