Mini-events in Jun-Jul 2024 (ミニイベント 2024年6-7月)

You can check the detailed information of the mini event in Fandom Wiki!

Back to the Main Event. ※メイン・イベントに戻る


 Daily Quests デイリークエスト

Mon, Wed, Thu, Fry
3 task quest City Hustle
Single task quest Closer to the Secret


The Other mini-events

Start time Your time 8:00 AM UTC 8:00AM Start time Your time 8:00 AM UTC 8:00AM Start time Your time 8:00 AM UTC 8:00AM Start time Your time 8:00 AM UTC 8:00AM
    Order's Chest
    Winner's Crown
Winner's Crown
Order's Chest
Sunny Day
  Detective Contest

Pet Day
Sunny Day
Order's Chest
Pet Day
Detective Contest

  Memories Hunt

    Memories Hunt

    Memories Hunt

Stained Glass Puzzle
Stained Glass Puzzle
Stained Glass Puzzle
Stained Glass Puzzle
Winner's Crown
Memories Hunt

  Detective Contest

Order's Chest
  Winner's Crown

 21 June - 17 July

Special mini-Event
Artifact Hunt

Jill o'Tumn has announced the Artifact Hunt. Golden Pass holders will receive the most valuable of artifacts.
Don't miss your chance to get unique rewards in exchange for Shimmering Dice.

Total 30 stages +α

Back to the Main Event. ※メイン・イベントに戻る


3 tasks

(Daily Quest 1)
City Hustle

Three random tasks; e.g.
1. Complete non-event mini-games.
2. Explore story locations
3. Purchase any items in the Curiosity Shop.

ランダムタスクx3; 例
2.  ストーリーロケを探索せよ
3. 珍品堂でアイテムを購入せよ

Possible Findings:
x5,x40, %, %, %, %, %

Ancient Rune - entry ticket for event mini-games

An assembler from the Upper City, chosen randomly.
Gives a randomly chosen weapon for fighting monsters.
Single task

(Daily Quest 2)
Closer to the Secret

One random task; e.g.
・Spend energy to enter the event location.

ランダムタスクx1; 例

Weekend Event 1

go to G5
Sunny Day
Having sun in the City is a real celebration. Complete Valerie's tasks to make this day truly unforgettable!

Get rewards to collect Reward Tokens.

  • Rewards 1: x30, x3, x1/ requirements x10
  • Rewards 2: x60, x1, x1/ requirements x15
  • Rewards 3: x90, x1, x1000/ requirements x20
  • Rewards 4: x1, x1, / requirements x28
  • Rewards 5 and higher: random 3-4 items/ requirements x35
Weekend Event 2

go to G5
Pet Day
Lady Rosemary didn't have time to prepare for Pet Day! Help her with a couple of tasks to congratulate her pets.

Get rewards to collect Reward Tokens.

  • Rewards 1: x30, x3, x1/ requirements x10
  • Rewards 2: x60, x1, x1/ requirements x15
  • Rewards 3: x90, x1, x1000/ requirements x20
  • Rewards 4: x1, x1, / requirements x28
  • Rewards 5 and higher: random 3-4 items/ requirements x35
Special games

go to G5
Stained Glass Puzzle
Complete special levels of the "Stained Glass Puzzle" mini-game and receive prizes from the Collector's secret safe.

Play the Gemstone Vault mini-game. (all 15 stages)
ジェムストーン貯蔵庫のミニゲームをプレイしよう (全15ステージ)

  • Stage 3: x2, x30
  • Stage 7: x2, x1, x2
  • Stage 15: x50, x30,
Guardian Wolf - entry ticket for event location
Winner's Crown
Explore locations of rank III or higher without losing to get bonus tools for your next exploration.
Phantom Hunt

go to G5
Memories Hunt
Collect as many memories as you can to win the Memories Hunt Contest. The Pawnbroker promises a phenomenal reward!

= Start Time =
NY - 3:00 AM
UTC - 8:00AM
London - 8:00 AM
Paris, Berlin - 9:00 AM
Moscow - 11:00 AM
Beijing - 4:00 PM
Tokyo - 5:00 PM

Collect the items highlighted in the search list to get items for the contest.

Milestone Rewards 通過ポイント報酬

  • Progress 30:
  • Progress 180: x30, x3
  • Progress 400: 150, x50, x4
Guardian Wolf - entry ticket for event location

Contest Awards コンテスト賞品

  • Commissioner 警視総監:x10, x1, x1
  • Experienced Investigator 熟練捜査員:x5, x2, x2
  •  Private Eye 私立探偵:x2, x1, x1
  • 4-10 Inspector 上級捜査員:x1
  • 11-20 Constable 下っ端捜査員:x1
  • 21-30 Enthusiast 熱狂ファン:x3

go to G5
Detective Contest
The Detective Contest has been announced in the City. Place first to fourth to win the competition.

= Start Time =
NY - 3:00 AM
UTC - 8:00AM
London - 8:00 AM
Paris, Berlin - 9:00 AM
Moscow - 11:00 AM
Beijing - 4:00 PM
Tokyo - 5:00 PM

Collect Detective's Badges (or tokens), and you'll get rewards according to your ranking.

  • Commissioner 警視総監:
    x1, x2, x2 (1st time)
    x1, x2, x4 (2nd time)
    x30, x4, x1 (3rd time)
  • Experienced Investigator 熟練捜査員:
    x1, x2, x3
  • 4-10 Private Eye 私立探偵:x1
  • 11-20 Inspector 上級捜査員:x1
  • 21-30 Constable 下っ端捜査員:x1

Cooperative Quest

go to G5
Order's Chest
Open the mysterious chest with other members of your Order.

= Start Time =
NY - 3:00 AM
UTC - 8:00AM
London - 8:00 AM
Paris, Berlin - 9:00 AM
Moscow - 11:00 AM
Beijing - 4:00 PM
Tokyo - 5:00 PM

Open the chest with other members of your Order.

  • 1st Chest:  25%-; 75%-; 100%-x1,x30, x1/ requirements x2000
  • 5th and subsequent Chests: Random rewards/ requirements x2200

Note: You cannot get any reward if you don't earn any Order's Wayfinder at each chest. You need to get at least one Wayfinder to get rewards at the chest.

Back to the Main Event. ※メイン・イベントに戻る


Artifact Hunt アーティファクト・ハント ※ご褒美画像一覧は、
Artifact Hunt Rewards (Fandom)

★Golden Pass ゴールデンパス:下段のアイテムだけじゃなくて上段の豪華な賞品と最後のゴールのアイテムが貰えるようになるPass

trade in A for B: Bを買うのにAを下取りに出す。Bを手に入れるためにAとトレードする。
このinは副詞なので、目的語が1語の時はtrade A inの順になる。
I have found many legendary curiosities on my journey through the fog, and I have decided to trade them all in for Simmering Dice. Jill o'Tumun
I've hidden the dice in different parts of the City, so you'll have to show your skill and wits in order to find them. ダイスはシティのアチコチに隠しておいたから、あなたのスキルと機転で見付けて来て。 ★Store ストア:ルビーでインベントリに入っている各種アイテムを買えるお店。インベントリのタブを切り替えると行ける。
★Bank バンク:ルビーを買える場所。外部サイトに接続してクレジット決済でルビーが買える。
If you come shopping to the Store or the Bank, you'll receive the dice as a bonus. ストアやバンクで買い物をしたら、おまけとしてダイスを貰えるわよ。
[Runaway Light]
Wanders around the map until the event ends. Can give coins, energy, weapons, and Skeleton Keys.

This is an inextinguishable spark that escaped from a campfire.

Your friends will be able to charge it.


Secrets of the Flamesite 火災屋敷の謎》のイベント時に登場したミニモンスター。管理人のお気に入り。怒る様子が可愛らしい。
[Garden Gazebo]
Building on the map. Gives you rewards every 24 hours. Lasts during the "Soul of The Old Pear Tree" event. Your friends will be able to charge it.

x10, x10, x50, x2

x10, x10, x50, x2
一番似てるのは《I'll Return by November...11月には戻るから…》のFestive Pavilion(祝祭のパビリオン)
[Filigree Frame]
You can decorate your avatar with this majestic frame.
[Welcoming Spirit]

This cute, fluffy guy is the spirit of home and abundance. He smiles at everyone who enters the house, filling it with warmth and the aroma of bread.


Avatar in Jun-Jul 2024
[Fiery Flower]
A trophy for your Residence.
This rare flower from the depths of a forgotten forest burns with a mystical flame. Legends say that it will grant magic to whoever finds it.
Hall of Fame 名声の間:各種トロフィーを飾っておける主人公の家。



At the Bank, you will find lucrative event offers on rubies, coins, and useful items. Let's see what they have! Jill o'Tumun


City Hustle シティのドタバタ Daily Quest 1
The investigation is in full swing. I can't afford to miss a single fact! My readers should know the truth. How about you join me and we go on a couple of missions together? I'd be very grateful. Adeline Svensson
Jun/ Jul-Aug/ Oct 2020/ Jun-Jul 2021

Apr/ Jun/ Sep 2022

Apr / May-Jun / Jul-Aug/ Sep-Oct 2023
Mar 2024
What would I do without you! My article will be sensational! The newspaper will be sold out in an instant. I'm in your debt! あなたがいなかったらどうなってたかしら!これはセンセーショナルな記事になるわよ!きっと新聞はたちまち売り切れね。恩に着るわ!
You have completed all the tasks for today.
Your help to the citizens is invaluable!
description おめでとう!
[Chest of Riddles]

Possible Findings:
x5,x40, %, %, %, %, %

x5,x40, %, %, %, %, %
💬チェストの名前が変わりました。以前の名匠は[Chest of City Secrets シティの秘密のチェスト]
Ancient Rune - entry ticket for event mini-games
An assembler from the Upper City, chosen randomly.
Gives a randomly chosen weapon for fighting monsters.
[Memory Petal]
Exchange Memory Petals for various rarities in the Curiosity Shop.


Closer to the Secret その秘密に近付いて Daily Quest 2
They say that a fern's flower can reveal any secret. I know, I know, ferns don't bloom! But we're in the City of Shadows, where anything is possible. Let's find the fabled flower. I made a plan for our search. Here's your part. Can you handle it? Kira Woodville

シダの花はどんな秘密も解き明かせるって言われてるんだぜ。分かってる、分かってるって、シダは花なんか咲かないってんだろ!だけどうちらはシャドウ=シティにいるんだぞ、何があってもおかしくない場所にさ。だからその探索計画を立てたんだよ。ほら、お前の分はコレな。お前ならこなせるだろ? ※今回何故かタイトルが変わりました。
前回までは[Closer to a Miracle 奇跡に近付いて]

Jun 2021/ Jul-Aug 2023
★fern シダ:シダは胞子で増えるので種が出来ない。種がないということは、花もない。シダの葉をひっくり返すと茶色いぶつぶつが付いている事があるが、あれがシダの胞子嚢(ほうしのう)。
pictures of fern spores←シダの胞子の写真。結構キモいので注意。
Fern flower シダの花:スラブ地域の伝承で、シダの花を見付けると幸せになれるというのがある。
You did everything perfectly! Let's set off for the mysterious fern flower after sunset, since it opens up at night. Make sure to get some rest! おお、ぜんぶきっちり終わらせてくれたんだな!日が暮れたらミステリアスなシダの花に向かおうぜ、あの花は夜に咲くんだとさ。ちゃんと休んでおけよ!
You have completed all the tasks for today.
Your help to the citizens is invaluable!
description おめでとう!
[Chest of Riddles]

Possible Findings:
x5,x40, %, %, %, %, %

x5,x40, %, %, %, %, %
💬チェストの名前が変わりました。以前の名匠は[Chest of City Secrets シティの秘密のチェスト]
Ancient Rune - entry ticket for event mini-games
An assembler from the Upper City, chosen randomly.
Gives a randomly chosen weapon for fighting monsters.
[Memory Petal]
Exchange Memory Petals for various rarities in the Curiosity Shop.


Sunny Day
お日様日和(びより) Weekend Event 1

Jul 2020/Jun 2021/Aug-Sep 2022/ Jul-Aug2023
Martha is a real hero! Every year on this day, she expends a lot of energy to disperse the fog and let us bask in the sun! Valerie
The citizens celebrate the Sunny Day by exchanging special gifts. I'll give some souvenirs to my friends too. Will you help me collect them? 街の人たちはスペシャルなプレゼントを交換し合って、サニー・デイを祝うのよ。私も友達にお日様グッズをあげるつもりなの。集めるのを手伝ってくれない?
HOW TO PLAY プレイ方法  

Participate in a seasonal event. → Complete tasks and earn tokens. → Open chests for tokens.
→ The tasks can be changed. → The number of chests is unlimited.
You can get rewards to collect Reward Tokens. Task 1 (Easy) has 1-3 tokens, task 2 (Middle) has 4-6 tokens, and task 3 (Hard) has 7-9 tokens. You can freely combine tasks.  If you find your task difficult, you can replace it once every 24hours. When you complete the same task 3 times in a row, the task gets time out. The break times are 1:00 for task 1 (Easy), 1:30 for task 2 (Middle), and 2:00 for task 3 (Hard), respectively.
*You can play infinitely by changing a task to a different difficulty one every time you complete each task once or twice.
You need to receive the 4th or higher rewards to complete the quest successfully.

Examples of tasks
about the tasks 報酬をゲットするには各タスクで貰えるご褒美トークンを集める必要があります。タスク1(Easy)はトークン1-3個、タスク2(Middle)はトークン4-6個、タスク3(Hard)は7-9個。 タスクの組み合わせは自由です。タスクが難しいと感じた場合、24時間に1回入れ替える事が出来ます。同じタスクを3回連続で完了すると、そのタスクはタイムアウトになります。休憩時間は、それぞれタスク1(Easy)が1:00、タスク2(Middle)が1:30、タスク3(Hard)が2:00です。

★Story Locations:
🎭South Fort
🎶Mural House
[Bright Bouquet], [Summer Glasses], [Beach Umbrella]

Some tasks require these items to complete them.
💬It seems failure lines in weekend mini-events became the same ones. It's a pity!
(failure line in 2021)
"I got so carried away with this fine weather that I completely forgot about the souvenirs. It's okay. Let's just sunbathe for now."
Thank you for helping me collect all the souvenirs! The citizens are gathering already. Soon we'll be basking in the warmth of sun. (Success)
We almost did it! Don't worry, next time we'll succeed. (Failure)


Pet Day ペットの日 Weekend Event 2

May 2020/ Jun-Jul 2021/ Apr 2022/ May-Jun 2023

Grande and Mr. Cookie
*You can see them in the Mansion by the Canal at Stage Ⅱ and  Ⅴ.
I totally forgot - today is Pet Day! Lady
I can't let my pets Grande and Mr. Cookie go without a gift. Will you help me reward them? うちのペットのグランデとミスター・クッキーにプレゼントなしで済ませるワケには参りませんわ。あの仔たちにご褒美をやるのを手伝って頂けませんこと?
HOW TO PLAY プレイ方法  

Participate in a seasonal event. → Complete tasks and earn tokens. → Open chests for tokens.
→ The tasks can be changed. → The number of chests is unlimited.
You can get rewards to collect Reward Tokens. Task 1 (Easy) has 1-3 tokens, task 2 (Middle) has 4-6 tokens, and task 3 (Hard) has 7-9 tokens. You can freely combine tasks.  If you find your task difficult, you can replace it once every 24hours. When you complete the same task 3 times in a row, the task gets time out. The break times are 1:00 for task 1 (Easy), 1:30 for task 2 (Middle), and 2:00 for task 3 (Hard), respectively.
*You can play infinitely by changing a task to a different difficulty one every time you complete each task once or twice.
You need to receive the 4th or higher rewards to complete the quest successfully.

Examples of tasks
about the tasks 報酬をゲットするには各タスクで貰えるご褒美トークンを集める必要があります。タスク1(Easy)はトークン1-3個、タスク2(Middle)はトークン4-6個、タスク3(Hard)は7-9個。 タスクの組み合わせは自由です。タスクが難しいと感じた場合、24時間に1回入れ替える事が出来ます。同じタスクを3回連続で完了すると、そのタスクはタイムアウトになります。休憩時間は、それぞれタスク1(Easy)が1:00、タスク2(Middle)が1:30、タスク3(Hard)が2:00です。

★Story Locations:
🎭South Fort
🎶Mural House
[Squeaky Bone], [Crispy Fish]

Some tasks require these items to complete them.

💬It seems failure lines in weekend mini-events became the same ones. It's a pity!
(Last time's failure lines)
"I'm afraid that Grande and Mr. Cookie will have to go on a diet or else they won't fit into their collars after Pet Day!"
Thanks to you, Grande and Mr. Cookie had a perfect Pet Day. They really enjoyed the crispy fish and squeaky bones. (Success)
We almost did it! Don't worry, next time we'll succeed! (Failure)


  Category Classification Task's title Task
1 anomalies and modes non-specified anomalies No Anomalies Complete locations with anomalies or banish them.
2 anomalies and modes non-specified anomalies, non-event locations A Skillful Win Complete non-event locations with anomalies or banish them.
3 anomalies and modes specified anomaly Overcoming Fear Complete locations with "**(specified)" anomaly or banish it.
4 anomalies and modes specified anomaly, non-event location Brave Heart Complete non-event scenes with "**(specified)" anomaly or banish it.
5 anomalies and modes specified mode, Lower City Sharp Mind Explore Lower City locations in "**(specified)" mode.
6 anomalies and modes specified mode, Upper City To Prevail Explore Upper City locations in "**(specified)" mode.
7 entering ticket entering tickets For Consumables Collect **(Entering tickets for event location).
8 entering ticket entering tickets, any location Collect It All Get **(Entering tickets for event location) by completing any locations.
9 entering ticket entering tickets, paid location City Valuables (1) Get **(Entering tickets for event location) in any paid locations.
10 entering ticket entering tickets, side story locations Anything Goes (1) Get **(Entering tickets for event location) in side story locations.
11 entering ticket entering tickets, Lower City More Is Better (1) Get **(Entering tickets for event location) in Lower City locations.
12 entering ticket entering tickets, Upper City Good Deal (1) Get **(Entering tickets for event location) in non-event Upper City locations.
13 locations any locations Finding Secrets Explore any locations.
14 locations event location New Experiences Explore the "**(Event)" location.
15 locations non-event locations Wherever You Go Explore any non-event locations.
16 locations Lower City To Mysteries Explore any Lower City locations.
17 locations non-event location, Lower City After the Truth Explore non-event Lower City locations.
18 locations Upper City Favorite Spots Explore any Upper City locations.
19 locations non-event location, Upper City The City Calls Explore non-event Upper City locations.
20 locations side story Precise Details Explore side story locations.
21 locations side story, non-event locations Mysteries Expert Explore non-event side story locations. (or seasonal locations; e.g. Halloween)
22 locations paid location Valuable Details Explore any paid locations.
23 save seconds save seconds No Time to Lose (1) Save seconds while exploring any location.
24 save seconds save seconds, event location A True Victor (1) Save seconds while exploring the event location.
25 save seconds save seconds, side story No Hesitation (1) Save seconds while exploring side story locations.
26 save seconds save seconds, side story, non-event With Haste Save seconds while exploring non-event side story locations.
27 save seconds save seconds, Lower City In Due Time Save seconds while exploring any Lower City locations.
Save seconds in "Match 3" games and Lower City locations.
28 save seconds save seconds, Upper City Time Reserve Save seconds while exploring any Upper City locations.
Save seconds in "Match 3" mini-games and Upper City locations.
29 search items search items, any locations Fruitful Search Collect search items in any locations.
30 search items search items, event location Where Is It? Collect search items in the "**(Event)" location.
31 search items search items, non-event locations Necessary Finds Collect search items in non-event locations.
32 search items search items, Lower City Another Search Collect search items in Lower City locations.
33 search items search items, Upper City Valuable Things Collect search items in Upper City locations.
34 spend energy spend energy (including mini-games) In Full Force Spend energy.
35 spend energy spend energy, event location The Final Push Spend energy to enter the event location.
36 spend energy spend energy, Lower City Only Forward Spend energy in a Lower City location.
37 spend energy spend energy, Upper City Give It Your All Spend energy in an Upper City location.
38 a win streak a win streak No Failures Get on a win streak in any locations.
39 a win streak a win streak, event location Striving to Win Get on a win streak in the "**(Event)" location.
40 a win streak a win streak, non-event, side story locations Never Giving Up Get on a win streak in any non-event locations.
41 a win streak a win streak, non-event, side story locations Best of the Best Get on a win streak in non-event side story locations.
42 a win streak a win streak, side story locations Path to Victory Get on a win streak in side story locations.
43 a win streak a win streak, Lower City Taste of Victory Get on a win streak in any Lower City locations.
44 a win streak a win streak, Upper City Giving Your Best Get on a win streak in any Upper City locations.
45 without time penalties without time penalties Precious Time Complete locations without time penalties.
46 without time penalties without time penalties, event location Clock Is Ticking Complete the "**(Event)" location without losing.
47 without time penalties without time penalties, non-event locations Every Second Complete non-event locations without time penalties.
48 without time penalties without time penalties, side story locations Under Control Complete side story locations without time penalties.
49 without time penalties without time penalties, Lower City Measured Step Complete Lower City locations without time penalties.
50 without time penalties without time penalties, Upper City No Fuss Complete Upper City locations without time penalties.
51 mini-games any mini-games For Victory! Complete any mini-games.
52 mini-games any mini-games, a win streak Winning First Get on a win streak in any mini-games.
53 mini-games mini-games, anomaly You Can Do It! Complete mini-games with anomalies.
54 mini-games mini-games, anomaly, complete or banish Dispel Terrors Complete mini-games with anomalies or banish them.
55 mini-games mini-games, non-event Time to Play Complete non-event mini-games.
56 mini-games Expedition A Quiet Move Complete the "Expedition" mini-game.
Neutralize bombs in the "Expedition" mini-game.
57 mini-games Expedition, a win streak Risky Step Get on a win streak in "Expedition" mini-game.
58 mini-games cards of fate Game of Fate Collect matches in "Cards of Fate".
59 mini-games cards of fate The Right Choice Complete the "Cards of Fate" mini-game.
60 mini-games cards of fate, a win streak Fate's Smile (1) Get on a win streak in the "Cards of Fate" mini-game.
61 mini-games cards of fate, remove chains Broken Chains (1) Remove chains in the "Cards of Fate" mini-game.
62 mini-games crystals Shining Success (1) Complete the "Crystals" mini-game.
63 mini-games crystals, a win streak Good Deal (2) Get on a win streak in the "Crystals" mini-game.
64 mini-games crystals, specified color Color of Winning Collect **(specified color) crystals in the "Crystals" mini-game.
65 mini-games crystals, save seconds No Time to Lose (2) Save seconds when completing the "Crystals" mini-game.
66 mini-games Match 3, specified color One More Game Collect **(specified color) crystals in "Match 3" mini-games.
67 mini-games Match 3, specified color, event mini-games Best Decision Collect **(specified color) crystals in event "Match 3" mini-games.
68 mini-games Match 3, special effect crystals Fate's Smile (2) Collect lightning, bombs, and supercrystals in "Match 3" mini-games.
69 mini-games Match 3, lightning Shining Success (2) Collect lightning in "Match 3" mini-games.
70 mini-games Match 3, bombs Blast Wave Collect bombs in "Match 3" mini-games.
71 mini-games Match 3, supercrystals You Can Do It! (2) Collect supercrystals in "Match 3" mini-games.
72 mini-games Match 3, golden tiles Necessary Finds (2) Collect golden tiles in "Match 3" mini-games.
73 mini-games Match 3, ice tiles Icy Shine Break ice tiles in "Match 3" mini-games.
74 mini-games Match 3, stone tiles Anything Goes (2) Break stone tiles in "Match 3" mini-games.
75 mini-games Match 3, chains Broken Chains (2) Remove chains in "Match 3" mini-games.
76 mini-games Match 3, save seconds A True Victor (2) Save seconds when completing "Match 3" mini-games.
77 mini-games event mini-games For the Reward! Complete event mini-games.
78 mini-games event mini-games, a win streak Series of Wins Get on a win streak in event mini-games.
79 mini-games event Match 3, save seconds No Hesitation (2) Save seconds when completing event "Match 3" mini-games.
80 mini-games Kaleidoscope Rainbow Game Complete the "Dream Kaleidoscope" mini-game.
81 mini-games Mahjong Clever Tactician Match pairs of tiles in the "Mahjong" mini-games.
82 others gift What's Inside? Open the gifts.
83 others Stars for gift boxes Star Hunt Collect ** Stars.
84 others Stars for gift boxes After the Stars Collect ** Stars in event locations and mini-games.
85 others tokens Finding It All! Collect **(tokens for the Curiosity Shop).
86 others tokens, event location and mini-games Look Deeper! Collect **(tokens for the Curiosity Shop) in event locations and mini-games.
87 others tokens, event location (or side story locations) Time to Search Find **(tokens for the Curiosity Shop) in the "**(event or side story)" location.
88 others tokens, event mini-games Sharp Eye Collect **(tokens for the Curiosity Shop) in event mini-games.
89 others tokens, specified event mini-games Experienced Look Get **(tokens for the Curiosity Shop) in the "**(specified event)" mini-game.
90 others tokens for past event, specified locations Find and Obtain! Find **(tokens for past event) in the "**(specified)" location.
91 others spend tokens New Stuff Spend **(specified tokens).
Purchase any item in the Curiosity Shop.
92 others spend coins Into Action (1) Spend coins.
93 others collect coins City Valuables Collect coins.
94 others earn experience More Is Better (2) Get experience points.
95 others find assemblers Valuable Tools Find the "** (specified)" assemblers.
96 others use assemblers Into Action (2) Use any assemblers.
97 others assemble any collection The Job Is Done Assemble any collection.
98 others Friend Reliable Friend Help your friends by charging at least one object. (recently being changed from a location)
Send gifts to your friends.
99 others catch harmless monsters Monster Catcher Find **(harmless event monsters) on the map.
100 others event monster weapon The Best Arsenal Find **(event monster's weapons)
101 others defeat event monsters
defeat any monsters
Risky Encounter Defeat the **(event monsters).
Defeat any monsters. (*including harmless monsters)
102 others defeat event monsters For Trophies! Get **(special item for treasuries) in event monsters' treasuries.
103 others monsters or locations For Trophies Defeat monsters or explore any locations.
104 others monsters or games Game of Choice Defeat monsters or complete mini-games.
105 others tool Useful Aid Use any tools.
106 others tool Time to Test It! Use the "Compass" item.
107 others skeleton key New Discoveries Use the "Skeleton Key" item.


Memories Hunt 記憶争奪戦 Phantom Hunt
★Lost Memories 失われた記憶

May 2020/ May 2021/ Feb 2022
★Lost Memories/ Memory Hunter Contest/ Memories Hunt

Feb 2023/ Jul-Aug 2023/ Jan 2024

a generous percent: 大盤振る舞い ※スラング
got it in the bag: 勝ったも同然 ※スラング、何かが確実に成功しそうな見込みの時に使う。勝った後ではない事に注意
Join the Memories Hunt. I promise a worthy reward and a generous percent for your finds!  Pawnbroker
I heard you're aware of a new technology for collecting memories. If so, there's a good chance you've got it in the bag! 聞けばお前は記憶を集める新テクノロジーに詳しいらしいじゃねえか。だとしたら、勝ったも同然の絶好のチャンスだろ!


・leaderboard: スコアボード ※ゴルフトーナメント等で、各プレイヤーの名前とスコアが表示されるボードの事
collect memories in special locations, get guaranteed rewards, and enter the leaderboard to win valuable prizes! description 特設ロケで記憶を集めて、通過ポイント報酬を受け取って、スコアを獲得して貴重な賞品を勝ち取ろう!
HOW TO PLAY プレイ方法  

Play in special locations. → Look for highlighted items. → Collect your personal rewards. → Add your contest prizes.

Note: Search items are highlighted one by one. You need to collect them in order. Getting non-highlighted items will decrease the possible collecting number at the top of the screen.
The Detector points to the item highlighted in the list.

:探索アイテムは1個ずつハイライトで表示されます。あなたはそれを順番に集める必要があります。ハイライトされていないアイテムをゲットしてしまうと、画面上部に表示されている収集可能数が減少します 。
An item needed to participate in the Memories Hunt.

Congratulations! おめでとう!
Stage goal completed. Claim your reward!

  • Progress 30:
  • Progress 180: x30, x3
  • Progress 400: 150, x50, x4


Guardian Wolf - entry ticket for event location

Congratulations! おめでとう!
Your reward for taking part in the competition:

  • Commissioner 警視総監:x10, x1, x1
  • Experienced Investigator 熟練捜査員:x5, x2, x2
  •  Private Eye 私立探偵:x2, x1, x1
  • 4-10 Inspector 上級捜査員:x1
  • 11-20 Constable 下っ端捜査員:x1
  • 21-30 Enthusiast 熱狂ファン:x3
★Commissioner コミッショナー/警視総監:正確にはCommissioner of Police。実はCommissionerと日本の警視総監はビミョーに違う。
Commissionerはたしかに警視総監に相当するのだが、警察署長のようなPost(役職)であって、実はRank(階級)ではない。一番上のRankはDirector General of Police。
★Inspector インスクター:海外の警察のRankの一つだが、英米でRankが違う。
★Constable ンスタボゥ:英国の警察ランクの一番下。日本の巡査に相当。アメリカではofficer
My precious memories! Thanks for helping me get them back. I'm not very eloquent, but this reward will say everything for me. Pawnbroker
おお、俺の貴重な記憶!取り戻すのを手伝ってくれてありがとうな。俺はあまり弁の立つ方じゃねえけどよ、この報酬を見てもらえりゃ俺の気持ちもすっかり伝わるってもんさ。 eloquent: 雄弁な


Detective Contest 捜査員コンテスト  
Buddy, lately the Shadow disciples have been so bold as to do murky things in broad daylight. The Inspector and I hardly get any sleep! Detective
So I did some thinking and came to the conclusion that we need a dozen smart assistants. We only need to select the best ones. そんでちょっと考えてみて、十人ばかり切れる助手が必要だって結論に達したんだよ。そうとくりゃ、最高のヤツラを選ぶだけだろ。 💬月に何回も補充しているのにまだ足りないという(笑)
The Mayor and I discussed it, and he proposed a detective competition and to offer award tokens. Whoever collects the most tokens wins. その件を市長と話し合ったら、市長は捜査員コンテストを開催しよう言ってくれてな、褒美の賞を提供してくれるとさ。とにかく誰でもいいから一番トークンを集めたヤツが優勝だぜ。  
We'll reward the winners well and get them involved in investigations. I think the idea came out great! Maybe you can participate too? 勝者たちにはたっぷり褒美を受け取ってもらって、捜査に加わってもらうんだ。これはスゴい案が出たと俺は思ってんのさ!ひょっとしてお前も参加出来るんじゃないか?  
HOW DOES IT WORK? どうすればいいの?  
Complete locations and mini-games. → Collect Detective's Badges (or Curiosity Shop's currency) to improve your ranking. → Compete for prizes.
The contest starts at 8:00 AM Coordinated Universal Time at the same time over the world, and ends at the same time a few  days later.
Earn Detective's Badges from locations and mini-games or monsters, and you can get rewards at the end of the contest according to your ranking.

= Start Time =
NY - 3:00 AM
UTC - 8:00AM
London - 8:00 AM
Paris, Berlin - 9:00 AM
Moscow - 11:00 AM
Beijing - 4:00 PM
Tokyo - 5:00 PM
about the tasks コンテストは協定世界時(昔のグリニッジ標準時)の午前8:00に世界同時に始まり、数日後の同時刻に終わります。

= 開始時間 =
NY - 3:00 AM
協定世界時 - 8:00AM
ロンドン - 8:00 AM
パリ, ベルリン - 9:00 AM
モスクワ - 11:00 AM
北京 - 4:00 PM
東京 - 5:00 PM
[Detective's Badge]
An item needed to participate in the Detective Contest.
locations, mini-games, monsters
[Detective's Badge]
An item needed to participate in the Detective Contest.
locations, mini-games
[Detective's Badge]
An item needed to participate in the Detective Contest.
Monsters only
[Memory Petal]
Exchange Memory Petals for various rarities in the Curiosity Shop.
  • Commissioner 警視総監:x1, x2, x2 (1st time)
                    x1, x2, x4 (2nd time)
                    x30, x4, x1 (3rd time)
  • Experienced Investigator 熟練捜査員:x1, x2, x3
  • 4-10 Private Eye 私立探偵:x1
  • 11-20 Inspector 上級捜査員:x1
  • 21-30 Constable 下っ端捜査員:x1
★Commissioner コミッショナー/警視総監:正確にはCommissioner of Police。実はCommissionerと日本の警視総監はビミョーに違う。
Commissionerはたしかに警視総監に相当するのだが、警察署長のようなPost(役職)であって、実はRank(階級)ではない。一番上のRankはDirector General of Police。
★Inspector インスクター:海外の警察のRankの一つだが、英米でRankが違う。
★Constable ンスタボゥ:英国の警察ランクの一番下。日本の巡査に相当。アメリカではofficer

Buddy, that was awesome! I didn't think that a detective competition would cause such a stir. It was nice to see you among the participants. Detective
Don't forget to see your result in the table and pick up your reward. Have some rest and wait for the call, we'll find a case for you! 結果表を確認して、賞品を受け取るのを忘れんなよ。暫く休んで招集がかかるのを待っててくれ、お前の為に事件を見付けてくるからさ!  


Order's Chest 守護団のチェスト  
Open this mysterious chest with other Order members to receive gifts! opening 守護団の他のメンバーと一緒にこのミステリアスなチェストを開けてギフトを受け取ろう!
★This line only appears when you first participate in the Order's Chest. There  is no end-of-event conversation for this mini-event.
I always admired the feats of the brave Order of the Defenders and the legends about the Order of the Five that changed the City's fate. Rayden Storke
私は常々(つねづね)勇敢なるディフェンダーズ騎士団の偉業と五賢守護団に纏わる伝説には敬服しているのだ、なにしろ彼らはシティの運命を変えたのだからな。 Order of the Defenders ディフェンダーズ騎士団:かつてアッパーに大規模なモンスター侵攻があった際に、シティを守り抜いた英雄たちの組織で、公安局の前進組織。
Order of the Five 五賢守護団:5人の天才たちで作られた組織でシティを影で支えていたらしいが、その詳細は謎。
It seems that the tradition of uniting with like-minded people to achieve great goals together was born here a long time ago. そのようにしてこの地ではその昔、志を同じくする人々と結束し、偉大なる目標を共に達成するという伝統が生まれたらしい。
Why don't you carry on the tradition? I'm sure you have reliable friends you can create your own order with. ならばその伝統に倣(なら)わぬ理由はあるまい?君には自分自身の守護団を共に設立するに足る頼れる友がいるはずだと私は思うのだが。
Who knows, maybe someday your deeds will go down in the history of the City of Shadows! ひょっとすると、いつの日にか君の行いがシャドウ=シティの歴史に刻まれる日が来るかもしれないぞ! go down in the history: 歴史に残る、書き残される
HOW DOES IT WORK? どうすればいいの?  

Join an Order. → Collect Wayfinders with friends. → Open the chest and receive gifts.
Join the Order and collect Order's Wayfinders to open the chest and get a special reward. description   守護団に加盟し守護団の道導(みちしるべ)を集めてチェストを開け、スペシャルな報酬をゲットせよ。  
[Order's Chest]
Open this mysterious chest with other Order members to receive gifts!
[Order's Wayfinders]
An item needed to open the Order's chest.
wayfinder: 道を見付ける助けとなるモノ。道しるべとなるもの
  • 1st Chest:  25%-; 75%-; 100%-x1,x30, x1/ requirements x2000
  • 2nd Chest: 25%-; 75%-; 100%-x2, x50, x2/ requirements x2050
  • 3rd Chest: 25%-; 75%-; 100%-x80, x1, x1/ requirements x2100
  • 4th Chest: 25%-; 75%-x1; 100%-x1, x1, x1/ requirements x2150
  • 5th and subsequent Chests: Random rewards/ requirements x2200

Note: You cannot get any reward if you don't earn any Order's Wayfinder at each chest. You need to get at least one Wayfinder to get rewards at the chest.

★Note: Sometimes the chest you are trying to open jumps to a random chest suddenly. It is maybe triggered by some members joined in last time, but it  doesn't clear.



Explore challenging locations with the Winner's Crown, which provides additional bonuses. If you lose, you'll need to earn the Crown again. Juliette
「勝者の冠」付きのチャレンジロケを探索して来てね、そこでは追加ボーナスが貰えるの。もし失敗すると、もう一回冠は獲得し直さないとダメよ。 💬開催中は無限アイテムが使い放題なのは嬉しいね!

Complete III+ rank locations without losing to play them with a bonus tool.
HOW TO PLAY プレイ方法  

Explore the event locations without losing. → Get tools for your next game. → You will lose the tools if you loose.


Stained Glass Puzzle ステンドグラス・パズル  
Have you come to solve the Collector's stained glass puzzle? Hmm, so far no one's been able to find the correct set of combinations of glass pieces and their colors. Roger Doubledeal
コレクターのステンドグラス・パズルを解きにいらしたので?フーム、今までの所あのガラスのパネルと色の正しい組み合わせを見付けた者はおりません。 💬貸すだけなんだ…、しかも山分け。チッ。
I have several keys for it and I can lend you one. But let's split the winnings in half then, okay? わたくし、アレの鍵をいくつか所持しておりますので、一つあなたにお貸ししましょう。でも獲得物は山分け、いかか?
3/ 7/ 15をクリアして4/ 8/ 16到達時に報酬がある 
[Collector's Key]
An item needed to enter the Gemstone Vault or Stained Glass Puzzle.
HOW TO PLAY プレイ方法  

Use keys to access special levels. → Get prizes and keys for completing a level. → Complete all levels and open the safe.
So the key breaks if the puzzle isn't solved... Don't worry, you can always search for keys in the City or purchase them in the Store. (Withdrawing)
それでは、パズルが解けなかったらカギは壊れてしまうと…。ご心配なく、鍵はシティを探索すればいつでも手に入りますし、ストアでも購入できるのですから。 💬途中棄権のセリフはヴェラと全く同じなのですが、言ってる人物が違うと結構脳内の響きが違うもんですねぇ…。
You solved the riddle encrypted by the Collector in the stained glass. Take your reward, it's all rightfully yours!
You found the combination and solved the stained glass puzzle? I didn't doubt you one bit. The treasures are entirely yours! (Success)
Roger Doubledeal
組み合わせを見付けてステンドグラス・パズルを解いたので?いえいえ、わたくし、これっぽっちも疑っておりませんでしたよ。お宝は丸々あなたのモノです! 💬あれ?山分けしなくていいの?ホント?
We almost did it! Don't worry, next time we'll succeed! (Failure)
Roger Doubledeal
惜しかったですねぇ!ご心配なく、次は上手く行きますよ! 💬失敗コメントは、週末サブイベントと同じになりましたね。

Back to the Main Event. ※メイン・イベントに戻る


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