*Shadow Adepts appeared at Aug-Sep 2022 event first.
They are disciples of the Shadow Cult and migrated to the Upper City at the end of June 2022.
シャドウ教団の「Disciple 使徒」であり、2022年6月終わりからアッパーシティに移住。
before Dec 2021
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Adept 超越者 |
His eyes are empty, for
there is neither past nor future in them. He gave his soul to the
Shadow, swearing allegiance to the darkness itself. (Former description before Jan. 2021) Eyes shining from a pale face, magical tattoos and a red mist hide its lower body. Adepts willingly gave up their souls to the Shadow and powers they received are deadly to any living creature. Its Human emotions lost in the past, an Adept's yeaning for those times makes it even more vicious. |
その目は虚ろにして、過去も未来も映さない。彼らは魂をシャドウへと捧げ、闇そのものへと忠誠を誓った存在なのだ。 (2021年1月以前の説明)青白い顔に爛々(らんらん)と輝く瞳、体中に施(ほどこ)された呪術的な刺青(いれずみ)、赤い霧が半身を覆って隠している。超越者たちはシャドウにその魂を進んで差し出した者たちなのだ。その対価に得た力は生けとし生ける者に死を齎(もたら)す。人の感情は過去に失い、失ったものに焦がれる気持ちが超越者たちをより一層危険なモノへと変貌させている。 |
Blade of Light 光の刃(やいば)/ Requirements: 5 weapons (4 in the LC before June 2022) | |
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A weapon against an Adept. Only light can defeat the darkness in
their hearts. (Former description before Jan. 2021) Only a weapon of light can harm those who sold their souls to the darkness. |
超越者に対する武器。彼らの心に巣食う闇を打ち払えるのは光だけだ。 (2021年1月以前の説明)光から作られた武器だけが闇に魂を売り渡した者たちを傷つけることができる。 |
Shadow Adept シャドウの使徒 |
He swore allegiance to darkness, and now there is no past or future for him. Only a weapon of darkness can bring his peace and hope back. |
闇に忠誠を誓った彼には、今、過去も未来も存在しない。彼に安らぎと希望を取り戻してやれるのは、唯一闇の武器だけだ。 |
Darkness Blade 闇の刃/ Requirements: 5 weapons | |
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A weapon against Shadow Adepts. |
シャドウの使徒に対抗する武器。 |
Go to the UC Monsters page アッパーモンスターズのページへ
⓪ Adept's Introduction (old ver.) 超越者導入編(旧)
⓪UC Monsters' Introduction アッパーモンスターズ導入編
Main Story: 《Light in the Darkness
❶【Enchanted Items
呪まじないのアイテム】*only assembling quest (⑥) available
❷【Vanished in the Fog 霧の中で消え失せて】
12 | Collection's name | Reward 1 | Reward 2 | SA | E | C |
❶ | Enchanted Items | Lighter 1 | Icy Dagger 1 | 1 | 40 | 1000 |
❷ | Vanish in the Fog | Mine Detector 1 | Rune of Silence | 1 | 60 | 2700 |
❸ | Witch's Sewing | Lantern 1 | Flare 1 | 1 | 65 | 2750 |
❹ | Tesla Lanterns | Supercrystal 1 | Blade of Light 1 | 1 | 70 | 2800 |
❺ | Fatal Whistles | Mine Detector 1 | - | 1 | 60 | 2700 |
❻ | Liquid Magic | Deciphering Cube 1 | Fiery Aster 1 | 1 | 55 | 2600 |
12 | Assembler 1 | Assembler 2 | Assembler 3 | Assembler 4 | |||||||
❶ | Laboratory Notebook | 4 | Deciphering Globe | 4 | Copper Gates | 4 | Lucky butterfly | 4 | |||
❷ | Cat earrings | 9 | Ancient book | 9 | Mechanic's Glasses | 7 | Copper Gates | 7 | |||
❸ | Rock crystal | 4 | Laboratory Notebook | 4 | Copper Gates | 4 | Emerald Shuriken | 4 | |||
❹ | Pendulum | 7 | Copper Gates | 7 | Iron Heart | 9 | Sabertooth Claw | 9 | |||
❺ | Records | 4 | Revealing Solution | 4 | Erased Hieroglyph | 4 | Lucky butterfly | 4 | |||
❻ | Candle | 7 | Mechanic's Glasses | 9 | Giving Hand | 7 | Iron Heart | 9 |
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