Wanderful Cat Café's collection #8【Children of Twilight】

Sub Quest Series #101
《The Cat Emerges from the Fog and Is Foggier Than the Fog》
#101-2【Created by the Fog 霧によりて作られしは】⇦Prev Next➡#101-4 [Feline Antics お茶目猫さん]

Cat Café❽ 【Children of Twilight 黄昏(たそがれ)の申し子たち】
Moon Light Midnight Willow Branches Spring Stone Silver-Washed Beetles Aroma Lamps with Embers Heavenly Cradle
付きの明かり 宵闇(よいやみ)柳
湧き水石 銀流しカブト虫 熾火(おきび)入り

【Children of Twilight】 【黄昏(たそがれ)の申し子たち】  
Hang the Moon Lights. - Explore the "Wonderful Cat Café" location.

Valerie-san, did you come to see the twilight kittens, too? The Cat Café guests can't wait to see them, but they're still shy. Madame Miyuki
バレリーさん、あんさんも黄昏(たそがれ)にゃんこたちを見に来はったんやろ?猫茶房のお客さんはみいんなあの仔らに会うのが待ちきれんのやけど、あの仔らはまだ恥ずかしがっとってなぁ。 💬この黄昏にゃんこって、透明猫とは違うんだろうか?
They've been through a lot! There are so many anomalies in the City this spring that affect animals. I hope the kittens feel better soon. Valerie
They're fine, but the anomaly has made them sensitive to light and noise. So I'm making a special room for them. Meow. Madame Miyuki
We can help! The more hands, the sooner these fluffies can settle into a new place. Where do we start? Valerie
When they brought the twilight cat and her kittens to the Cat Café, I decided to take care of them. They became much more sensitive after the anomaly. I ordered some moon lights so bright lights don't cause the kittens to suffer. Please hang them up. Madame Miyuki

黄昏(たそがれ)猫とそのにゃんこたちが猫茶房にやってきたとき、あてはあの仔らの面倒を見ると決めましたのや。あの仔らは怪異のあとで前より五感が鋭くなってもうてましてな。眩しい光がにゃんこたちを苦しめんよう、月の明かりをいくつか注文しましてん。よければそれを吊るしてもらえますやろか? When they brought the twilight cat and her kittens to the Cat Café, I decided to take care of them.
もしかするとthe fogの誤植?
Thank you for helping me hang the lights. They were made by a craftsman who reproduces moonlight. The soft glow won't harm the twilight cats' eyes, so they'll be comfortable in a room lit with these. I hope they'll get used to their new home. 明かりを吊るすんを手伝うてくれておおきに。これは月光を再現する職人さんの手で作られたものですねん。こういう柔らかい輝きなら、黄昏猫たちの目ぇもやられまへん、それにこの光で照らされた部屋なら心地ええやろうし。あの仔らが新居に馴染んでくれるとええんやけど…。  
Find the Midnight Willow Branches. - Explore the "Wonderful Cat Café" location.

Madame Miyuki said the twilight kittens are hiding from everyone, but hopefully they'll get used to the Cat Café soon. Yet where will they play and sharpen their claws? The mother cat and her kittens need a place to climb, so can you help me find some midnight willow branches? Valerie

深雪夫人が言ってたの、黄昏にゃんこたちはみんなから隠れ回ってるけど、願わくばすぐに猫茶房に馴染んで欲しいって。にしても、あの仔たち、どこで遊んだり爪を研いだりするのかしら?母猫とそのにゃんこたちはよじ登る場所が必要よね、だから宵闇(よいやみ)柳の枝をいくつか探すのを手伝ってくれない? 💬おや?もしかして、透明猫には子供が何匹かいたのかな?それが黄昏にゃんこたち?
You've found some midnight willow branches! Martha told me about the tree's wonderful properties. Its branches glow in the dark and grow even when cut from the trunk. The twilight cats should be cozy and calm on top of them! 宵闇柳の枝を見付けてくれたのね!マーサがこの樹には素晴らしい性質があるって教えてくれたの。この枝は暗闇で光る上に、幹から切り落としても育つのよ。黄昏猫たちだってきっとこの枝の上でなら心地よくって落ち着くんじゃないかしら!  
Find the Spring Stone. - Explore the "Wonderful Cat Café" location.

I just took some food and water to the twilight cats. Because of the anomaly, these animals need fresh water from a mountain spring. I want to be sure the twilight cats always have access to it, so maybe you can find a spring stone? Madame Miyuki

Thanks for helping find the spring stone. A mountain goddess created it for the storyteller she loved. Many centuries ago, she took her beloved to heaven and the stone remained among the mortals. Now it will help the twilight cats feel better. 湧き水石を見付けてきてくれておおきに。これは山の神がお気に入りの語り部のために拵(こしら)えた物でしてな。何世紀も前、山の神はその語り部を仙界に連れて行ってしもて、その石だけが命限りある者の世に残されましてん。これで黄昏猫たちも具合がようなりますやろ。  
Find the Silver-Washed Beetles. - Explore the "Wonderful Cat Café" location.

sentinel: 歩哨(ほしょう) ※古風な表現。歩哨は国境の警備をする兵士のこと。これも古風な日本語かも。
Madame Miyuki is creating the best conditions for the twilight cats, but not everything can be done at once. The kittens need to see other living creatures but it's not easy finding some that are comfortable in twilight. Hmm... Can you catch a couple of silver-washed beetles? Valerie

深雪夫人は黄昏猫たちに最高の環境を作ろうとしてるけど、なにもかにもを一挙には出来ないわよね。にゃんこたちには他の生き物を見せてやる必要があるけど、黄昏の中でも悠々としていられる生き物を探すのはカンタンじゃないし…。うーん…。ねえ、銀流しカブト虫を二三匹捕まえて来られたりする? ★there are no Silver-Washed Beetles, but I found butterflies called Silver-washed fritillary!
Silver-Washed Beetleはいませんでしたが、Silver-washed fritillaryという蝶はいました!和名はミドリヒョウモンというそうです。
Cool, you caught some silver-washed beetles! I wouldn't be able to - my Eddie would scare them away. These nocturnal beetles do well without light and their shells are very strong. The kittens will be able to play with these bugs without harming them, then gradually explore the world! やるう、銀流しカブト虫を捕まえたのね!私じゃきっとムリだったわ-うちのエディが怖がらせて追っ払っちゃったはずだもん。この夜行性のカブト虫は光なしでも大丈夫だし、甲羅はとっても丈夫なのよ。にゃんこたちもこういう虫とならケガさせずに遊ぶことができるでしょ、そしたらちょっとずつ世界を探検できるようになるんじゃないかしら!
Find the Aroma Lamps with Embers. - Explore the "Wonderful Cat Café" location.

embers: 熾火(おきび) ※まだ赤々としてる炭のこと
Brrr... It's rather chilly in the room Madame Miyuki created for the twilight cats. These animals usually prefer low temperatures but sometimes they need warmth, too. Maybe aroma lamps with burning embers will do? Let's find some! Valerie

ブㇽㇽ…。深雪夫人が黄昏猫たちに作った部屋はかなり冷えるのよね。こういう動物たちはたいてい低い気温を好むものだけど、それでもたまには温もりも必要でしょ。ひょっとして赤々と燃える熾火(おきび)入りの香炉なら代わりになるんじゃない?いくつか見付けましょうよ! will do: 用が足りる、代わりになる ※それでも構わないという意味で、最適ではない感じがある
You found really cool aroma lamps! Their secure lids prevent anyone getting burned by hot embers. The twilight cat and her kittens will be comfy with such heat sources nearby. Also, the lamps go well with the Cat Café's décor! マジでカッコいい香炉を見付けて来たじゃん!安全蓋があるから誰も熱い熾火(おきび)で火傷しないで済むし。黄昏猫とそのにゃんこたちもこういう熱源が近くにあれば快適なんじゃないかしら。それにこの香炉は猫茶房のインテリアとしてもイイ感じだし! Things go well: 物がイイ感じだ
People do well: 人がイイ感じだ
Enchanted the Heavenly Cradle. - Assemble the "Children of Twilight" collection.

on cloud nine: 有頂天で、大喜びで ※なぜ雲の9が大喜びなのかは諸説あるが、昔発行された雲の分類本の9つ目が天高くそびえる積乱雲だったからという説が有力。
The twilight cats feel better but they can't sleep well, yet. The anomaly that transformed them has sharpened their senses, making it hard for them to feel safe. I've created a special cradle for them but it needs to be enchanted. Could you lend me some of your artifacts? Madame Miyuki

Thank you for your help! Now that the cradle is enchanted and the moon lights glow from above, the twilight kittens and their mother can sleep peacefully. Artificial clouds will hide them from view and illusory fish will entertain them before going to bed. Purr-fect! 助けてくれておおきに!術のかかった揺りかごで、天井からは月の明かりが照らしよるおかげで、ようやく黄昏にゃんこたちとその母猫も穏やかに眠れますやろ。人工の雲があの仔らを人目から隠し、魚の幻影が眠りに就く前に目を楽しませてくれましょう。完璧にゃーん! purr: 猫のゴロゴロという喉の音
Purr-fect: perfectとpurrをかけた造語。perfectのperとpurrは、舌の下がった「ァー」で発音が同じ。
Valerie-san spends a lot of time with the twilight cats. Thanks to her, they're no longer afraid of people. Purr! Madame Miyuki
It isn't only down to me - Eddie did his best, too. Come and see how much fun they have playing together! Valerie
私だけのお蔭ってワケでもないのよね-エディも頑張ったもん。ほら見に来てよ、あの仔たちが一緒に遊んでるの、マジ楽しそうでしょ! It's down to 人:人のせいで、責任で ※It's up to 人と同じ意味。どっちも口語

Cat Café❽ 【Children of Twilight 黄昏(たそがれ)の申し子たち】
Moon Light Midnight Willow Branches Spring Stone Silver-Washed Beetles Aroma Lamps with Embers Heavenly Cradle
付きの明かり 宵闇(よいやみ)柳
湧き水石 銀流しカブト虫 熾火(おきび)入り

Sub Quest Series #101
《The Cat Emerges from the Fog and Is Foggier Than the Fog》
#101-2【Created by the Fog 霧によりて作られしは】⇦Prev Next➡#101-4 [Feline Antics お茶目猫さん]


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