before Dec 2021
👿🔥Flame Gargoyle⇦Prev Next➡🤕🔥Fire Mummy
An ancient power has
awakened a Mummy which now protects the toms' riches. Only by defeating
the monster can you get its priceless treasures! (Former description before Jan. 2021) A rotten smell, the rustle of dry bandages and shuffling steps are signs of an approaching mummy. This desiccated dungeon-dweller knows no mercy - its only purpose is to guard treasures in its tomb and can only be stopped by complete destruction. |
古(いにしえ)の力がミイラを呼び覚まし、今彼らは王家の墓の富を護っている。その値も付かぬほどの宝を手に入れるには、このモンスターを倒すより他に道はない! (2021年1月以前の説明)漂(ただよ)う腐臭(ふしゅう)と、乾いた包帯をズルズルと引きずる足音は、ミイラの近づく前兆だ。この乾ききったダンジョンの住人には情けなどありはしないー彼らの唯一の目的は霊廟に眠る宝を護ること、止めるには完全に葬り去るしか手立てはない。 |
Fire Dart 炎のダーツ/ Requirements: 3 weapons | |
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A weapon against a Mummy. One spark is enough to turn this ferocious
dungeon dweller into a flaming torch. (Former description before Jan. 2021) One spark can ignite the mummy's desiccated bandages and it becomes a walking funeral pyre. Shall we light it up? |
ミイラに対する武器。この獰猛な地下迷宮の住人を、ただの一閃(いっせん)で燃え上がる松明(たいまつ)に変える。 (2021年1月以前の説明)一閃(いっせん)でミイラの乾いた包帯を火に包み、歩く火葬場のできあがりだ。一緒に明かりを灯(とも)しませんか? |
👿🔥Flame Gargoyle⇦Prev Next➡🤕🔥Fire Mummy
⓪ Mummy's Introduction
❷【Nefertiti's Jewelry ネフェルティティのジュエリー】
❸【Nitocris's Final Journey ニトクリス最期の旅路】
❹【Tutankhamun's Treasure ツタンカーメンの秘宝】
❼【Call from the Underworld
❽【In Search of Immortality
5 | Collection's name | Reward 1 | Reward 2 | SA | E | C |
❶ | Otherworld | Discoverer's Magnifier 1 | - | 1 | 35 | 900 |
❷ | Nefertiti's Jewelry | Lantern 1 | Icy Dagger 1 | 1 | 65 | 2000 |
❸ | Nitocris's Final Journey | Lighter 1 | Flare 1 | 1 | 55 | 1800 |
❹ | Tutankhamun's Treasure | Mine Detector 1 | Sling 1 | 1 | 74 | 2200 |
❺ | Tomb's Solution | Discoverer's Magnifier 1 | Blade of Light 1 | 1 | 80 | 2300 |
❻ | Divine Light | Chronometer 1 | Flare 1 | 1 | 85 | 2350 |
❼ | Call from the Underworld | Lighter 1 | Flare 1 | 1 | 55 | 1800 |
❽ | In Search of Immortality | Lighter 1 | Flare 1 | 1 | 55 | 1800 |
5 | Assembler 1 | Assembler 2 | Assembler 3 | Assembler 4 | |||||||
❶ | Red elixir | 3 | Rock crystal | 3 | Truth Powder | 3 | Microscope | 3 | |||
❷ | Vine | 5 | Truth Powder | 7 | Lock Pick | 7 | Iron Heart | 5 | |||
❸ | Cat earrings | 5 | Truth Powder | 7 | Amulet of Time-Loop | 5 | Angelic Candle | 5 | |||
❹ | Cat earrings | 5 | Truth Powder | 7 | Golden Apple | 7 | Amulet of Truth-Knower | 5 | |||
❺ | Truth Powder | 9 | Giving Hand | 7 | Divination Board | 9 | Sleeping Vulture | 7 | |||
❻ | Truth Powder | 9 | Golden Apple | 7 | Angelic Candle | 9 | Ringing Bell | 7 | |||
❼ | Cat earrings | 5 | Truth Powder | 5 | Threefold Amulet | 7 | Wreath of Luck | 5 | |||
❽ | Truth Powder | 5 | Brush Kit | 7 | Spirals of Fate | 5 | Iron Heart | 5 |
👿🔥Flame Gargoyle⇦Prev Next➡🤕🔥Fire Mummy