![]() ![]() |
All Collections' List 3 (Anomaly &
Monster) 全コレクションリスト3 (アノマリー&モンスター) |
Number of collections:
Lower: 943/ Upper: 345/ Monsters: 90/ Modes and Anomalies: 21/ Artifacts: 169/
Total: 1568 (as of Feb 2025)
下界:943/ アッパー:345/ モンスター:90/ モードとアノマリー:21 /アーティファクト:169/ 合計:1568 (2025年2月現在)
*Collections of
Invisible Ink and Mystical Round are shown in the City tab of the game's collection box.
*【Rare Elixirs】 has been
deleted from the City tab in the Collection box for months. But they
still remain on the rewards list at the
Troll Market for some reason.
List 1: Lower City List 2: Upper City
List 4: Artifact
You can sort the column by clicking the arrows
Common Number |
Modes Anomalies Monsters |
Collections' Name | LV or No. |
Quests' Type | Artifact Collections' Name |
648 | 1 | Similar Items |
Date Outfit デートでの装い![]() |
A01 | 1 | Sub | Mysteries Became Clear |
649 | 2 | Silhouettes |
Mystic Deck 神秘の力を持つデッキ![]() |
A02 | 1 | Sub | The Case Of Al Capone |
650 | 3 | Night |
Celebrity Autograph 有名人のサイン![]() |
A03 | 1 | Sub | The Case Of Al Capone |
651 | 4 | Hindsight |
Voodoo Doll
ブードゥー人形![]() |
A04 | 1 | Sub | Ritual Paraphernalia |
652 | 5 | Night Terrors |
Flight Suit パイロットスーツ![]() |
A05 | 1 | Sub | Journey to Nowhere |
653 | 6 | Boggarts |
Anomalous Activities アノマリーの活性化 *former name: Black Box ![]() |
A06 | 1 | Sub | |
653 | 6 | Boggarts |
Black Box ブラックボックス →Anomalous Activities ![]() |
A06 | 1 | Sub | |
654 | 7 | Distortions |
Magical Horns 様々な魔法の角![]() |
A07 | 1 | Sub | Natural Wonder |
655 | 8 | Moves |
Chess Army チェスの軍隊![]() |
A08 | 1 | Sub | |
656 | 9 | Abracadabra |
Scrying Orb 水晶占いのオーブ![]() |
A09 | 1 | Sub | Ritual Paraphernalia |
657 | 10 | Backwards words |
Attributes of Prophecy 予言に使われる代表的なアイテム![]() |
A10 | 1 | Sub | Heart's Secrets |
658 | 11 | Sinister Shadows |
Journalist Attributes
ジャーナリストの必携物![]() |
A11 | 1 | Sub | The Case Of Al Capone |
659 | 12 | Bats |
Best Friends 親友![]() |
A12 | 1 | Sub | Lady's Happiness |
660 | 13 | Reflections |
Alex's Angels アレックスの天使たち![]() |
A13 | 1 | Main | Ghost of the Past |
661 | 14 | Electrum | Golden Compass
金のコンパス![]() |
A14 | 1 | no quest | Journey to Nowhere |
662 | 15 | Poltergeist |
Spirit Set 降霊用具一式![]() |
A15 | 1 | Main | Ghost of the Past |
663 | 16 | Ice |
Cold Blood 変温動物![]() |
A16-1 | 1 | Sub | |
664 | 17 | Stone |
Door Guardians 扉の番人![]() |
A16-2 | 1 | Sub | |
665 | 18 | Chain |
Dexterity or Magic 器用さか魔法か![]() |
A16-3 | 1 | Sub | |
666 | 19 | Illusions |
City Hall Orders 市役所の勲章![]() |
A17 | 1 | Sub | |
667 | 20 | Invisible Ink |
Pigeon Post 鳩の郵便屋さん![]() |
A18 | 1 | Sub | |
668 | 21 | Mystical Rounds |
Mysteries of the Rift 亀裂の謎![]() |
A19 | 1 | Sub | |
669 | 22 | Ghost |
Ghostly Talisman 幽霊の護符![]() |
M01 | 1 | Sub | Powerful Artifacts |
670 | 23 | Ghost |
Vintage Bath 最高級の浴室![]() |
M01 | 2 | Sub | |
671 | 24 | Ghost |
Fireplace Accessories 暖炉周りの備品![]() |
M01 | 3 | Sub | |
672 | 25 | Ghost |
Shadows of War 戦(いくさ)の影絵![]() |
M01 | 4 | Sub | |
673 | 26 | Ghost |
Nightmares 悪夢![]() |
M01 | 5 | Sub | |
674 | 27 | Ghost |
Legendary Hats 歴史に名を刻んだ帽子![]() |
M01 | 6 | Sub | |
675 | 28 | Ghost |
Literary Tea Party 文学の香り漂うお茶会![]() |
M01 | 7 | Sub | |
676 | 29 | Ghost |
Rejuvenating Ceremony 英気を養う儀式![]() |
M01 | 8 | Sub | |
677 | 30 | Ghost |
Soulbound 付喪神(つくもがみ)![]() |
M01 | 9 | Sub | |
678 | 31 | Ghost |
Noble Dancer 高貴な踊り子![]() |
M01 | 10 | Sub | |
679 | 32 | Werewolf |
Detective's Secrets 刑事にまつわる秘密![]() |
M02 | 1 | Sub | The Case Of Al Capone |
680 | 33 | Werewolf |
Animal Power 獣の能力![]() |
M02 | 2 | Sub | |
681 | 34 | Werewolf and Pack of Werewolves |
On the Werewolves' Trail 狼男たちの後を追って![]() |
M02 | 3 | Main | Approaching Danger |
682 | 35 | Werewolf and Pack of Werewolves |
Worldwide Werewolves 世界各地の狼男![]() |
M02 | 4 | Main | Approaching Danger |
683 | 36 | Werewolf and Pack of Werewolves |
Key to Transformation 変身能力のカギ![]() |
M02 | 5 | Main | Approaching Danger |
684 | 37 | Werewolf |
Queen of Spades スペードの女王![]() |
M02 | 6 | Sub | |
685 | 38 | Gargoyle |
Gargoyle's Treasure ガーゴイルの宝物![]() |
M03 | 1 | Sub | Starry Music |
686 | 39 | Gargoyle |
Engineering Design 建築図面![]() |
M03 | 2 | Sub | |
687 | 40 | Gargoyle |
Krampus クランパス![]() |
M03 | 3 | Sub | |
688 | 41 | Gargoyle |
Heavenly Trinkets 天上のささやかなる品![]() |
M03 | 4 | Sub | |
689 | 42 | Gargoyle |
Owner of the Office 役所の主(ぬし)![]() |
M03 | 5 | Sub | |
690 | 43 | Wanderer |
Famous Accessories いわくつきの装飾品![]() |
M04 | 1 | Sub | The Case Of Al Capone |
691 | 44 | Wanderer |
Poetic Flowers
詩にうたわれた花々![]() |
M04 | 2 | Sub | Incredible Plants |
692 | 45 | Wanderer |
Hat Business 帽子の駆け引き![]() |
M04 | 3 | Sub | |
693 | 46 | Wanderer |
Ice Battles
氷上の戦い![]() |
M04 | 4 | Sub | |
694 | 47 | Wanderer |
Test for the Convict 有罪宣告を受けた者への判定試験![]() |
M04 | 5 | Sub | |
695 | 48 | Wanderer |
Prisms of Life 命のプリズム![]() |
M04 | 6 | Sub | |
696 | 49 | Mummy |
Otherworld 冥府(めいふ)![]() |
M05 | 1 | Sub | Ritual Paraphernalia |
697 | 50 | Mummy |
Nefertiti's Jewelry ネフェルティティのジュエリー![]() |
M05 | 2 | Sub | |
698 | 51 | Mummy |
Nitocris's Final Journey ニトクリス最期の旅路![]() |
M05 | 3 | Sub | |
699 | 52 | Mummy |
Tutankhamun's Treasure ツタンカーメンの秘宝![]() |
M05 | 4 | Sub | |
700 | 53 | Mummy |
Tomb's Solution 王家の墓方式解決法![]() |
M05 | 5 | Sub | |
701 | 54 | Mummy |
Divine Light 神々しい光![]() |
M05 | 6 | Sub | |
702 | 55 | Mummy |
Call from the Underworld 冥府(めいふ)からの呼び声![]() |
M05 | 7 | Sub | |
703 | 56 | Mummy |
In Search of Immortality 不死の妙薬を求めて![]() |
M05 | 8 | Sub | |
704 | 57 | Psy-Werewolf | Relics 遺骨![]() |
M06 | 1 | no quest | Ritual Paraphernalia |
705 | 58 | Fire Mummy |
Weaponry Metal 武器のための金属![]() |
M07 | 1 | Sub | |
706 | 59 | Fire Mummy |
Burning Manuscript 燃え上がる手稿![]() |
M07 | 2 | Sub | |
707 | 60 | Fire Mummy |
Secrets of the Beautiful 美の秘訣![]() |
M07 | 3 | Sub | |
708 | 61 | Fire Mummy |
Fiery Performance 炎のパフォーマンス![]() |
M07 | 4 | Sub | |
709 | 62 | Fire Mummy |
Mystery of the Soul Takers ソウル・テイカーの謎![]() |
M07 | 5 | Sub | |
710 | 63 | Scaly Gargoyle |
Arabica collection アラビカ種の収集![]() |
M08 | 1 | Sub | Dangerous Gifts |
711 | 64 | Scaly Gargoyle |
Sound of Bells 鳴り響く鐘の音![]() |
M08 | 2 | Sub | |
712 | 65 | Scaly Gargoyle |
Jealousy of the Gargoyles ガーゴイルたちの憧れ![]() |
M08 | 3 | Sub | |
713 | 66 | Scaly Gargoyle |
Frog Invasion Protection 蛙の侵略からの防衛![]() |
M08 | 4 | Sub | |
714 | 67 | Scaly Gargoyle |
Master of Crossroads 四つ辻を統べる者![]() |
M08 | 5 | Sub | |
715 | 68 | Scaly Gargoyle |
Creepy Japanese Legends ゾッとする日本の言い伝え![]() |
M08 | 6 | Sub | |
716 | 69 | Moon werewolf |
Dual Identity もう一つの顔![]() |
M09 | 1 | Sub | Forgotten Treasure |
717 | 70 | Moon werewolf and Pack of Werewolves |
Phases of the Moon 月の満ち欠け![]() |
M09 | 2 | Main | Approaching Danger |
718 | 71 | Moon werewolf and Pack of Werewolves |
Enslaved Moon 隷属させられた月![]() |
M09 | 3 | Main | Approaching Danger |
719 | 72 | Moon werewolf |
Second Nature
第二の本性![]() |
M09 | 4 | Sub | |
720 | 73 | Diggers |
Cup of Atonement 贖罪の杯![]() |
M10 | 1 | Sub | Forgotten Treasure |
721 | 74 | Diggers |
Witch Hunt 魔女狩り Former name: Witch Huntress ![]() |
M10 | 2 | Sub | |
722 | 75 | Diggers |
Light from the Dungeons 地下迷宮から齎される光![]() |
M10 | 3 | Sub | |
723 | 76 | Diggers |
Crazy Library クレイジー・ライブラリー![]() |
M10 | 4 | Sub | |
724 | 77 | Diggers |
Warrior's Heart 武人の心得(こころえ)![]() |
M10 | 5 | Sub | |
725 | 78 | Diggers |
Fake Luck フェイク・ラック![]() |
M10 | 6 | Sub | |
726 | 79 | Diggers |
Poisoner's Shadow ポイゾナーの影![]() |
M10 | 7 | Sub | |
727 | 80 | Iron Gargoyle and Fire Gargoyle |
Essence of Life 命の源![]() |
M11 | 1 | no quest | Powerful Artifacts |
728 | 81 | Iron Gargoyle |
Slumberous Music 眠りを誘う旋律![]() |
M11 | 2 | Sub | |
729 | 82 | Iron Gargoyle |
Last Knight 最後の騎士![]() |
M11 | 3 | Sub | |
730 | 83 | Iron Gargoyle |
Santa's Road サンタさんの道![]() |
M11 | 4 | Sub | |
731 | 84 | Iron Gargoyle |
Wind Chimes 風鈴![]() |
M11 | 5 | Sub | |
732 | 85 | Iron Gargoyle |
Lightning Rods 避雷針![]() |
M11 | 6 | Sub | |
733 | 86 | Adept |
Enchanted Items 呪まじないのアイテム![]() |
M12 | 1 | Sub | Ghost of the Past |
734 | 87 | Adept |
Vanished in the Fog 霧の中で消え失せて![]() |
M12 | 2 | Sub | |
735 | 88 | Adept |
Witch's Sewing 魔女の針仕事![]() |
M12 | 3 | Sub | |
736 | 89 | Adept |
Tesla Lanterns テスラの照明装置![]() |
M12 | 4 | Sub | |
737 | 90 | Adept |
Fatal Whistles 破滅の笛![]() |
M12 | 5 | Sub | |
738 | 91 | Adept |
Liquid Magic 液体の魔法![]() |
M12 | 6 | Sub | |
727 | 80 | Fire Gargoyle and Iron Gargoyle |
Essence of Life 命の源![]() |
M13 | 1 | no quest | Powerful Artifacts |
739 | 92 | Fire Gargoyle |
Moloch the Powerful 権力の覇者モロク![]() |
M13 | 2 | Sub | |
740 | 93 | Fire Gargoyle |
Powder Flasks 火薬瓶![]() |
M13 | 3 | Sub | |
741 | 94 | Fire Gargoyle |
Children of Fire 炎の申し子たち![]() |
M13 | 4 | Sub | |
944 | 95 | Ghost |
Fog Magic 霧の魔力![]() |
M01 | 11 | Sub | |
945 | 96 | Gargoyle |
City Portals シティの次元の扉![]() |
M03 | 6 | Sub | |
1074 | 97 | Pack of Werewolves |
Torture for Greater Good
大義の為の拷問![]() |
M0w | 6 | Main | Doctor's True Purpose |
1075 | 98 | Pack of Werewolves |
Mental Protection
精神防御![]() |
M0w | 7 | Main | Doctor's True Purpose |
1076 | 99 | Pack of Werewolves |
Suppression of Will
自我の抑圧![]() |
M0w | 8 | Main | Doctor's True Purpose |
1077 | 100 | Pack of Werewolves |
True Face of the Pack Leader
群れのリーダーの正体![]() |
M0w | 9 | Main | Doctor's True Purpose |
1078 | 101 | Pack of Werewolves |
Sworn Enemies 互いの仇敵(きゅうてき)![]() |
M0w | 10 | Main | Doctor's True Purpose |
1094 | 102 | Upper Monsters |
Living Mechanisms 生きた機械装置![]() |
M0u | 1 | Main | Melody of Pure Darkness |
1095 | 103 | Upper Monsters |
Heart from the Dungeons 地下迷宮からもたらされしココロ![]() |
M0u | 2 | Main | Melody of Pure Darkness |
1096 | 104 | Upper Monsters |
Chasing the Mystery 不思議なヒントを辿って![]() |
M0u | 3 | Main | Melody of Pure Darkness |
1097 | 105 | Upper Monsters |
Against the Darkness 闇に抗(あらが)って![]() |
M0u | 4 | Main | Melody of Pure Darkness |
1098 | 106 | Upper Monsters |
What the City Wants シティの求めるモノ![]() |
M0u | 5 | Main | Melody of Pure Darkness |
1114 | 107 | Gargoyle family |
Gargoyle's Map ガーゴイルの地図![]() |
M0g | 1 | Main | Winged Octopus |
1115 | 108 | Gargoyle family |
Pieces of the Puzzle パズルのピース![]() |
M0g | 2 | Main | Winged Octopus |
1116 | 109 | Gargoyle family |
Hints ヒント![]() |
M0g | 3 | Main | Winged Octopus |
1117 | 110 | Gargoyle family |
In Search of the Spark 飛び散る火花を探して![]() |
M0g | 4 | Main | Winged Octopus |
1118 | 111 | Gargoyle family |
Path to Wealth 富への道筋![]() |
M0g | 5 | Main | Winged Octopus |
List 1: Lower City List 2: Upper City
List 4: Artifact