*event monsters was given special names from Jan. 2022.
renewed images in Nov 2023
![]() before Nov 2023 |
![]() before Dec 2021 |
go to the Gargoyle family page ガーゴイル族のページへ
🐺Moon werewolf⇦Prev Next➡👿🐊Scaly Gargoyle
Gargoyle |
Gargoyles are always
watching you from the City rooftops. They are just waiting for the right
moment to spread their stone wings and attack! (Former description before Jan. 2021) Is it possible for stone to move? Can stone eyes see and stone wings lift a body into the air? In the world of science, no. But in the City, where shadow magic is law, anything is possible! Beware of stone statues watching you from the rooftops! |
ガーゴイルは常にシティの屋根の上で君を見張っているぞ。彼らはその羽根を広げて攻撃をする絶好の機会を今か今かと待ち構えているのだ。 (2021年1月以前の説明)石が動くことは可能なのか?石の瞳で物を眺め、石の翼で体を空中に持ち上げることはできるのか?科学の世界では、ノーだ。しかしここシティでは、影の魔法こそが法である。全ては可能となるのだ!屋根の上から見下ろす石像に気を付けろ! |
Thor's Hammer トールの槌(つち)/ Requirements: 3 weapons | |
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A weapon against a Gargoyle. Only a few blows with Thor's Hammer
will turn a Gargoyle into a heap of stone dust! (Former description before Jan. 2021) From gargoyle to a pile of stone rubble in one strike! But only if struck by Thor's Hammer. |
ガーゴイルに対する武器。トールの槌(つち)を数回振るえば、ガーゴイルは瓦礫の山に変わるだろう。 (2021年1月以前の説明)一撃でガーゴイルを瓦礫の山に!但し、トールの槌で叩きつぶした場合に限る。 |
Warlike Gargoyle |
Be careful when walking by old city buildings, as stone monsters on the roofs could come to life and attack you at any moment. |
シティで古い建物の側を歩く時は気を付け給え、いつ何時、屋根の上で石造りのモンスターどもが命を吹き返し、襲って来ないとも限らないのだから。 |
Thor's Bronze Hammer トールの青銅の槌(つち)/ Requirements: 3 weapons | |
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A weapon against a Warlike Gargoyle. Three well-aimed hammer blows will turn the monster into a pile of stones. |
青銅のガーゴイルに対する武器。ハンマーをドカンと三回命中させれば、このモンスターも瓦礫の山と化すだろう。 |
go to the Gargoyle family page ガーゴイル族のページへ
🐺Moon werewolf⇦Prev Next➡👿🐊Scaly Gargoyle
Related Investigation: 《Introduction (the City)》, 《Gargoyle Treasures》
⓪ Gargoyle's Introduction
Treasure ガーゴイルの宝物】
❹【Heavenly Trinkets
❺【Owner of the Office
3 | Collection's name | Reward 1 | Reward 2 | SA | E | C |
❶ | Gargoyle's Treasure | Compass 1 | - | 1 | 26 | 700 |
❷ | Engineering Design | Chronometer 1 | Blade of Light 1 | 1 | 45 | 1600 |
❸ | Krampus | Deciphering Cube 1 | - | 1 | 50 | 750 |
❹ | Heavenly Trinkets | Bomb 1 | - | 1 | 55 | 800 |
❺ | Owner of the Office | Discoverer's Magnifier 1 | - | 1 | 23 | 600 |
❻ | City Portals | Discoverer's Magnifier 1 | - | 1 | 23 | 600 |
3 | Assembler 1 | Assembler 2 | Assembler 3 | Assembler 4 | |||||||
❶ | Rock crystal | 3 | Candle | 3 | Kerosene Lantern | 3 | Threefold Amulet | 3 | |||
❷ | Cat earrings | 5 | Candle | 5 | Spirals of Fate | 5 | Threefold Amulet | 7 | |||
❸ | Mechanic's Glasses | 3 | Lucky Horseshoe | 3 | Threefold Amulet | 3 | Shell | 3 | |||
❹ | Ticket List | 3 | Threefold Amulet | 3 | Potion | 3 | Medal | 3 | |||
❺ | Vase | 5 | Lock Pick | 5 | Brush Kit | 7 | Divination Board | 5 | |||
❻ | Rock crystal | 3 | Candle | 3 | Kerosene Lantern | 3 | Threefold Amulet | 3 |
go to the Gargoyle family page ガーゴイル族のページへ
🐺Moon werewolf⇦Prev Next➡👿🐊Scaly Gargoyle