*event monsters was given special names from Feb. 2021.
before Dec 2021
🤕🔥Fire Mummy⇦Prev Next➡🏮Wanderer
Ghost/ Stray Ghost |
Ghost is a restless soul wandering between worlds. Whoever helps the spirit find peace will be
rewarded with treasures from the shadow world. (Former description before Jan. 2021) A Ghost is a bleak shadow of human it once was; a lost soul wandering between the worlds. Its only danger is the overwhelming melancholy it can induce. Ghosts are tormented by vague memories of their past that, if awakened, will make it disappear, leaving behind treasures from the world beyond. |
幽霊は世界の狭間(はざま)を彷徨(さまよ)う安らぎを知らぬ魂である。その魂に安寧を見付けてやれば、影の世界からの宝物で報いてくれるだろう。 (2021年1月以前の説明)幽霊はかつては人間だった悲しい影の存在である。魂を失い世界の狭間(はざま)を彷徨(さまよ)っているのだ。その唯一の危険性は彼らの生み出す憂鬱な気持ちに呑み込まれてしまうことである。幽霊たちは過去の朧気(おぼろげ)な記憶に苦悩している。過去の記憶を思い出させてやれば、消し去ることができるだろう。去った後にはこの世の果てからの宝物が残されるはずだ。 |
Trap 罠(わな)/ Requirements: 3 weapons | |
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A weapon against a Ghost. The best mediums of the City created this
magic weapon, because only magic can catch sinister dark beings! (Former description before Jan. 2021) It's time to try yourself in a ghost buster role! This magical ghost trap, designed by the City mediums, works without flaw! |
幽霊に対する武器。シティ最強の霊媒師たちがこの魔法の武器を作り出した、何故なら不吉な闇の生き物を捕まえることができるのは魔法しかないからだ。 (2021年1月以前の説明)今こそゴーストハンターの任務にチャレンジだ!シティの霊媒師たちが設計したこの魔法のゴーストトラップに、弱点などありはしない! |
Fire Trap 炎の罠(わな)/ Requirements: 3 weapons *for Event Monsters | |
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A weapon against a Stray Ghost. The trap's magical fire will instantly lure ghosts who wander the streets in search of light and warmth. |
さ迷える幽霊に対する武器。この罠の魔法の炎は、光と温もりを求めて街をさ迷う幽霊を即座におびき寄せる。 |
🤕🔥Fire Mummy⇦Prev Next➡🏮Wanderer
❸【Fireplace Accessories
❼【Literary Tea Party
❽【Rejuvenating Ceremony
1 | Collection's name | Reward 1 | Reward 2 | SA | E | C |
❶ | Ghostly Talisman | Lighter 1 | - | 1 | 20 | 750 |
❷ | Vintage Bath | Mine Detector 1 | Mummifying Liquid 1 | 1 | 60 | 1800 |
❸ | Fireplace Accessories | Deciphering Cube 1 | Flare 1 | 1 | 50 | 1700 |
❹ | Shadow of Wars | Discoverer's Magnifier 1 | Sling 1 | 1 | 65 | 1850 |
❺ | Nightmares | Chronometer 1 | Taser 1 | 1 | 70 | 1900 |
❻ | Legendary Hats | Mine Detector 1 | Flare 1 | 1 | 75 | 1950 |
❼ | Literary Tea Party | Deciphering Cube 1 | Sling 1 | 1 | 80 | 2000 |
❽ | Rejuvenation Ceremony | Deciphering Cube 1 | Blade of Light 1 | 1 | 50 | 1700 |
❾ | Soul bound | Discoverer's Magnifier 1 | - | 1 | 26 | 700 |
❿ | Noble Dancer | Deciphering Cube 1 | Taser 1 | - | 50 | 1700 |
⓫ | Fog Magic | Discoverer's Magnifier 1 | - | 1 | 26 | 700 |
1 | Assembler 1 | Assembler 2 | Assembler 3 | Assembler 4 | |||||||
❶ | Rock crystal | 3 | Records | 3 | Candle | 3 | Lock Pick | 3 | |||
❷ | Vase | 5 | Lock Pick | 7 | Kerosene Lantern | 5 | Unknown Key | 5 | |||
❸ | Cat earrings | 5 | Records | 5 | Rock Pick | 7 | Keeper of Consciousness | 5 | |||
❹ | A Bottle of Wine | 5 | Lock Pick | 7 | Angelic Candle | 7 | Feather | 5 | |||
❺ | Lock Pick | 7 | Spirals of Fate | 7 | Iron Heart | 5 | Steam Engine Spotlight | 5 | |||
❻ | Truth Powder | 3 | Lock Pick | 3 | Blush Kit | 3 | Threefold Amulet | 3 | |||
❼ | Cat earrings | 5 | Lock Pick | 7 | Divination Board | 5 | Feather | 5 | |||
❽ | Cat earrings | 5 | Truth Powder | 5 | Spirals of Fate | 5 | Threefold Amulet | 7 | |||
❾ | Vase | 3 | Lock Pick | 3 | Threefold Amulet | 3 | Keeper of Consciousness | 3 | |||
❿ | Brush Kit | 7 | Threefold Amulet | 5 | Keeper of Consciousness | 5 | Iron Heart | 5 | |||
⓫ | Rock crystal | 3 | Records | 3 | Candle | 3 | Rock Pick | 3 |
🤕🔥Fire Mummy⇦Prev Next➡🏮Wanderer