Collector's House's collection #6 【Proof of Poisoning】

Sub Quest Series #5
《Intrigue against the Conductor》
#5-1【Paracelsus' First-aid Kit】⇦Prev Next➡#5-3 [Ball at City Hall: Conductor 市役所での舞踏会:コンダクター]

 Collector's House❻【Proof of Poisoning 毒殺の証拠】
Airgun Darts Catapult Shuriken Darts Venus Flytrap Spikes Target
エアガンのダーツ スリングショット 手裏剣 ダーツ モウセンゴケの

【Proof of Poisoning】 【毒殺の証拠】  
[Reed Darts]
Find the Airgun Darts. - Explore the Collector's house.
I can't stop thinking about the poisoning of the Conductor... I want to solve this case as soon as possible. I've examined the victim already and noticed something... The wound where the poison entered the body is really strange - it looks like a bite, scratch and an injection all the same time. We must look for clues in the place where the Conductor was wounded. Are you with me? Detective
コンダクターを毒殺未遂の件が頭から離れないんだ…。できるだけ早くこの事件を解決したくってな。既に被害者は調べたし、何某か気付いたこともある…。毒が体に入った傷跡が実に奇妙なんだ-噛みつかれて、引っ掻かれ、更には何かを注射されたのが同時にあったみたいに見えるんだぜ。コンダクターが怪我を負った場所で手がかりを探さなくちゃならんぞ。お前も一緒にくるか? ★このお話はStation⓫【Paracelsus' First-aid Kit】の続きです。
- Absolutely! Player (YOU) -もちろんさ!
Just a minute, I need to look around... There's so many things around here - though it's mostly useless trash. And what's this? An airgun? Well, it looks like there's more and more mysterious in our investigation... If there's an airgun, there must be darts for it. Will you look for them? Detective

You're in luck! Do you know what you've found? This dirt is made of river reed. Unspun cotton has been used to feather it. It's even coloured so it's easy to find the dart if you miss. Weapons that shoot projectiles like this were the inspiration for rifled weapons. We were shown something similar at the police academy. ツイてるな!お前自分が何を見つけたか分かるか?このダーツは河に生えてる葦で作られてるぞ。撚(よ)られてない綿が矢羽に使われてるな。失敗してもダーツを見付けやすい様に、色が塗られてる。こういう飛び道具を射出する武器はライフルから連想されたんだぜ。警察学校でも似たようなのを見せられたんだ。 projectiles: 飛び道具。ロケットみたいに飛んで行く武器
[A child's Weapon]
Find the Catapult. - Explore the Manor House Gate.
Looks like someone was doing some serious training here... Can you see those sharp pieces of flint over there? They're used for shooting from a Catapult. Why are you so surprised? A Catapult is a serious weapon and a stone from it could be poisoned. Have a proper look around, maybe you'll find it? Detective

That's just what I was talking about! You can shoot a projectile a hundred meters with a Catapult like that. 俺が言ってたのは正にこれだ!こうやってスリングショットを使えば百メートルでも飛び道具を打ち出せるんだぜ。  
[Right on Target]
Find the Shuriken. - Explore the Collector's House in "Similar Items" mode.
Very interesting. We have already found two types of weapon that could have wounded the Conductor. But I have a hunch that we'll find even more exotic weaponry here. Detective

面白い事になって来たな。コンダクターに怪我を負わせたかもしれない武器を既に二タイプも見付けたぜ。だが俺の勘じゃあ、ここではもっとエキゾチックな武器だって見つかりそうな気がするんだがな。 hunch: 勘
Now that's what I'm talking about! A Shuriken! It looks like someone prepared thoroughly for the murder and spent a long time choosing the ideal weapon. 俺が言いたかったのは正にこういうのだよ!手裏剣だ!誰かが殺しの準備を徹底的にしてて、理想の武器を選ぶのに長い時間をかけてたっぽいな。  
[Sharp Darts]
Find the dart. - Explore the Hall Of Weddings.
Look at everything around here carefully. Hmm, it seems that the search area should be expanded... The throwing weapons could have been thrown from far away. What else do you think we'll find here? Detective

Oh my, a dart! Several darts, actually. They're all different too... Were there several perpetrators? Is this a plot to kill the Conductor? なんてこった、ダーツか!何本もあるな。しかも全部種類が違う…。犯人は複数いたってのか?こいつはコンダクターの殺害計画なのか? perpetrator: 加害者、犯人。
Very strange... We've found a whole bunch of things but none of them could have caused a wound like the one on the Conductor's body. Maybe Martha was right and this mark was caused by a tooth or claw? Let's walk around a bit more and have a look. Maybe we missed something? Detective

- Agreed. Player (YOU) -了解。
[Poisoned Spikes]
Find the Venus Flytrap Spikes. - Explore the Collector's house.
You need to carefully search this area. Pay attention to any sharp objects. The Conductor could have been wounded by a fang, horn or even a spike! Stranger things have happened in the City of Shadows. Detective

Wow! These spikes are huge! What sort of plant is that? A Venus Flytrap? Yes, it has a real mouth with spikes instead of teeth! Careful, don't injure yourself. わお!この刺(とげ)はバカでかいな!コイツは何て植物だ?モウセンゴケ?なるほど、歯の代わりに刺(とげ)がついた口って事か!気を付けろよ、自分が怪我しないようにな。  
[Shooting Target]
Find the target. - Assemble the "Proof of Poisoning' collection.
It seems someone prepared very thoroughly, experimenting with different types of weapon. This sort of training always needs a target. Do you think we'll find it? Detective

The target is completely worn out. They must have thrown Darts and Shuriken at it many times! I have a bad feeling about this... Let's show our finds to Martha as soon as possible. Pack every piece of evidence into a separate bag so that everything is in order, and hurry to our expert. この的は完全に擦り切れてる。犯人はきっとダーツやら手裏剣やらをコイツに向かって何度も投げてたんだ!こりゃ嫌な感じだな…。できるだけ早く見付けたモノをマーサに見せようぜ。全部を整理して証拠を一種類ごとに袋に分けて詰めろ、我らがエキスパートの所に急ごうぜ。 💬コンダクターを暗殺しようとしてたのは結局誰だったんでしょうか?これの続編はないのかな?

 Collector's House❻【Proof of Poisoning 毒殺の証拠】
Airgun Darts Catapult Shuriken Darts Venus Flytrap Spikes Target
エアガンのダーツ スリングショット 手裏剣 ダーツ モウセンゴケの

Sub Quest Series #5
《Intrigue against the Conductor》
#5-1【Paracelsus' First-aid Kit】⇦Prev Next➡#5-3 [Ball at City Hall: Conductor 市役所での舞踏会:コンダクター]


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