before Dec 2021
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These creatures' hearts
are forged from iron, and their hide is stronger than a stone
gargoyle's, so even experienced hunters avoid them. (Former description before Jan. 2021) A careful look at the City's facades may lead to a terrifying discovery. Those intricately horrendous iron statues seem to observe your every move. As with their stone brethren, iron gargoyles store rare artifacts and have no intention of sharing. |
この化け物の心臓は鉄から鋳造されており、その皮膚は石のガーゴイルのものより強力だ、そのため、経験を積んだハンターですら彼らを避けるほどである。 (2021年1月以前の説明)シティの建物の正面玄関を注意深く見ていくと、時に恐ろしい発見をしてしまうかもしれない。手の込んだ恐ろしい外観の鉄の彫刻が、君の一挙手一投足を観察しているように見えるのだ。彼らの石で出来た同胞と同じく、鉄のガーゴイルも稀なるアーティファクトをそのうちに抱え、それを分け与えるつもりはなさそうだ。 |
Magnetic Cannon 磁力砲/ Requirements: 5 weapons | |
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A weapon against an Iron Gargoyle. The magnetic cannon impedes an
Iron Gargoyle's movement, turning it back into a stationary statue. (Former description before Jan. 2021) The Magnetic Cannon prevents the iron beast from moving and it feels the terror of being a sentient statue again. |
鉄のガーゴイルに対する武器。磁力砲は鉄のガーゴイルの動きを妨げ、動かぬ彫像へと変える。 (2021年1月以前の説明)磁力砲は鉄の化け物の動きを阻害し、物言わぬ彫刻に再び戻る恐怖を与えることが出来る。 |
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👿🐊Scaly Gargoyle⇦Prev
Next➡👿🔥Flame Gargoyle
Related Investigation: 《Introduction (the City)》, 《Gargoyle Treasures》
⓪ Iron Gargoyle's Introduction 鉄のガーゴイル導入編
❶【Essence of Life 命の源】 *no story,
also available from Flame Gargoyle
❷【Slumberous Music 眠りを誘う旋律】
*This story is an adaptation of the
gift collection
for the event held in Aug and Sep event, but the story is different a little.
★Sub quest series 《Daughter of the Man Staring at Stars》
❻【Lightning Rods
11 | Collection's name | Reward 1 | Reward 2 | SA | E | C |
❶ | Essence of Life | Compass 1 | Octopus Ink | 1 | 40 | 900 |
❷ | Slumberous Music | Compass 1 | Magnetic Coil 1 | 1 | 50 | 1100 |
❸ | Last Knight | Diode Bomb | Proton Trap | 1 | 60 | 1200 |
❹ | Santa's Road | Lighter 1 | Magnetic Cannon 1 | 1 | 65 | 1250 |
❺ | Wind Chimes | Compass 1 | - | 1 | 50 | 1100 |
❻ | Lightning Rods | Lighter 1 | - | 1 | 50 | 1100 |
11 | Assembler 1 | Assembler 2 | Assembler 3 | Assembler 4 | |||||||
❶ | Red elixir | 5 | Elixir | 5 | Golden Horus | 5 | Newspaper Clipping | 5 | |||
❷ | Ancient book | 5 | Records | 5 | Golden Horus | 5 | Seal of Radiance | 5 | |||
❸ | Vase | 8 | Mechanic's Glasses | 5 | Golden Horus | 7 | Red Envelope | 8 | |||
❹ | Cat earrings | 8 | Revealing Solution | 8 | Golden Horus | 7 | Newspaper Clipping | 5 | |||
❺ | Elixir | 5 | Mechanic's Glasses | 5 | Erased Hieroglyph | 5 | Lucky butterfly | 5 | |||
❻ | Red elixir | 5 | Ancient book | 5 | Golden Apple | 5 | Lucky Horseshoe | 5 |
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Next➡👿🔥Flame Gargoyle