Citadel's collection #8 【Decoy】

Sub Quest Series #U3
《Secret Maneuvers of the Shadow Cult》
#U3-13【Searching for a Woman とある女を探して】⇦Prev Next➡#U3-15 [Quiz Round III (Feb 2023) クイズ・ラウンド3]

Citadel❽ 【Decoy 囮(おとり)】
Twisted Direction Sign Ball of Light Grippy Caterpillar Foggy Silhouette Ritual Circle Scout Butterfly
光の球 くっつき毛虫 霧っぽい人影 儀式用サークル 偵察バタフライ

【Decoy】 【囮(おとり)】 Decoy ※発音注意ディーコィ
[Turn Right...]
Examine the Twisted Direction Sign. - Explore the Octopus Citadel.

There you are! I need your help, but all my scavengers are out in the fog. I've found a note in my lab that says "Follow me." Vera

The note pointed toward the exit... The thing is, only Lucas and I have access to the lab. メモは出口の方角を指してたのさ…。問題はだな、このラボにはルーカスと私しか入れない様になってるって事なんだ。  
I've inspected the note, and there are no traces of the Shadow disciples. But who left it? Let's follow the sender's trail! このメモを詳しく調べてみたところ、シャドウ教徒の痕跡はなかった。だがこれを置いて行ったのは誰だ?差出人の痕跡を辿ってみようぜ!  
Thank you for agreeing to accompany me. Walking alone in the fog isn't safe. As for the rest of the scavengers, I left one with Lucas, and the rest are away on business. Look! Here's the first clue left by the anonymous author, a direction sign... Let's examine it. Vera

私に同行する事に同意してくれてありがとうな。霧の中を一人で歩くのは安全とは言えないんでね。残りのスカベンジャーたちは何してんのかっつうと、一人はルーカスと一緒に留守番で、残りの奴らは仕事で出てるんだ。見ろ!匿名の差出人が残した最初の手がかりがあるぞ、行先標識だな…。調べてみようぜ。 as for~: ~に関して言えば
That's one twisted direction sign! I've never seen anything like it. There isn't a single word on it, and the arrows are all pointing in the same direction... Looks like the one who left the note really wanted us to follow along this road. Who could it be? こりゃイカれた行先標識だな!こんなのみたことないぜ。一文字も字が書かれてないし、矢印は全部おんなじ方向を向いてるし…。どうやらあのメモを置いてった奴は、本気でうちらにこの道に沿って進んで欲しいらしいな。一体誰なんだ?  
[A Bright Clue]
Get the Ball of Light. - Explore the Octopus Citadel.

This foggy alley is too bright...
Look! Someone hung balls of light on the branches. They are very rare and valuable. I doubt someone could have lost them. This must be a clue from the one who wrote "Follow me." Let's get a ball of light and study it.

★luxometer ラグザマター: lux meter 光度計のこと。-o-はギリシャ語で「~の」熟語を作る時の接尾語なので、lux-o-meterはギリシャ語っぽい響きになる。但し、luxがラテン語なのでなんかちゃんぽんな英語ではあるが。どうせ造語だからカタカナは思いっきり英語発音

It feels as if~: まるで~みたいな感じがする。※feelは自動詞の時は物を主語に取れる。このitは周囲の状況を指すit。状況が周囲に与える印象を表現する時に使う。I feelは自分の五感で感じるという意味なので、ここでI feelとすると、闇で作られてるのを五感で感じ取ったという意味になってしまう。

odd: 通常値、予想値から外れた異常値の ※oddは仲間外れの変な物というような意味がイメージ
Thanks for taking this ball of light down from the tree. I couldn't have reached it. Who threw it there? Hmm, my luxometer, a device that measures light, is going crazy next to this ball. It feels as if it's made of very... concentrated darkness. How odd. 樹の枝から光の球を取ってくれてありがとうな。私だと手が届かなかったんだ。誰がこれをあそこにぶん投げたんだ?うーん、私のラグザマター、光の強さを測る装置なんだが、これがこの球の隣に置くと数値がおかしくなるんだよ。何て言うかまるで…集めた闇で作ったみたいな感じなんだ。酷い異常値だろ。
[Tiny Guides]
Examine the Grippy Caterpillar. - Explore the Octopus Citadel.

The clues from the author of the "Follow me" note are leading us farther and farther away from the scavengers' den. I don't like this. Maybe we should go back?
What...? As soon as I tried to turn off the road, grippy caterpillars appeared under our feet. They won't let us go further. Let's inspect one carefully.

turn off the road: 道から逸れる
grippy: くっついて離れない
Aren't you afraid to hold this caterpillar? Ouch! It bites! Strange, these caterpillars aren't supposed to be aggressive... Looks like the author of the note really wanted us to keep following his clues. お前、その毛虫を手に取るのが怖くないのかよ?イテッ!妙だな、この手の毛虫は攻撃的なはずじゃないのに…。こりゃあ、メモの差出人はマジでうちらに手がかりを辿らせたかったっぽいぜ。  
[Boo! Scared?]
Examine the Foggy Silhouette. - Explore the Octopus Citadel.

Stop! See the foggy silhouette at the end of the street? This may be a foggy mirage or the one who left the "Follow me" note. If it's the former, I know how to deal with it, and if it's the latter... Let's get closer to the foggy silhouette and say hi. Vera

Hmm, it seems I was wrong. The foggy silhouette we found isn't a mirage or a living creature. It's more like an energy scarecrow or an elemental. I'm getting a really bad feeling about this. Let's quickly find the one who sent the note and return to the scavengers' den. うーん、私が間違ってたみたいだな。うちらの見付けた霧っぽい人影は蜃気楼でも生き物でもない。エネルギーで出来た案山子(かかし)っつうか自然の精霊っつうかそういう感じのだぞ。こいつにはマジで嫌な感じが強くなって来てるんだ。急いでメモの送り主を見付けてスカベンジャーのアジトに戻ろうぜ。  
[Main Evidence]
Find the Ritual Circle. - Explore the Octopus Citadel.

If the foggy silhouette really is an energy scarecrow, then it must have a power source. Let's look for a ritual circle. Such things always carry an imprint of the creator's energy - in our case, the author of the "Follow me" note. Vera

I knew it! Thank you for finding the ritual circle. It will definitely tell us who left the "Follow me" note and the clues. Let me get my tools...
Let's see... It can't be! This ritual circle was created by a Shadow disciple!
[Troubling News]
Accelerate the Scout Butterfly. - Assemble the "Decoy" collection.

Decoy: 囮(おとり)、デコイ ※発音注意英語ではディーコィ
Hurry up! The Shadow disciples have clearly lured me out of the safety of the den! But why?
We've gone quite far... I'll send a scout butterfly to the scavengers to warn them. Please bring your tools to make the butterfly fly faster!

I wrote a warning note to the scavengers and asked them to protect Lucas. He's the one the Shadow disciples are after! Hurry! I'll tie the note to the scout butterfly and tweak it with the tools to speed it up... It worked! I hope the butterfly makes it in time... スカベンジャーたちに警告メモを書いて、ルーカスを護ってくれるように頼んだんだ。あの子はシャドウ教徒どもから追われてるからな!急げ!メモを偵察バタフライに結んで、ツールでスピードが上がる様にバタフライをちょいと捻って…。上手く行った!バタフライが間に合ってくれると良いんだが…。 tweak: つねる、捻る
Thanks! The scavengers managed to repel the Shadow disciples' attack in time... But, unfortunately, the disciples are now even more elusive. Vera

Nobody knows why they lured me out of the den and attacked. Although, you know... This isn't the first time they've targeted Lucas. 奴らが私をアジトの外に誘(おび)き寄せて攻撃して来た理由は知る由(よし)もない。つっても、お前も知っての通り…。奴らがルーカスをターゲットにしたのはこれが初めてじゃあないがな。  
I'll definitely think this over. Meanwhile, I should probably get an alarm system. Just to be safe. 私は今回の件をじっくり考えることにするよ。その間に、多分警報システムを手に入れるべきだろうな。念には念を入れてって言うだろ。 think~ over: ~の事をじっくり考える
just to be safe: 念には念を入れて、大事を取って ※just in case 万が一のためにとほぼ同じ意味

Citadel❽ 【Decoy 囮(おとり)】
Twisted Direction Sign Ball of Light Grippy Caterpillar Foggy Silhouette Ritual Circle Scout Butterfly
光の球 くっつき毛虫 霧っぽい人影 儀式用サークル 偵察バタフライ

Sub Quest Series #U3
《Secret Maneuvers of the Shadow Cult》
#U3-13【Searching for a Woman とある女を探して】⇦Prev Next➡#U3-15 [Quiz Round III (Feb 2023) クイズ・ラウンド3]


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