![]() |
All Collections' List 2
(Upper City) 全コレクションリスト2 (アッパーシティ) |
Number of collections:
Lower: 943/ Upper: 345/ Monsters: 90/ Modes and Anomalies: 21/ Artifacts: 169/
Total: 1568 (as of Feb 2025)
下界:943/ アッパー:345/ モンスター:90/ モードとアノマリー:21 /アーティファクト:169/ 合計:1568 (2025年2月現在)
*Collections of
Invisible Ink and Mystical Round are shown in the City tab of the game's collection box.
*【Rare Elixirs】 has been
deleted from the City tab in the Collection box for months. But they
still remain on the rewards list at the
Troll Market for some reason.
List 1: Lower City
List 3: Anomaly and Monster
List 4: Artifact
You can sort the column by clicking the arrows
Common Number |
Upper | Locations Modes Monsters |
Collections' Name | LV or No. |
Quests' Type | Artifact Collections' Name |
605 | 1 | Post Office |
City's Answers シティの答え![]() |
U010P | 1 | Upper Case №1 | |
606 | 2 | Post Office Lamplighter's Workshop |
Anti-Fog Protection 抗霧装置![]() |
U010P U010L |
2 1 |
Upper Case №1 | Light in the Fog |
607 | 3 | Post Office Lamplighter's Workshop |
Lamplighter's Case 点灯夫の事件![]() |
U010P U010L |
3 2 |
Upper Case №1 | |
608 | 4 | Post Office Lamplighter's Workshop |
Hot on the Trail 敵はもうすぐそこに![]() |
U010P U010L |
4 3 |
Upper Case №1 | |
609 | 5 | Post Office |
Wonders of the Pneumatic Mail
ニューマティック・メールの不思議![]() |
U010P | 5 | Sub | |
610 | 6 | Post Office |
Great Inventor 偉大な発明家![]() |
U010P | 6 | Sub | |
611 | 7 | Post Office |
Legend of the Mailman 伝説の郵便配達人![]() |
U010P | 7 | Sub | |
612 | 8 | Post Office |
On Guard for Peace 平和の守護者![]() |
U010P | 8 | Sub | |
613 | 9 | Post Office |
Night of Wonders 不思議に満ちた夜![]() |
U010P | 9 | Sub | |
614 | 10 | Post Office |
Desperate Resistance なりふり構わぬレジスタンス![]() |
U010P | 10 | Sub | |
615 | 11 | Post Office |
Law of Black ブラックの法![]() |
U010P | 11 | Sub | |
616 | 12 | Post Office |
Mysterious Trail ミステリアスな足跡![]() |
U010P | 12 | Sub | |
617 | 13 | Post Office |
Sleepy Potion 眠りの秘薬![]() |
U010P | 13 | Sub | |
618 | 14 | Post Office |
Solution to the Riddle 謎かけへの解答![]() |
U010P | 14 | Sub | |
619 | 15 | Post Office |
Voice from the Past 過去からの声![]() |
U010P | 15 | Sub | |
620 | 16 | Lamplighter's Workshop |
Lost in the Fog 霧の中に消えて![]() |
U010L | 4 | Sub | Light in the Fog |
621 | 17 | Lamplighter's Workshop |
Fellowship of Lamplighters 点灯夫ギルド![]() |
U010L | 5 | Sub | Light in the Fog |
622 | 18 | Lamplighter's Workshop |
Imperishable Fellowship 不滅のギルド![]() |
U010L | 6 | Sub | Light in the Fog |
623 | 19 | Lamplighter's Workshop |
Dark Story 暗闇の物語![]() |
U010L | 7 | Sub | Light in the Fog |
624 | 20 | Lamplighter's Workshop |
Secret Ill-Wishers 密かに悪意を振り撒く者たち![]() |
U010L | 8 | Sub | |
625 | 21 | Lamplighter's Workshop |
Locket Mystery ロケットペンダントの謎![]() |
U010L | 9 | Sub | |
626 | 22 | Lamplighter's Workshop |
Unknown Power 未知の力![]() |
U010L | 10 | Sub | |
627 | 23 | Lamplighter's Workshop |
Fog Trap フォグ・トラップ![]() |
U010L | 11 | Sub | |
628 | 24 | Lamplighter's Workshop |
Special Glass 特別製のガラス![]() |
U010L | 12 | Sub | |
629 | 25 | Cabaret |
Sophia's Case ソフィアの事件![]() |
U017 | 1 | Upper Case №2 | Surveillance Gadgets |
630 | 26 | Cabaret |
Ambiguous Gifts 意味深な贈り物![]() |
U017 | 2 | Upper Case №2 | Surveillance Gadgets |
631 | 27 | Cabaret |
Gifted Sophia 天与の才あるソフィア![]() |
U017 | 3 | Upper Case №2 | Surveillance Gadgets |
632 | 28 | Cabaret |
Mystery of the Cabaret's Owner クラブのオーナーの謎![]() |
U017 | 4 | Upper Case №2 | Surveillance Gadgets |
633 | 29 | Cabaret |
Deal with Scavengers スカベンジャーとの取引![]() |
U017 | 5 | Upper Case №2 | Surveillance Gadgets |
634 | 30 | Cabaret |
Family Box 家伝(かでん)の箱![]() |
U017 | 6 | Sub | |
635 | 31 | Cabaret |
Return of the Maestro マエストロの帰還![]() |
U017 | 7 | Sub | |
636 | 32 | Cabaret |
Sophia's Song ソフィアの歌![]() |
U017 | 8 | Sub | |
637 | 33 | Cabaret |
Mysterious Burns ミステリアスな火傷![]() |
U017 | 9 | Sub | |
638 | 34 | Cabaret |
Cabaret Rules Reminder クラブ内での注意喚起![]() |
U017 | 10 | Sub | |
639 | 35 | Cabaret |
Legend of the Table №8 8番テーブルの伝説![]() |
U017 | 11 | Sub | |
640 | 36 | Cabaret |
Reconciliation Concert 和解コンサート![]() |
U017 | 12 | Sub | |
641 | 37 | Cabaret |
Secret Admirer 密かに思いを寄せる男![]() |
U017 | 13 | Sub | |
642 | 38 | Cabaret |
Sophia's Awards ソフィアの栄光の賞の軌跡![]() |
U017 | 14 | Sub | |
643 | 39 | Atelier Delamode |
Suspicious Buttons 疑わしきボタン![]() |
U020 | 1 | Upper Case №3 | Amazing Find |
644 | 40 | Atelier Delamode |
Mannequin Puzzle マネキンの示す謎かけ![]() |
U020 | 2 | Upper Case №3 | Amazing Find |
645 | 41 | Atelier Delamode |
Stolen Happiness 盗まれた幸せ![]() |
U020 | 3 | Upper Case №3 | Amazing Find |
646 | 42 | Atelier Delamode |
Foggy Guest 霧からの客人![]() |
U020 | 4 | Upper Case №3 | Amazing Find |
647 | 43 | Atelier Delamode |
Soul at Stake 魂を賭けて![]() |
U020 | 5 | Upper Case №3 | Amazing Find |
760 | 44 | Atelier Delamode |
Suspicious Shine 疑わしき輝き![]() |
U020 | 6 | Upper Case №4 | Coin with a Secret |
761 | 45 | Atelier Delamode |
Clue out of the Blue 予期せぬ手がかり![]() |
U020 | 7 | Upper Case №4 | Coin with a Secret |
762 | 46 | Atelier Delamode |
Mysterious Stranger ミステリアスな来訪者![]() |
U020 | 8 | Upper Case №4 | Coin with a Secret |
763 | 47 | Atelier Delamode |
Hurt Feelings 傷心![]() |
U020 | 9 | Upper Case №4 | Coin with a Secret |
764 | 48 | Atelier Delamode |
New Direction 新たな方角![]() |
U020 | 10 | Upper Case №4 | Coin with a Secret |
765 | 49 | Atelier Delamode |
Mirror Mark 鏡の印![]() |
U020 | 11 | Sub | |
766 | 50 | Post Office |
Top Secret トップ・シークレット![]() |
U010P | 16 | Sub | |
767 | 51 | Lamplighter's Workshop |
Tower Clock タワー・クロック![]() |
U010L | 13 | Sub | |
768 | 52 | Cabaret |
Living Song 生き続けるバラード![]() |
U017 | 15 | Sub | |
769 | 53 | Cabaret |
Story of a Singer とある歌姫の物語![]() |
U017 | 16 | Sub | |
770 | 54 | Foggy Backstreet |
Dangerous Place 危険な場所![]() |
U070 | 1 | Upper Case №5 | Signs of the Cult |
771 | 55 | Foggy Backstreet |
Foggy Backstreet Cache フォギー=バックストリートの隠し場所![]() |
U070 | 2 | Upper Case №5 | Signs of the Cult |
772 | 56 | Foggy Backstreet |
Dark Hunter
ダーク・ハンター![]() |
U070 | 3 | Upper Case №5 | Signs of the Cult |
773 | 57 | Foggy Backstreet |
Lucas's Tracker ルーカス追跡装置![]() |
U070 | 4 | Upper Case №5 | Signs of the Cult |
774 | 58 | Foggy Backstreet |
Flush Bomb 閃光弾![]() |
U070 | 5 | Upper Case №5 | Signs of the Cult |
775 | 59 | Foggy Backstreet |
Healing Cone-coction 癒しぼっくり調合薬![]() |
U070 | 6 | Sub | |
776 | 60 | Foggy Backstreet |
Puzzle Secret パズルに隠された秘密![]() |
U070 | 7 | Sub | |
785 | 61 | Architect's Gardens |
Chain Reaction 連続的反作用![]() |
U123 | 1 | Main | Sunbeam Through the Fog |
786 | 62 | Architect's Gardens |
Allegations Have Been Made 根拠なき抗弁![]() |
U123 | 2 | Main | Sunbeam Through the Fog |
787 | 63 | Architect's Gardens |
Teamwork 共同作業![]() |
U123 | 3 | Main | Sunbeam Through the Fog |
788 | 64 | Architect's Gardens |
Investigation Complete 捜査完了![]() |
U123 | 4 | Main | Sunbeam Through the Fog |
789 | 65 | Architect's Gardens |
New Beginning 新たなる始まり![]() |
U123 | 5 | Main | Sunbeam Through the Fog |
790 | 66 | Atelier Delamode |
Expert's Arsenalエキスパートの道具箱![]() |
U020 | 12 | Sub | |
791 | 67 | Atelier Delamode |
Fragrance of Spring 春の香(かぐわ)しさ![]() |
U020 | 13 | Sub | |
792 | 68 | Foggy Backstreet |
Call of the Fog 霧の呼び声![]() |
U070 | 8 | Sub | |
793 | 69 | Architect's Garden |
Soul-Bound Maze 囚われの魂の迷路![]() |
U123 | 6 | Sub | |
802 | 70 | Movie Theater |
Incident in the Movie Hall 上映ホールでの小事件![]() |
U150 | 1 | Main | Star of Happiness |
803 | 71 | Movie Theater |
Source of Adversity 災厄の源![]() |
U150 | 2 | Main | Star of Happiness |
804 | 72 | Movie Theater |
Antagonist Appears 敵対者現(あらわ)る![]() |
U150 | 3 | Main | Star of Happiness |
805 | 73 | Movie Theater |
Technicalities of Dreams 夢に関する専門事項![]() |
U150 | 4 | Main | Star of Happiness |
806 | 74 | Movie Theater |
Destruction of Illusions 幻影をぶち壊せ![]() |
U150 | 5 | Main | Star of Happiness |
807 | 75 | Movie Theater |
Movie Props 映画の小道具![]() |
U150 | 6 | Sub | |
808 | 76 | Movie Theater |
Role Reversal 役割の逆転![]() |
U150 | 7 | Sub | |
809 | 77 | Movie Theater |
Memory Games 記憶争奪戦![]() |
U150 | 8 | Sub | |
810 | 78 | Foggy Backstreet |
Connection with the Architect 建築家アーキテクトとの繋がり![]() |
U070 | 9 | Main | Step into the Fog |
811 | 79 | Foggy Backstreet |
Finding Vera ヴェラを探せ![]() |
U070 | 10 | Main | Step into the Fog |
812 | 80 | Foggy Backstreet |
Lost in the Gloom 薄暗がりの中に消えて![]() |
U070 | 11 | Main | Step into the Fog |
813 | 81 | Foggy Backstreet |
Help Your Neighbor 汝の隣人を助けよ![]() |
U070 | 12 | Main | Step into the Fog |
814 | 82 | Foggy Backstreet |
Her Reasons 彼女の言い分![]() |
U070 | 13 | Main | Step into the Fog |
818 | 83 | Citadel |
Fog Came Suddenly 霧は突然に![]() |
U153 | 1 | Main | Old Massage |
819 | 84 | Citadel |
New Leader 新たなリーダー![]() |
U153 | 2 | Main | Old Massage |
820 | 85 | Citadel |
Octopus Tentacles オクトパスの触手![]() |
U153 | 3 | Main | Old Massage |
821 | 86 | Citadel |
Dark Connection 闇とのコネクション![]() |
U153 | 4 | Main | Old Massage |
822 | 87 | Citadel |
Mission from the Load 闇の主からの指令![]() |
U153 | 5 | Main | Old Massage |
823 | 88 | Citadel |
Smell of Threat脅迫の香り![]() |
U153 | 6 | Sub | |
824 | 89 | Citadel |
Burning the Evidence証拠を燃やして![]() |
U153 | 7 | Sub | |
825 | 90 | Citadel |
Decoy 囮(おとり)![]() |
U153 | 8 | Sub | |
826 | 91 | Citadel |
Even Exchange 等価交換![]() |
U153 | 9 | Sub | |
835 | 92 | Atelier Delamode |
Power Source 動力源![]() |
U020 | 14 | Sub | |
836 | 93 | Foggy Backstreet |
In Search of the Past 過去の探索の中で![]() |
U070 | 14 | Sub | |
837 | 94 | Architect's Gardens |
Twilight Bloom 薄暮(はくぼ)に綻ぶ花![]() |
U123 | 7 | Sub | |
838 | 95 | Movie Theater |
Frankenstein's Pet Monster フランケンシュタイン的ペット・モンスター ![]() |
U150 | 9 | Sub | |
860 | 96 | Citadel |
Underground Printing Office 違法印刷所![]() |
U153 | 10 | Sub | |
861 | 97 | Citadel |
Faithful Companion 忠実な相棒![]() |
U153 | 11 | Sub | |
862 | 98 | Antique Store |
Shadows of the Past 過去の亡霊![]() |
U165 | 1 | Main | Shirley's Mystery |
863 | 99 | Antique Store |
Imminent Explosure 正体を暴かんと迫(せま)るもの![]() |
U165 | 2 | Main | Shirley's Mystery |
864 | 100 | Antique Store |
Sinister Omens 凶兆![]() |
U165 | 3 | Main | Shirley's Mystery |
865 | 101 | Antique Store |
Method of Exclusion 消去法![]() |
U165 | 4 | Main | Shirley's Mystery |
866 | 102 | Antique Store |
Unpleasant Discovery 不愉快な発見![]() |
U165 | 5 | Main | Shirley's Mystery |
867 | 103 | Antique Store |
Exceptional Items 規格外の品々![]() |
U165 | 6 | Sub | |
868 | 104 | Antique Store |
Cursed Antiques 呪われたアンティーク![]() |
U165 | 7 | Sub | |
869 | 105 | Antique Store |
Time of Absence 欠けた時間![]() |
U165 | 8 | Sub | |
886 | 106 | Atelier Delamode |
Fabien's Memoir
ファビアンの自叙伝![]() |
U020 | 15 | Sub | |
887 | 107 | Atelier Delamode |
Allure of Luxury 豪奢(ごうしゃ)なる品の誘惑![]() |
U020 | 16 | Sub | |
888 | 108 | Architect's Gardens |
Architect's Secret 建築家アーキテクトの秘密![]() |
U123 | 8 | Sub | |
889 | 109 | Movie Teater |
House of Cinema シネマの館![]() |
U150 | 10 | Sub | |
890 | 110 | Movie Teater |
Evening of Illusions 幻想鑑賞会![]() |
U150 | 11 | Sub | |
912 | 111 | Atelier Delamode |
Striking Resemblance 顕著な類似点![]() |
U020 | 17 | Sub | |
913 | 112 | Foggy Backstreet |
Legend of the Ghostly Deer ゴースト・ディアーの伝説![]() |
U070 | 15 | Sub | |
914 | 113 | Antique Store |
Protective Signs 護りの文様![]() |
U165 | 9 | Sub | |
915 | 114 | Foggy Oasis |
Foggy Search 霧煙(けぶ)る捜索![]() |
U177 | 1 | Main | Nightmare Extraction |
916 | 115 | Foggy Oasis |
Unconventional Studies 型破りな研究![]() |
U177 | 2 | Main | Nightmare Extraction |
917 | 116 | Foggy Oasis |
Main Suspects 重要参考人![]() |
U177 | 3 | Main | Nightmare Extraction |
918 | 117 | Foggy Oasis |
Lucas's Stories ルーカスに纏わる話![]() |
U177 | 4 | Main | Nightmare Extraction |
919 | 118 | Foggy Oasis |
Recipe for Dreams 夢を創り出すレシピ![]() |
U177 | 5 | Main | Nightmare Extraction |
920 | 119 | Foggy Oasis |
Voice of the Fog 霧からの声![]() |
U177 | 6 | Sub | |
921 | 120 | Foggy Oasis |
Lord of Dusk 夕闇の救いの主(しゅ)![]() |
U177 | 7 | Sub | |
922 | 121 | Foggy Oasis |
Foggy Past 霧煙(けぶ)る過去![]() |
U177 | 8 | Sub | |
923 | 122 | Foggy Oasis |
Shroud of the Subconscious 潜在意識の帳(とばり)の奥には![]() |
U177 | 9 | Sub | |
924 | 123 | Old Cottage |
First Aid 応急手当![]() |
U180 | 1 | Main | Time Will Tell |
925 | 124 | Old Cottage |
Oddity Set 奇妙な一揃いの品![]() |
U180 | 2 | Main | Time Will Tell |
926 | 125 | Old Cottage |
Shroud of Secrecy 秘密の帳(とばり)の奥に![]() |
U180 | 3 | Main | Time Will Tell |
927 | 126 | Old Cottage |
Magical Exposure 魔術的露見![]() |
U180 | 4 | Main | Time Will Tell |
928 | 127 | Old Cottage |
Clues from a Fairy Tale お伽噺(おとぎばなし)からの手がかり![]() |
U180 | 5 | Main | Time Will Tell |
929 | 128 | Foggy Backstreet |
Spare Key スペアキー![]() |
U070 | 16 | Sub | |
930 | 129 | Foggy Backstreet |
Down Memory Lane 記憶の糸を手繰(たぐ)って![]() |
U070 | 17 | Sub | |
931 | 130 | Foggy Backstreet |
Report for Mr. Black ブラック長官への報告書![]() |
U070 | 18 | Sub | |
932 | 131 | Foggy Backstreet |
Explosive Change 爆発的変化![]() |
U070 | 19 | Sub | |
933 | 132 | Foggy Backstreet |
Foggy Double まねっこ霧![]() |
U070 | 20 | Sub | |
934 | 133 | Architect's Gardens |
Broken Dreams 夢破れて![]() |
U123 | 10 | Sub | |
935 | 134 | Foggy Oasis |
Taming the Fog 霧を手懐けて![]() |
U177 | 10 | Sub | |
951 | 135 | Antique Store |
Night Guest 夜更けの訪問客![]() |
U165 | 10 | Sub | |
952 | 136 | Old Cottage |
Who's the Boss Here? ここの主(ぬし)はだあれ?![]() |
U180 | 6 | Sub | |
953 | 137 | Old Cottage |
Test for Magic 魔力テスト![]() |
U180 | 7 | Sub | |
954 | 138 | Old Cottage |
Incomplete biography 未完の来歴(らいれき)![]() |
U180 | 8 | Sub | |
955 | 139 | Palace of Muses |
Great Creator 偉大なクリエイター![]() |
U183 | 1 | Main | Creator and His Muse |
956 | 140 | Palace of Muses |
Sudden Quarrel 突然の諍(いさか)い![]() |
U183 | 2 | Main | Creator and His Muse |
957 | 141 | Palace of Muses |
Meaningless World 灰色の世界![]() |
U183 | 3 | Main | Creator and His Muse |
958 | 142 | Palace of Muses |
Shutter Click シャッター音が響けば![]() |
U183 | 4 | Main | Creator and His Muse |
959 | 143 | Palace of Muses |
Sculptress's Masterpiece とある彫刻家の最高傑作![]() |
U183 | 5 | Main | Creator and His Muse |
960 | 144 | Palace of Muses |
Healing Ceramics 癒しの陶器![]() |
U183 | 6 | Sub | |
961 | 145 | Palace of Muses |
Restoration 美術品修復![]() |
U183 | 7 | Sub | |
962 | 146 | Palace of Muses |
Ancient Songs いにしえの唄(うた)![]() |
U183 | 8 | Sub | |
963 | 147 | Negotiation Room |
Vanishing Trick消失トリック![]() |
U186 | 1 | Main | Best Use |
964 | 148 | Negotiation Room |
Field of Fate 運命のフィールド![]() |
U186 | 2 | Main | Best Use |
965 | 149 | Negotiation Room |
Burden of Proof 証拠の重み![]() |
U186 | 3 | Main | Best Use |
966 | 150 | Negotiation Room |
Howl Behind 咆哮(ほうこう)を背に![]() |
U186 | 4 | Main | Best Use |
967 | 151 | Negotiation Room |
Breath of Doom 破滅の吐息![]() |
U186 | 5 | Main | Best Use |
968 | 152 | Negotiation Room |
Plucked Flower 摘み取られた花![]() |
U186 | 6 | Sub | |
969 | 153 | Negotiation Room |
Memory Vault Inspection 記憶保管庫の捜査![]() |
U186 | 7 | Sub | |
970 | 154 | Negotiation Room |
Life Under the Wing 庇護下(ひごか)の命![]() |
U186 | 8 | Sub | |
971 | 155 | Old Cottage |
Monsters and Defenders モンスターの群れとディフェンダーズと![]() |
U180 | 9 | Sub | |
972 | 156 | Old Cottage |
Divination on the Collector コレクターに対する占い![]() |
U180 | 10 | Sub | |
973 | 157 | Traveling Circus |
Deceiving Luxury まやかしの贅沢品![]() |
U189 | 1 | Main | Surprise at the Doorstep |
974 | 158 | Traveling Circus |
Circus Tricks サーカスのトリック![]() |
U189 | 2 | Main | Surprise at the Doorstep |
975 | 159 | Traveling Circus |
Magician's Secrets マジシャンの秘密![]() |
U189 | 3 | Main | Surprise at the Doorstep |
976 | 160 | Traveling Circus |
Elusive Parts 捉え難(がた)き部品![]() |
U189 | 4 | Main | Surprise at the Doorstep |
977 | 161 | Traveling Circus |
Victim of Circumstances 境遇の犠牲者![]() |
U189 | 5 | Main | Surprise at the Doorstep |
978 | 162 | Traveling Circus |
Dark Power 闇の力![]() |
U189 | 6 | Sub | |
979 | 163 | Traveling Circus |
Making a Clown Laugh 道化師には満面の笑みを![]() |
U189 | 7 | Sub | |
980 | 164 | Traveling Circus |
Ordinary Miracle タネも仕掛けもある奇跡![]() |
U189 | 8 | Sub | |
981 | 165 | Traveling Circus |
What's Meant to Be 運命や如何(いか)に![]() |
U189 | 9 | Sub | |
982 | 166 | Traveling Circus |
Black the Exposer 長官の種明かし![]() |
U189 | 10 | Sub | |
983 | 167 | Crystal Mine |
Dark Jewel 闇の宝玉![]() |
U192 | 1 | Main | In Constant Fear |
984 | 168 | Crystal Mine |
Expedition to the Abyss 深淵への発掘調査![]() |
U192 | 2 | Main | In Constant Fear |
985 | 169 | Crystal Mine |
Total Eclipse 光を喰らい尽くす蝕(しょく)![]() |
U192 | 3 | Main | In Constant Fear |
986 | 170 | Crystal Mine |
Incredible Discovery 信じ難い発見![]() |
U192 | 4 | Main | In Constant Fear |
987 | 171 | Crystal Mine |
Forgotten Taste Freedom 忘れていた自由の味![]() |
U192 | 5 | Main | In Constant Fear |
988 | 172 | Crystal Mine |
Capuchins from the Shadow Cult シャドウ教団のキャピュシン夫妻![]() |
U192 | 6 | Sub | |
989 | 173 | Crystal Mine |
Underground Labyrinth 地下迷宮![]() |
U192 | 7 | Sub | |
990 | 174 | Crystal Mine |
Blossoming of Stone 石の開花![]() |
U192 | 8 | Sub | |
991 | 175 | Crystal Mine |
Magic Well 魔法の井戸![]() |
U192 | 9 | Sub | |
992 | 176 | Crystal Mine |
Cursed Treasure Hunter 呪われたトレジャーハンター![]() |
U192 | 10 | Sub | |
1038 | 177 | Traveling Circus |
Ventriloquist's Dummy 腹話術師の腹話術人形![]() |
U189 | 11 | Sub | |
1039 | 178 | Crystal Mine |
Guest from the Dungeons 地下迷宮からの客人![]() |
U192 | 11 | Sub | |
1040 | 179 | Moroccan Café |
On the Critic's Trail 評論家の足取りを追って![]() |
U207 | 1 | Main | Paper Trophy |
1041 | 180 | Moroccan Café |
Culinary Surveillance 調理の監視![]() |
U207 | 2 | Main | Paper Trophy |
1042 | 181 | Moroccan Café |
Secret Information 秘匿された情報![]() |
U207 | 3 | Main | Paper Trophy |
1043 | 182 | Moroccan Café |
Secret of the Perfect Taste 完全無欠の風味の秘密![]() |
U207 | 4 | Main | Paper Trophy |
1044 | 183 | Moroccan Café |
Sleepy Confinement 微睡(まどろ)みの中の監禁![]() |
U207 | 5 | Main | Paper Trophy |
1045 | 184 | Moroccan Café |
Secret Recipe (2) 秘伝の調合法![]() |
U207 | 6 | Sub | |
1046 | 185 | Moroccan Café |
Rodent Infestation 鼠の大量発生![]() |
U207 | 7 | Sub | |
1047 | 186 | Moroccan Café |
Taste of Frozen Time 凍り付いた時間の味![]() |
U207 | 8 | Sub | |
1066 | 187 | South Fort |
Unknown Monster 未知のモンスター![]() |
U080 | 1 | Main | Sip of Hope |
1067 | 188 | South Fort |
Scent as Evidence 香りの証拠![]() |
U080 | 2 | Main | Sip of Hope |
1068 | 189 | South Fort |
In Search of Truth 真実を求めて![]() |
U080 | 3 | Main | Sip of Hope |
1069 | 190 | South Fort |
Full Confession 完全なる自供![]() |
U080 | 4 | Main | Sip of Hope |
1070 | 191 | South Fort |
Hidden Threat 秘匿された脅威![]() |
U080 | 5 | Main | Sip of Hope |
1071 | 192 | South Fort |
Order's History 騎士団の歴史![]() |
U080 | 6 | Sub | |
1072 | 193 | South Fort |
Identical Outfits 同一の衣装が二着![]() |
U080 | 7 | Sub | |
1073 | 194 | South Fort |
Lost and Found 遺失物取扱所![]() |
U080 | 8 | Sub | |
1084 | 195 | Foggy Oasis |
Dream Pearl 夢の真珠![]() |
U177 | 11 | Sub | |
1085 | 196 | Full Moon Tower |
Huntress's Trail ハントレスの足取り![]() |
U091 | 1 | Main | Chance for Healing |
1086 | 197 | Full Moon Tower |
Werewolf Identifiction 狼男の正体![]() |
U091 | 2 | Main | Chance for Healing |
1087 | 198 | Full Moon Tower |
Talking with a Monster モンスターとの会話![]() |
U091 | 3 | Main | Chance for Healing |
1088 | 199 | Full Moon Tower |
Big Change どんでん返し![]() |
U091 | 4 | Main | Chance for Healing |
1089 | 200 | Full Moon Tower |
Dreadful Confession 恐ろしい供述![]() |
U091 | 5 | Main | Chance for Healing |
1090 | 201 | Full Moon Tower |
Legendary Charm 伝説のお守り![]() |
U091 | 6 | Sub | |
1091 | 202 | Full Moon Tower |
Unexpected Ending 予想外のエンディング![]() |
U091 | 7 | Sub | |
1092 | 203 | Full Moon Tower |
Fairy-Tale Dream フェアリーテイルの夢![]() |
U091 | 8 | Sub | |
1093 | 204 | Full Moon Tower |
Distant Victory Song 彼方からの勝利の歌![]() |
U091 | 9 | Sub | |
1094 | - | Foggy Backstreet →Upper Monsters |
Living Mechanisms 生きた機械装置![]() |
M0u | 1 | Main | Melody of Pure Darkness |
1095 | - | Cabaret →Upper Monsters |
Heart from the Dungeons 地下迷宮からもたらされしココロ![]() |
M0u | 2 | Main | Melody of Pure Darkness |
1096 | - | Atelier Delamode →Upper Monsters |
Chasing the Mystery 不思議なヒントを辿って![]() |
M0u | 3 | Main | Melody of Pure Darkness |
1097 | - | Post Office →Upper Monsters |
Against the Darkness 闇に抗(あらが)って![]() |
M0u | 4 | Main | Melody of Pure Darkness |
1098 | - | Lamplighter's Workshop →Upper Monsters |
What the City Wants シティの求めるモノ![]() |
M0u | 5 | Main | Melody of Pure Darkness |
1099 | 205 | Factory |
Last Refuge 最終潜伏先![]() |
U101 | 1 | Main | Above All |
1100 | 206 | Factory |
Secret Science 門外不出の科学技術![]() |
U101 | 2 | Main | Above All |
1101 | 207 | Factory |
Cross-Examination 相互審問(しんもん)![]() |
U101 | 3 | Main | Above All |
1102 | 208 | Factory |
Scavenger's Advocate 弁護人スカベンジャー![]() |
U101 | 4 | Main | Above All |
1103 | 209 | Factory |
Gifts of the Shadows 地下組織からの贈り物![]() |
U101 | 5 | Main | Above All |
1104 | 210 | Factory |
Factory Work 工場工作![]() |
U101 | 6 | Sub | |
1105 | 211 | Factory |
Promising Project 有望なプロジェクト![]() |
U101 | 7 | Sub | |
1106 | 212 | Factory |
Heavy Heart 憂慮沈鬱(ゆうりょちんうつ)![]() |
U101 | 8 | Sub | |
1107 | 213 | Clock Tower |
Child of Time 時の申し子![]() |
U041 | 1 | Main | Place of No Time |
1108 | 214 | Clock Tower |
Von Obens' Disappearance フォン=オーベン父娘(おやこ)の失踪![]() |
U041 | 2 | Main | Place of No Time |
1109 | 215 | Clock Tower |
Tick-Tock Goes My Heart チクタク動け僕の心臓![]() |
U041 | 3 | Main | Place of No Time |
1110 | 216 | Clock Tower |
Clock Struck Midnight 時計が真夜中の十二時を打つ![]() |
U041 | 4 | Main | Place of No Time |
1111 | 217 | Clock Tower |
Keeper of Time 時間の番人![]() |
U041 | 5 | Main | Place of No Time |
1112 | 218 | Clock Tower |
Crystal Harmony クリスタル・ハーモニー![]() |
U041 | 6 | Sub | |
1113 | 219 | Clock Tower |
Forbidden Knowledge 禁じられた知識![]() |
U041 | 7 | Sub | |
1119 | 220 | Clock Tower |
Former Life 来し方(こしかた)の人生![]() |
U041 | 8 | Sub | |
1120 | 221 | Moroccan Cafe |
Unique Diet ユニークなコラボ![]() |
U207 | 9 | Sub | |
1121 | 222 | Burned-out Estate |
Where the Fire Came From 火の出処(でどころ)![]() |
U231 | 1 | Main | Flame Speakers |
1122 | 223 | Burned-out Estate |
Smoke without Fire 火のない所に立つ煙![]() |
U231 | 2 | Main | Flame Speakers |
1123 | 224 | Burned-out Estate |
Answer from Fiery Antiquity 古色蒼然(こしょくそうぜん)たる炎からの回答![]() |
U231 | 3 | Main | Flame Speakers |
1124 | 225 | Burned-out Estate |
Don't Play with Fire 火で遊ぶべからず![]() |
U231 | 4 | Main | Flame Speakers |
1125 | 226 | Burned-out Estate |
Soul of Fire 焔(ほむら)の魂![]() |
U231 | 5 | Main | Flame Speakers |
1126 | 227 | Burned-out Estate |
Bachelor's Breakfast 独身男の朝食![]() |
U231 | 6 | Sub | |
1127 | 228 | Burned-out Estate |
Fire Festival ファイヤー・フェスティバル![]() |
U231 | 7 | Sub | |
1128 | 229 | Burned-out Estate |
Healing Flame 癒しの炎![]() |
U231 | 8 | Sub | |
1154 | 230 | Factory |
Vacation for a Scavenger スカベンジャーのための休暇![]() |
U101 | 9 | Sub | |
1155 | 231 | Clock Tower |
Scary Letters 薄気味悪い手紙![]() |
U041 | 9 | Sub | |
1156 | 232 | Artifact Bank |
Who's Sebastian Broderick? セバスチャン=ブラダリックの正体は?![]() |
U243 | 1 | Main | Last Gift of the Order |
1157 | 233 | Artifact Bank |
Sinister Plans 悪魔的企(くわだ)て![]() |
U243 | 2 | Main | Last Gift of the Order |
1158 | 234 | Artifact Bank |
On the Order's Trail 守護団の足取りを追って![]() |
U243 | 3 | Main | Last Gift of the Order |
1159 | 235 | Artifact Bank |
Covert and Overt コバート&オバート(公然と内密)![]() |
U243 | 4 | Main | Last Gift of the Order |
1160 | 236 | Artifact Bank |
Mind Games 心理戦![]() |
U243 | 5 | Main | Last Gift of the Order |
1161 | 237 | Artifact Bank |
Payback from the Other World あの世からの返済![]() |
U243 | 6 | Sub | |
1162 | 238 | Artifact Bank |
Second Life 第二の人生![]() |
U243 | 7 | Sub | |
1163 | 239 | Artifact Bank |
Bank Keeper 中央銀行の金庫番![]() |
U243 | 8 | Sub | |
1164 | 240 | Palace of Justice |
Identity in Question 質疑での身元確認![]() |
U246 | 1 | Main | Trail of Mystery |
1165 | 241 | Palace of Justice |
Mysterious Accomplice ミステリアスな共犯者![]() |
U246 | 2 | Main | Trail of Mystery |
1166 | 242 | Palace of Justice |
Line of Defense 弁護団![]() |
U246 | 3 | Main | Trail of Mystery |
1167 | 243 | Palace of Justice |
Witness from the Fog 霧の中からの目撃者![]() |
U246 | 4 | Main | Trail of Mystery |
1168 | 244 | Palace of Justice |
Execution of the Sentence 判決の執行![]() |
U246 | 5 | Main | Trail of Mystery |
1169 | 245 | Palace of Justice |
Joy for Themis 女神テミスの喜び![]() |
U246 | 6 | Sub | |
1170 | 246 | Palace of Justice |
With a Clean Slate すっかり白紙に戻して![]() |
U246 | 7 | Sub | |
1171 | 247 | Palace of Justice |
Love Behind Bars 牢屋越しの愛![]() |
U246 | 8 | Sub | |
1188 | 248 | Pavilion of Providence |
Garden of the Lost 失われしものの庭園![]() |
U255 | 1 | Main | Song of the Clouds |
1189 | 249 | Pavilion of Providence |
Following Will-o'-Wisps ウィル・オ・ウィスプの後を追って![]() |
U255 | 2 | Main | Song of the Clouds |
1190 | 250 | Pavilion of Providence |
True Nature 真の姿![]() |
U255 | 3 | Main | Song of the Clouds |
1191 | 251 | Pavilion of Providence |
Wings of His Dreams 彼の夢の翼![]() |
U255 | 4 | Main | Song of the Clouds |
1192 | 252 | Pavilion of Providence |
Realm of Secrets 秘密の王国![]() |
U255 | 5 | Main | Song of the Clouds |
1193 | 253 | Pavilion of Providence |
Caught on Film フィルムに捉(とら)えて![]() |
U255 | 6 | Sub | |
1194 | 254 | Pavilion of Providence |
Who Is Stronger? 強いのはどっち?![]() |
U255 | 7 | Sub | |
1195 | 255 | Pavilion of Providence |
Fairy Hunt 妖精狩り![]() |
U255 | 8 | Sub | |
1217 | 256 | Mural House |
Yuri, the Organ Grinder 手回しオルガン奏者、ユーリー![]() |
U264 | 1 | Main | Experimental Miracle |
1218 | 257 | Mural House |
Beauty of Madness 美しき狂気![]() |
U264 | 2 | Main | Experimental Miracle |
1219 | 258 | Mural House |
Fern Blossom シダが花綻ぶ時![]() |
U264 | 3 | Main | Experimental Miracle |
1220 | 259 | Mural House |
Song of the Longing Heart 希(こいねが)う心の歌![]() |
U264 | 4 | Main | Experimental Miracle |
1221 | 260 | Mural House |
Lullaby for the Fog 霧に捧ぐララバイ![]() |
U264 | 5 | Main | Experimental Miracle |
1222 | 261 | Mural House |
Suns of Different Countries 様々な国での夏至![]() |
U264 | 6 | Sub | |
1223 | 262 | Mural House |
Father and Two Brothers 父と二人の兄弟![]() |
U264 | 7 | Sub | |
1224 | 263 | Mural House |
Night of Bonfires ボンファイアの夜![]() |
U264 | 8 | Sub | |
1230 | 264 | Scientist's Mansion |
Fair Competition 公正な競争![]() |
U267 | 1 | Main | Through All Shadows |
1231 | 265 | Scientist's Mansion |
Missing Spark 消えた閃光![]() |
U267 | 2 | Main | Through All Shadows |
1232 | 266 | Scientist's Mansion |
Song of Heavens 天空の歌![]() |
U267 | 3 | Main | Through All Shadows |
1233 | 267 | Scientist's Mansion |
Dream to Sacrifice 犠牲へと向かう夢![]() |
U267 | 4 | Main | Through All Shadows |
1234 | 268 | Scientist's Mansion |
Fateful Decisions 運命の決断![]() |
U267 | 5 | Main | Through All Shadows |
1235 | 269 | Scientist's Mansion |
Reflection of Dreams 夢に映し出されるもの![]() |
U267 | 6 | Sub | |
1236 | 270 | Scientist's Mansion |
Fog Eaters 霧を喰(は)む者![]() |
U267 | 7 | Sub | |
1237 | 271 | Scientist's Mansion |
Covert Surveillance 諜報的監視![]() |
U267 | 8 | Sub | |
1270 | 272 | Full Moon Tower |
Where the Monster Hides モンスターの隠れ家は![]() |
U091 | 10 | Main | Wrapping in the Twilight |
1271 | 273 | Factory |
She Who Surpassed Everyone 周囲全てを出し抜いて![]() |
U101 | 10 | Main | Wrapping in the Twilight |
1272 | 274 | Antique Store |
Lunar Knowledge 月の力の知識![]() |
U165 | 11 | Main | Wrapping in the Twilight |
1273 | 275 | Negotiation Room |
Dark Before Dawn 夜明け前の闇![]() |
U186 | 9 | Main | Wrapping in the Twilight |
1274 | 276 | Full Moon Tower |
Perfect Harmony 完璧な調和![]() |
U091 | 11 | Main | Wrapping in the Twilight |
1275 | 277 | Borderland |
Tangled Story もつれ合った素性(すじょう)![]() |
U282 | 1 | Main | Bright Present |
1276 | 278 | Borderland |
Secret of Happiness 幸せの秘訣![]() |
U282 | 2 | Main | Bright Present |
1277 | 279 | Borderland |
Mystery of the Past 過去に纏わる謎![]() |
U282 | 3 | Main | Bright Present |
1278 | 280 | Borderland |
Grains of Memory 記憶の砂粒![]() |
U282 | 4 | Main | Bright Present |
1279 | 281 | Borderland |
Other Music 反作用の曲![]() |
U282 | 5 | Main | Bright Present |
1280 | 282 | Borderland |
Shutting the Evil Eye 呪(のろ)いの目を遮断して![]() |
U282 | 6 | Sub | |
1281 | 283 | Borderland |
Memory of the Future 未来の記憶![]() |
U282 | 7 | Sub | |
1282 | 284 | Borderland |
Knot to Remember 忘れじの結び目![]() |
U282 | 8 | Sub | |
1307 | 285 | Museum |
Secrets of the Exhibits 展示物の秘密![]() |
U294 | 1 | Main | Historical Event Event |
1308 | 286 | Museum |
Mark in History 歴史に刻まれしモノ![]() |
U294 | 2 | Main | Historical Event Event |
1309 | 287 | Museum |
In Pursuit of Time 時間を追い求めて![]() |
U294 | 3 | Main | Historical Event Event |
1310 | 288 | Museum |
Phantom Trap ファントム・トラップ![]() |
U294 | 4 | Main | Historical Event Event |
1311 | 289 | Museum |
Meeting the Past 過去との遭遇(そうぐう)![]() |
U294 | 5 | Main | Historical Event Event |
1312 | 290 | Museum |
Shedding Light 光を放て![]() |
U294 | 6 | Sub | |
1313 | 291 | Museum |
Museum Party ミュージアム・パーティー![]() |
U294 | 7 | Sub | |
1314 | 292 | Museum |
Following a Bright Trail 光る足跡を追え![]() |
U294 | 8 | Sub | |
1315 | 293 | Underwater Palace |
Wrath of the First Nymph 最初のニンフの激憤![]() |
U297 | 1 | Main | Peaceful Waters |
1316 | 294 | Underwater Palace |
Racing with the Deep 深海に挑(いど)んで![]() |
U297 | 2 | Main | Peaceful Waters |
1317 | 295 | Underwater Palace |
Mind in Oblivion 忘却の彼方の心![]() |
U297 | 3 | Main | Peaceful Waters |
1318 | 296 | Underwater Palace |
Precious Things Will Remain 後々まで残るは珠玉(しゅぎょく)の思い出![]() |
U297 | 4 | Main | Peaceful Waters |
1319 | 297 | Underwater Palace |
Where the Deep Roars 深淵の咆哮が轟く場所![]() |
U297 | 5 | Main | Peaceful Waters |
1320 | 298 | Underwater Palace |
Diving Suit 潜水服![]() |
U297 | 6 | Sub | |
1321 | 299 | Underwater Palace |
Marine Investigation 海難調査![]() |
U297 | 7 | Sub | |
1322 | 300 | Underwater Palace |
Healing Sea 癒しの海![]() |
U297 | 8 | Sub | |
1323 | 301 | Meadow |
Mighty Character 強力な呪術師![]() |
U300 | 1 | Main | Memory of Summer |
1324 | 302 | Meadow |
Story of the Pear Lady 梨の精の物語![]() |
U300 | 2 | Main | Memory of Summer |
1325 | 303 | Meadow |
End of the Green Era 緑の時代の終焉(しゅうえん)![]() |
U300 | 3 | Main | Memory of Summer |
1326 | 304 | Meadow |
Long-Awaited Reconciliation 待ちわびた和解![]() |
U300 | 4 | Main | Memory of Summer |
1327 | 305 | Meadow |
One Day for All 皆のための一日![]() |
U300 | 5 | Main | Memory of Summer |
1328 | 306 | Meadow |
Kharakternyks' Science カラクテルニク(闘う呪術師)の科学![]() |
U300 | 6 | Sub | r |
1329 | 307 | Meadow |
Fern Flower シダの花![]() |
U300 | 7 | Sub | r |
1330 | 308 | Meadow |
Kupala Tree クパーラの樹![]() |
U300 | 8 | Sub | r |
1331 | 309 | Heirs' Villa |
Mysterious Culprit 謎多き犯人![]() |
U303 | 1 | Main | Drops of Eternity |
1332 | 310 | Heirs' Villa |
Magical Party マジカルなパーティー![]() |
U303 | 2 | Main | Drops of Eternity |
1333 | 311 | Heirs' Villa |
Guest from the Past 過去からの客人![]() |
U303 | 3 | Main | Drops of Eternity |
1334 | 312 | Heirs' Villa |
Incredible Discovery 驚きの発見![]() |
U303 | 4 | Main | Drops of Eternity |
1335 | 313 | Heirs' Villa |
Insidious Things 忍び寄る品々![]() |
U303 | 5 | Main | Drops of Eternity |
1336 | 314 | Heirs' Villa |
Special Mission 特別な使命![]() |
U303 | 6 | Sub | |
1337 | 315 | Heirs' Villa |
Invitation to Adulthood 大人への招待状![]() |
U303 | 7 | Sub | |
1338 | 316 | Heirs' Villa |
Forgotten Fate 忘れ去られた顛末(てんまつ)![]() |
U303 | 8 | Sub | |
1339 | 317 | Citadel |
Archival File 記録保管庫のファイル![]() |
U153 | 12 | Main | One's Own Kin |
1340 | 318 | Crystal Mine |
Finding a Theater とある劇場を探して![]() |
U192 | 12 | Main | One's Own Kin |
1341 | 319 | Artifact Bank |
Family Treasure 一家の宝物![]() |
U243 | 9 | Main | One's Own Kin |
1342 | 320 | Mural House |
Source of Inspiration インスピレーションの源![]() |
U264 | 9 | Main | One's Own Kin |
1343 | 321 | Heirs' Villa |
Long-Awaited Premiere 待ち望んだ初日公演![]() |
U303 | 9 | Main | One's Own Kin |
1352 | 322 | Dovecote |
Distinguished Pigeons 選りすぐりの鳩たち![]() |
U309 | 1 | Main | Foggy Thought Forms |
1353 | 323 | Dovecote |
Foggy Clues (2) 霧からの手がかり![]() |
U309 | 2 | Main | Foggy Thought Forms |
1354 | 324 | Dovecote |
Precious Thoughts 何物にも代えがたい思考![]() |
U309 | 3 | Main | Foggy Thought Forms |
1355 | 325 | Dovecote |
Operation Wings of Freedom 作戦名:自由の翼![]() |
U309 | 4 | Main | Foggy Thought Forms |
1356 | 326 | Dovecote |
Shadow of Evil シャドウの邪悪な影![]() |
U309 | 5 | Main | Foggy Thought Forms |
1357 | 327 | Dovecote |
Museum of Outstanding Birds 英傑鳥類記念博物館![]() |
U309 | 6 | Sub | |
1358 | 328 | Dovecote |
Pigeon Academy 鳩ぽっぽアカデミー![]() |
U309 | 7 | Sub | |
1359 | 329 | Dovecote |
Bird Talk 鳥さんのピーチクパーチク![]() |
U309 | 8 | Sub | |
1384 | 330 | Pharmacy |
Finding the Snake 噂の蛇を探して![]() |
U321 | 1 | Main | Trusted Advisor |
1385 | 331 | Pharmacy |
Flora's Secret フローラの隠し事![]() |
U321 | 2 | Main | Trusted Advisor |
1386 | 332 | Pharmacy |
Precious Elixir 珠玉の霊薬![]() |
U321 | 3 | Main | Trusted Advisor |
1387 | 333 | Pharmacy |
Attack of the Disciples 使徒たちによる襲撃![]() |
U321 | 4 | Main | Trusted Advisor |
1388 | 334 | Pharmacy |
Contacting the Fog 霧とコンタクトを取るには![]() |
U321 | 5 | Main | Trusted Advisor |
1389 | 335 | Pharmacy |
Useful Finds 掘り出し物![]() |
U321 | 6 | Sub | |
1390 | 336 | Pharmacy |
Beauty Recipes 美の処方箋![]() |
U321 | 7 | Sub | |
1391 | 337 | Pharmacy |
Healing Motifs 癒しの波動![]() |
U321 | 8 | Sub | |
1392 | 338 | Terrace |
Shadow of Suspicion 疑惑の影とシャドウの気配![]() |
U324 | 1 | Main | Long-Awaited Message |
1393 | 339 | Terrace |
Against Fate 運命に逆らって![]() |
U324 | 2 | Main | Long-Awaited Message |
1394 | 340 | Terrace |
Starry Rendezvous 星々のランデブー![]() |
U324 | 3 | Main | Long-Awaited Message |
1395 | 341 | Terrace |
Lingering Visit 長過ぎた訪問![]() |
U324 | 4 | Main | Long-Awaited Message |
1396 | 342 | Terrace |
Mystery of the Five 五賢人のミステリー![]() |
U324 | 5 | Main | Long-Awaited Message |
1397 | 343 | Terrace |
Celestial Body 天空の証(あかし)![]() |
U324 | 6 | Sub | |
1398 | 344 | Terrace |
New Fate 変転する運命![]() |
U324 | 7 | Sub | |
1399 | 345 | Terrace |
Fashionable Science モード・サイエンス![]() |
U324 | 8 | Sub |
List 1: Lower City
List 3: Anomaly and Monster
List 4: Artifact