before Dec 2021
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The beast within
overcame the man and burst out. A Werewolf is a ferocious child of the
night that knows no love, tenderness, or pity. (Former description before Jan. 2021) A Werewolf is a fierce creature of the night. Once human, it would have experienced love, tenderness and compassion, but those days are gone. Its human nature forgotten, it is now a merciless, nocturnal beast in the darkness. |
この獣は内なる人間性が消え去り、この姿になってしまったのだ。狼男は愛も優しさも哀れみも知らない残忍な夜の申し子である。 (2021年1月以前の説明)狼男は夜に生きる獰猛(どうもう)な生物である。かつて人間であった頃は愛や優しさや憐みの心を持っていたのかもしれないが、その日々は遠く過ぎ去ってしまった。人の心は忘れ去られ、今はもう情け容赦のない夜の闇に生きる獣になってしまっているのだ。 |
Sliver Knife 銀のナイフ/ Requirements: 3 weapons | |
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A weapon against a Werewolf. Since ancient times, hunters have used
silver blades to fight off werewolves. (Former description before Jan. 2021) A nice word and a dagger can get you further than a nice word alone. |
狼男に対する武器。古(いにしえ)の時代から、ハンターたちは狼男と闘うのに銀の刃を用いてきたのだ。 (2021年1月以前の説明)気の利いた言葉と短剣があれば、言葉だけよりはもっと多くが手にはいるのさ。(出典は銃でアル・カポネ) |
Electrum Knife 琥珀金のナイフ/ Requirements: 3 weapons *for Event Monsters | |
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Add the fortitude of gold to silver's magic! All that remains is to strike. Go on, see the blade in action! |
銀の魔力に金の不屈の精神を追加せよ!あとはそれを打ち付けるのみ。行け、戦いの中でこの刃を力をその目に焼き付けろ! |
★Electrum: エレクトラム或いは琥珀金。金に20%以上銀が混ざった合金で、合金としては世界最古と言われる。エレクトラムはギリシャ語で琥珀という意味。金と銀の合金が琥珀の様なオレンジ色をしているところから来ている。
Go to the page to the Pack of Werewolves 狼男の群れのページへ
🧊Ice Golem⇦Prev Next➡🐺💤Psy-werewolf
Related Investigation: 《Beauty and the Beasts (New)》, 《Martha's Murky Story》, 《Hunting Werewolves》, 《The Pack Leader》, 《Escape in the Moonlight》, 《The Roaming Shadows》
★Sub quest series 《Scars from Werewolves》
❶【Detective's Secrets 刑事にまつわる秘密】
《Hunting Werewolves
❸【On the Werewolves' Trail 狼男たちの後を追って】 (№43-1)
❹【Worldwide Werewolves 世界各地の狼男】 (№43-2)
❺【Key to Transformation 変身能力のカギ】 (№43-3)
❻【Queen of Spades
*This story is an adaptation of the gift collection for the event held in May 2019
at Red Rose Café
Note: All collections from
《Hunting Werewolves》 and 《The Pack Leader》
are listed in the [Pack of Werewolves]
2 | Collection's name | Reward 1 | Reward 2 | SA | E | C |
❶ | Detective's Secrets | Mine Detector 1 | Fire Dirt 3 | 1 | 30 | - |
❷ | Animal Power | Discoverer's Magnifier 1 | - | 1 | 35 | 500 |
❸ | On the Werewolves' Trail | Lighter 1 | - | 1 | 40 | 550 |
❹ | Worldwide Werewolves | Deciphering Cube 1 | - | 1 | 45 | 600 |
❺ | Key to Transformation | Taser 1 | - | 1 | 50 | 650 |
❻ | Queen of Spades | Lighter 1 | Flare 1 | 1 | 40 | 1500 |
2 | Assembler 1 | Assembler 2 | Assembler 3 | Assembler 4 | |||||||
❶ | Red elixir | 3 | Rock crystal | 3 | Microscope | 3 | Brush Kit | 3 | |||
❷ | Vase | 5 | Pendulum | 5 | Brush Kit | 7 | Ruby Crystal | 5 | |||
❸ | Cat earrings | 5 | Phoenix | 5 | Brush Kit | 7 | Keeper of Consciousness | 5 | |||
❹ | Vase | 5 | Golden Apple | 5 | Brush Kit | 7 | Unknown Key | 7 | |||
❺ | Brush Kit | 7 | Golden Horus | 5 | Wreath of Luck | 7 | Iron Heart | 5 | |||
❻ | Lock Pick | 5 | Unknown Key | 5 | Threefold Amulet | 7 | Iron Heart | 5 |
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🧊Ice Golem⇦Prev Next➡🐺💤Psy-werewolf