🐍Shadow Cult⇦Prev Next➡👿Gargoyle family
💬Stories about werewolves remind me of "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven...
It's transparent and sorrowful like moonlight.
Read these stories while listening to
Moonlight Sonata.
![]() Werewolf from 【Runaway Bride】 【逃げ出した花嫁】の狼男 |
![]() Posh-Werewolf from 《All Hallow's Eve》 《万聖節前夜》の気取った狼男 Note:It seems that he was swallowed by the fog now. (as of May 2022) 注:彼は霧に呑まれてしまったらしいです。(2022年5月時点) |
![]() 🐺Werewolf |
![]() 💤Psy-Werewolf |
![]() 🌕Moon werewolf |
Traits of characters:
Half-wolf and half-human creatures of which several
species inhabit the City. Long ago they were under the command of a powerful
mage, then they managed to break free. But it seems that they reunite under the
control of a leader werewolf recently. Most of them are hostile, but some are
consideration of the pack of werewolves (Japanese language only, sorry)
Major related stories:
Quest |
Title |
Related things |
Main |
《The beauty and the beasts
Main |
《Beauty and the
Beasts (New)》
Sub |
Juliette's anecdote❶
Sub |
【Runaway Bride】
👗Enchanted Ball
Main |
《All Hallow's Eve》
Note:the Posh-Werewolf was replaced with
Ludwig now.
👻Haunted Park
Sub ★20 |
〈Scars from Werewolves〉
Sub Quest Series
Main |
《Martha's Murky Story》
💐Manor House Gate
Main |
《Hunting Werewolves》
Pack of Werewolves
Sub ★65 |
Sub Quest Series
Main |
《The Pack Leader》
Pack of Werewolves
Main; Upper |
《Escape in the Moonlight》
🌕Full Moon Tower
Main; Upper |
《The Roaming Shadows》
🌕Full Moon Tower, etc.
《Case №43: Hunting Werewolves 狼男狩り》
❶【On the Werewolves' Trail 狼男たちの後を追って】 (Werewolf❸)
❷【Worldwide Werewolves 世界各地の狼男】 (Werewolf❹)
❸【Key to Transformation 変身能力のカギ】 (Werewolf❺)
❹【Phases of the Moon 月の満ち欠け】 (Moon werewolf❷)
❺【Enslaved Moon 隷属させられた月】 (Moon werewolf❸)
-Artifact 【Approaching Danger 迫り来る危機】
《Case №53:The Pack Leader 群れを率いる者》
❻【Torture for Greater Good
are available from Werewolves, ② from the Manor House Gate, ⑤ from Psy-werewolves
❼【Mental Protection
are available from Werewolves, ③ from the Hall Of Weddings, ⑤ from Psy-werewolves
❽【Suppression of Will
are available from Werewolves, ③ from the Station, ④ from Psy-werewolves, ⑤ from Moon
❾【True Face of the Pack Leader
is available from Werewolves, ②from the Room of Fate, ③ from Psy-werewolves, ④
from the Angel statue, ⑤ from Moon Werewolves
❿【Sworn Enemies
is available from Werewolves, ② from the City Hall, ③ from the Room of Fate, ④
from the Psy-werewolves, ⑤ from Moon Werewolves
-Artifact【Doctor's True Purpose
《Case №U29:The Roaming Shadows 闇をうろつく影たち》
🗝Quests for the new location (№U29-0)→🌹Foggy Backstreet
⓫【Where the Monster Hides モンスターの隠れ家は】(№U29-1)
*available from the 🌕Full Moon Tower
⓬【She Who Surpassed Everyone 周囲全てを出し抜いて】
(№U29-2) *available from the 🏭Abandoned Factory
⓭【Lunar Knowledge 月の力の知識】
(№U29-3) *available from the 🏺Antique Store
⓮【Dark Before Dawn 夜明け前の闇】
(№U29-4) *available from the ♟Negotiation Room
⓯【Perfect Harmony 完璧な調和】
(№U29-5) *available from the 🌕Full Moon Tower
-Artifact【Wrapping in the Twilight 黄昏(たそがれ)の薄暮に紛れて】
(№U29-Post Quest)
Shadow Cult⇦Prev Next➡Gargoyles