Requirement LV65


*same BGM as the Collector's House (Oct 2023-)

*Previous BGM; same as the original Palace of Wishes

*Original BGM

LV62 Angela's Park アンジェラの公園⇦Prev  Next➡LV68 Masquerade Ball 仮面舞踏会

The waves of the bay rock the ancient frigate as the golden rays play in the clear sprays of the fountain... Are you listening to what the sea breeze is whispering? Legends of distant travels and songs about everlasting love?


Related Investigation: Case №27

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Pier.

《Case №27: Campaign for Success 栄光への軍事大作戦
🗝Quests for the new location (№27-0)

❶【Dangerous Expedition 危険な遠征】 (№27-1)
Dangerous Expedition

❷【Search for Healing 癒しの力を求めて】 (№27-2)
Search for Healing

❸【Undesirable Groom 好ましからざる花婿】 (№27-3)
Undesirable Groom

❹【Exotic Flowers エキゾチックな花々】 (№27-4)
Exotic Flowers

❺【Knight's Artifacts 騎士のアーティファクト】 (№27-5)
Knight's Artifacts

-Artifact 【Deserved Reward 相応しい褒章】 (№27-Post Quest)
Deserved Reward


❻【Connection to Reality 現実世界との繋がり


❼【Songbirds 春告げ鳥


❽【News for the Beloved 最愛の者への便り
*This story is an adaptation of the gift collection for the event held in Aug. 2018 at Greenhouse


❾【Ink of Salvation 救済のインク


❿【Spy Vintage スパイ・ビンテージ


⓫【Postcards from the Road 旅先のポストカード】 (№76-2)
Postcards from the Road

*This collection was assigned from the Pirate Treasure on July 2020.


★Sub quest series 《Captain Drake's Wonder ドレイク船長にまつわる不思議
⓬【Pirate's Parrots 海賊の鸚鵡(おうむ)たち

*This collection was assigned from the Pirate Treasure on July 2020.


LV62 Angela's Park アンジェラの公園⇦Prev  Next➡LV68 Masquerade Ball 仮面舞踏会


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