Requirement LV171

🍡Blooming Quarter


*Original BGM

Sun Pavilion 日輪の東屋⇦Prev  Next➡Mezzanine 中二階

Related Investigation: Case №68

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Blooming Quarter.

《Case №68: While Cherry Trees Still Bloom 桜咲くその刹那(せつな)に》
🗝Quest for the new location (№68-0)

❶【Magic Craft 超常の力の技巧】 (№68-1)

❷【Beautiful Aimi 麗しの愛美】 (№68-2)

❸【Appeasing Ceremony 心を鎮める茶席】 (№68-3)

❹【Genuine Emotions 生粋の心】 (№68-4)

❺【Hanami for Two 花見での逢瀬(おうせ)】 (№68-5)

-Artifact 【Valuable Knowledge 貴重な教え】 (№68-Post Quest)


❻【Sincere Emotions 心からの喜怒哀楽


❼【Time for Positive Change 陽の気に変ずる時


❽【Dance of Cherished Feelings 愛(いと)おしき想いの舞い


Sun Pavilion 日輪の東屋⇦Prev  Next➡Mezzanine 中二階


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