![]() |
All Collections' List 1
(Lower City) 全コレクションリスト1 (下界シティ) |
Number of collections:
Lower: 943/ Upper: 345/ Monsters: 90/ Modes and Anomalies: 21/ Artifacts: 169/
Total: 1568 (as of Feb 2025)
下界:943/ アッパー:345/ モンスター:90/ モードとアノマリー:21 /アーティファクト:169/ 合計:1568 (2025年2月現在)
*Collections of
Invisible Ink and Mystical Round are shown in the City tab of the game's collection box.
*【Rare Elixirs】 has been
deleted from the City tab in the Collection box for months. But they
still remain on the rewards list at the
Troll Market for some reason.
List 2: Upper City
List 3: Anomaly and Monster
List 4: Artifact
You can sort the column by clicking the arrows
Common Number |
Lower | Locations Modes Monsters |
Collections' Name | LV or No. |
Quests' Type | Artifact Collections' Name |
1 | 1 | Others |
Conductor's Device コンダクターの装置 →Foggy Clues ![]() |
000 | 1 | Story before revision | |
1 | 1 | Others |
Foggy Clues 霧に包まれた手がかり![]() |
000 | 1 | Introduction | Wonderful Inventions |
2 | 2 | Others |
Mysterious Room's Secret ミステリアスな部屋の秘密 →Collector's House Mysteries ![]() |
000 | 2 | Story before revision | |
2 | 2 | Others |
Collector's House Mysteries コレクターの家のミステリー![]() |
000 | 2 | Introduction | Wonderful Inventions |
3 | 3 | Others |
Flowers 花々![]() |
000 | 3 | Sub | Lady's Happiness |
4 | 4 | Others |
Books of the City シティ関連の書物![]() |
000 | 4 | Sub | Bring to Light |
5 | 5 | Others |
Entomologist's Collection 昆虫学者のコレクション![]() |
000 | 5 | Sub | Hobby |
6 | 6 | Others |
Dungeon's Mystery 地下迷宮の謎![]() |
000 | 6 | Sub | Starry Music |
7 | 7 | Others | Wishing Well 願いの井戸![]() |
000 | 9 | no quest | |
8 | 8 | Others | Centennial Ball 百周年記念舞踏会![]() |
000 | 8 | no quest | Powerful Artifacts |
9 | 9 | Others |
Forces Of Light 光の軍勢![]() |
000 | 7 | no quest | Powerful Artifacts |
10 | 10 | City Hall |
Borgia treasure ボルジア家の秘宝![]() |
002 | 1 | Sub | Dangerous Gifts |
11 | 11 | City Hall |
Art of Ballet バレエのスキル![]() |
002 | 2 | Sub | Hobby |
12 | 12 | City Hall |
Thieving Magpie 盗みを働く鵲(カササギ)![]() |
002 | 3 | Sub | Mystical Little Things |
13 | 13 | City Hall |
Silver Tea Set 銀のティーセット![]() |
002 | 4 | Sub | Hobbies as a Skill |
14 | 14 | City Hall |
Enchanted Poseidon 魔法にかけられたポセイドン![]() |
002 | 5 | Sub | Pleasant Moments |
15 | 15 | City Hall |
Balance of Power 力の均衡![]() |
002 | 6 | Sub | Restoring Balance |
16 | 16 | City Hall |
Aquarium アクアリウム![]() |
002 | 7 | Sub | Little Secrets |
17 | 17 | City Hall |
Grail Incarnate 顕現(けんげん)した聖杯![]() |
002 | 8 | Sub | Root Magic |
18 | 18 | Room of Fate (Now only available at the Witches' Abode) |
Witchcraft Artifacts 魔法の力を持つアーティファクト![]() |
003 | 1 | Sub | Starry Music |
19 | 19 | Room of Fate |
Mixed Chocolates チョコレートの詰め合わせ![]() |
003 | 2 | Sub | Hobby |
20 | 20 | Room of Fate |
Artifacts of the Mages 魔法使いのアーティファクト![]() |
003 | 3 | Sub | Magical Exploration |
21 | 21 | Room of Fate |
Evening Cake Party 夜のケーキパーティ![]() |
003 | 4 | Sub | Hobbies as a Skill |
22 | 22 | Room of Fate |
Human Vices 人間の持つ悪徳![]() |
003 | 5 | Sub | Development of Valour |
23 | 23 | Room of Fate |
Symbols of Virtue 美徳の象徴![]() |
003 | 6 | Sub | Restoring Balance |
24 | 24 | Room of Fate |
Book of the Dead 死者の書![]() |
003 | 7 | Sub | Root Magic |
25 | 25 | Room of Fate |
Faces from the Past 過去における様々な面々![]() |
003 | 8 | Main | Martha's Past |
26 | 26 | Room of Fate |
Strange Children 奇妙な子供たち![]() |
003 | 9 | Main | Martha's Past |
27 | 27 | Room of Fate |
Secret School 秘密の学校![]() |
003 | 10 | Main | Martha's Past |
28 | 28 | Room of Fate |
Medium's Mastery 霊媒師としての成功![]() |
003 | 11 | Main | Martha's Past |
29 | 29 | Room of Fate |
Hidden Memories 隠された記憶![]() |
003 | 12 | Main | Martha's Past |
30 | 30 | Room of Fate |
Mysterious Locks ミステリアスな錠前![]() |
003 | 13 | Sub | Bring to Light |
31 | 31 | Station |
Lost Baggage 遺失物![]() |
004 | 1 | Sub | Lady's Happiness |
32 | 32 | Station |
Passengers' Baggage 乗客の手荷物類 *Former name: Passengers' Luggage ![]() |
004 | 2 | Sub | Wanderlust |
33 | 33 | Station |
Bronze Toysブロンズの玩具![]() |
004 | 3 | Sub | Wanderlust |
34 | 34 | Station |
Driver's Belongings 運転士の持ち物 *Former name: Driver's Things ![]() |
004 | 4 | Sub | Wanderlust |
35 | 35 | Station |
Boy's Dream 少年の夢![]() |
004 | 5 | Sub | Wanderlust |
36 | 36 | Station |
Atlantic Express Trip アトランティック急行の旅 *Former name: Sanetti Trip サネッティ号の旅 ![]() |
004 | 6 | Sub | Wanderlust |
37 | 37 | Station |
Ghostly Impasse 行き止まりの幽霊![]() |
004 | 7 | Sub | Tricky Mechanisms |
38 | 38 | Station |
News from the Past 過去からの便り![]() |
004 | 8 | Sub | Heart's Secrets |
39 | 39 | Station |
Tea Ceremony 中国式茶道(さどう)![]() |
004 | 9 | Sub | Hobby |
40 | 40 | Station |
Chinese Teatime 中国のお茶の時間![]() |
004 | 10 | Sub | Hobbies as a Skill |
41 | 41 | Station |
Paracelsus' First-aid Kit パラケルススの救命キット![]() |
004 | 11 | Sub | Practical Magic |
42 | 42 | Collector's House |
Secret Society 秘密結社![]() |
007 | 1 | Story before revision | |
42 | 42 | Collector's House |
Secret Organization 謎の組織![]() |
007 | 1 | Main | Wonderful Inventions |
43 | 43 | Collector's House |
Ghostly Connestion 幽(かす)かな繋がり![]() |
007 | 2 | Sub | Mystical Little Things |
44 | 44 | Collector's House |
Phone Book 電話帳![]() |
007 | 3 | Sub | City News |
45 | 45 | Collector's House |
Smoking Set 喫煙具![]() |
007 | 4 | Sub | Active Recreation |
46 | 46 | Collector's House |
Chronometers 精密時計![]() |
007 | 5 | Sub | Restoring Balance |
47 | 47 | Collector's House |
Proof of Poisoning 毒殺の証拠![]() |
007 | 6 | Sub | Successful Outcome |
48 | 48 | Collector's House |
Saving the Captain 船長を救え![]() |
007 | 7 | Sub | Outside Interference |
49 | 49 | Collector's House |
Hot Air Balloon 熱気球![]() |
007 | 8 | Sub | Adventures Continue |
50 | 50 | Collector's House |
Pocket Watch 懐中時計![]() |
007 | 9 | Sub | Wonderful Inventions |
51 | 51 | Crystals |
Puzzles パズル![]() |
006 | 1 | Sub | Wonderful Inventions |
52 | 52 | Crystals |
Dancing with Werewolves 狼男たちと踊って![]() |
006 | 2 | Sub | Mystical Little Things |
53 | 53 | Crystals |
Statue of a Girl 少女の彫像![]() |
006 | 3 | Sub | City News |
54 | 54 | Crystals |
Cardsharp the Invisible 見えざる者カードシャープ![]() |
006 | 4 | Sub | Commotion around the Cardsharp |
55 | 55 | Crystals |
Cards on the Table! 手の内を見せろ!![]() |
006 | 5 | Sub | Restoring Balance |
56 | 56 | Crystals |
Banishing the Demon 悪魔祓い![]() |
006 | 6 | Sub | Mixed up in Magic |
57 | 57 | Crystals |
Billiards ビリヤード![]() |
006 | 7 | Sub | Successful Outcome |
58 | 58 | Crystals |
Medicinal Herbs 薬用ハーブ![]() |
006 | 8 | Sub | During Exploration |
59 | 59 | Crystals |
Curse of the Flying Dutchman フライング・ダッチマン号の呪い![]() |
006 | 9 | Sub | During Exploration |
60 | 60 | Crystals |
Casino Tools カジノの道具![]() |
006 | 10 | Sub | Adventures Continue |
61 | 61 | Cards of Fate |
Protection Skulls 護りの髑髏![]() |
010 | 1 | Sub | Practical Magic |
62 | 62 | Cards of Fate |
Deck of Images 肖像のデッキ![]() |
010 | 2 | Sub | Practical Magic |
63 | 63 | Cards of Fate |
Magical Shapes 魔力を持つ形状![]() |
010 | 3 | Sub | Practical Magic |
64 | 64 | Cards of Fate |
Lost Dreams 失われた夢![]() |
010 | 4 | Sub | Tricky Mechanisms |
65 | 65 | Cards of Fate |
St. Patrick's Day セント・パトリックス・デー![]() |
010 | 5 | Sub | |
66 | 66 | Cards of Fate |
Leprechaun's Gold レプラカーンの黄金![]() |
010 | 6 | Sub | |
67 | 67 | Cards of Fate |
Match with Fate 運命の女神との対決![]() |
010 | 7 | Sub | |
68 | 68 | Cards of Fate |
Luck Generator 幸運発生装置![]() |
010 | 8 | Sub | |
69 | 69 | Cards of Fate |
Anti-Black Cat Charm 対黒猫のお守り![]() |
010 | 9 | Sub | |
70 | 70 | Cards of Fate |
Games That Unite 遊びは人を繋ぐ![]() |
010 | 10 | Sub | |
71 | 71 | Manor House Gate |
Detective's Orangery 刑事の温室![]() |
011 | 1 | Sub | Dangerous Gifts |
72 | 72 | Manor House Gate |
Expert Craftswoman 手芸のエキスパート![]() |
011 | 2 | Sub | Hobby |
73 | 73 | Manor House Gate |
Multicoloured Masks 様々な色のマスク![]() |
011 | 3 | Sub | City News |
74 | 74 | Manor House Gate |
Cosmetic Masks 美容マスク![]() |
011 | 4 | Sub | Pleasant Moments |
75 | 75 | Manor House Gate |
Hand Mask ハンド・マスク![]() |
011 | 5 | Sub | Nice and Useful |
76 | 76 | Manor House Gate |
Sweet Tooth Heaven 甘いもの好きの天国![]() |
011 | 6 | Sub | Little Secrets |
71 | 71 | Manor House Gate |
Detective's Orangery 刑事の温室 *another story![]() |
011 | 7 | Sub | Dangerous Gifts |
77 | 77 | Manor House Gate |
Amulets of Confrontation 相反する力のアミュレット![]() |
011 | 8 | Main | The Magicians' Hidden Secrets |
78 | 78 | Manor House Gate |
Ill-Fated Prophecy 不吉な予言![]() |
011 | 9 | Main | The Magicians' Hidden Secrets |
79 | 79 | Manor House Gate |
Creatures from the Fog 霧から生まれた生物![]() |
011 | 10 | Main | The Magicians' Hidden Secrets |
80 | 80 | Manor House Gate |
Sources of Power 力の源![]() |
011 | 11 | Main | The Magicians' Hidden Secrets |
81 | 81 | Manor House Gate |
Closing the Trap 罠にかける![]() |
011 | 12 | Main | The Magicians' Hidden Secrets |
82 | 82 | Hall Of Weddings |
Angel In Love 恋に落ちた天使![]() |
030 | 1 | Main | Lady's Happiness |
83 | 83 | Hall Of Weddings |
Mistress's Treasure ミストレスの宝物![]() |
030 | 2 | Main | Dangerous Gifts |
84 | 84 | Hall Of Weddings |
Mystery of the Portrait ポートレートの謎![]() |
030 | 3 | Sub | Mystical Little Things |
85 | 85 | Hall Of Weddings |
Witch Sorcery 魔女の魔術![]() |
030 | 4 | Sub | City News |
86 | 86 | Hall Of Weddings |
Mysterious Shipwreck ミステリアスな海難事故![]() |
030 | 5 | Sub | Commotion around the Cardsharp |
87 | 87 | Hall Of Weddings |
Charon's Attraction カロンの呼び声![]() |
030 | 6 | Sub | Mixed up in Magic |
88 | 88 | Hall Of Weddings |
Debt to Charon カロンへの借財![]() |
030 | 7 | Sub | Successful Outcome |
89 | 89 | Hall Of Weddings |
City Cinematography シティの映画撮影![]() |
030 | 8 | Sub | During Exploration |
90 | 90 | Hall Of Weddings |
Eternal Stories 不朽(ふきゅう)の名作![]() |
030 | 9 | Sub | Secrets of the East |
91 | 91 | Hall Of Weddings |
Tropical Resort トロピカル・リゾート![]() |
030 | 10 | Sub | Pleasant Moments |
92 | 92 | Expedition |
Mythical Creatures 神話の生き物たち![]() |
017 | 1 | Sub | Starry Music |
93 | 93 | Expedition and Cards of Fate |
Shaving Kit シェービング・キット![]() |
017 | 2 | Sub | Mystical Little Things |
94 | 94 | Expedition and Cards of Fate |
Underground Speleologist 地下洞窟の探検家![]() |
017 | 3 | Sub | Active Recreation |
95 | 95 | Expedition |
Courage and Bravery 勇気ある心と行動![]() |
017 | 4 | Sub | Development of Valour |
96 | 96 | Expedition |
Melee Weapons 近接武器![]() |
017 | 5 | Sub | Commotion around the Cardsharp |
97 | 97 | Expedition |
Sewing Kit ソーイング・セット![]() |
017 | 6 | Sub | Nice and Useful |
98 | 98 | Expedition |
Gifts for the Nymph ニンフへの贈り物![]() |
017 | 7 | Sub | Successful Outcome |
99 | 99 | Expedition |
Marine Vessel 外洋船![]() |
017 | 8 | Sub | During Exploration |
100 | 100 | Expedition |
Weapon of Light 光の武器![]() |
017 | 9 | Sub | Forgotten Treasure |
101 | 101 | Expedition |
Enforcement of Curses 呪いの執行![]() |
017 | 10 | Sub | Adventures Continue |
102 | 102 | Crash Site |
Survival kit サバイバル・キット![]() |
024 | 1 | Sub | Journey to Nowhere |
103 | 103 | Crash Site |
Fruit for Edward エドワードへの果物![]() |
024 | 2 | Sub | Hobbies as a Skill |
104 | 104 | Crash Site |
Bowling for All ボウリングはみんなのために![]() |
024 | 3 | Sub | Active Recreation |
105 | 105 | Crash Site |
House Pet ペット![]() |
024 | 4 | Sub | Development of Valour |
106 | 106 | Crash Site |
Soft Toys ぬいぐるみ![]() |
024 | 5 | Sub | Joy of the Holidays |
107 | 107 | Crash Site |
Grandmother's Brooch 祖母のブローチ![]() |
024 | 6 | Sub | Secrets of the East |
108 | 108 | Crash Site |
Sinister Artifact 不吉なアーティファクト![]() |
024 | 7 | Sub | Root Magic |
109 | 109 | Crash Site |
Secret Organizations 秘密組織![]() |
024 | 8 | Main | Ghost Pilot |
110 | 110 | Crash Site |
Irrefutable Proof 反論の余地のない証拠![]() |
024 | 9 | Main | Ghost Pilot |
111 | 111 | Crash Site |
Spy Tools スパイツール![]() |
024 | 10 | Main | Ghost Pilot |
112 | 112 | Crash Site |
Wonder Plane 驚きの飛行機![]() |
024 | 11 | Main | Ghost Pilot |
113 | 113 | Crash Site |
Fatal Coincidence 運命的偶然の一致![]() |
024 | 12 | Main | Ghost Pilot |
114 | 114 | Santa's Workshop |
Defective Presents 壊れたプレゼント![]() |
040 | 1 | Main | Christmas Magic |
115 | 115 | Santa's Workshop |
Frozen Elves 凍り付いたエルフたち![]() |
040 | 2 | Main | Christmas Magic |
116 | 116 | Santa's Workshop |
Santa's Navigational System サンタのナビゲーションシステム![]() |
040 | 3 | Main | Christmas Magic |
117 | 117 | Santa's Workshop |
Santa's Christmas Balls サンタのクリスマスの飾り玉![]() |
040 | 4 | Main | Christmas Magic |
118 | 118 | Santa's Workshop |
Santa's Beaconサンタのビーコン![]() |
040 | 5 | Main | Christmas Magic |
119 | 119 | Santa's Workshop |
Winter Sports ウィンター・スポーツ![]() |
040 | 6 | Sub | Chip of the Season |
120 | 120 | Santa's Workshop |
Hot Mulled Wine ホット・マルド・ワイン![]() |
040 | 7 | Sub | |
121 | 121 | Santa's Workshop |
Logged Wood 丸太の薪![]() |
040 | 8 | Sub | |
122 | 122 | Santa's Workshop |
Gift Workshop プレゼント工房![]() |
040 | 9 | Sub | |
123 | 123 | Santa's Workshop |
Northern Fashion 北欧のファッション![]() |
040 | 10 | Sub | |
124 | 124 | Enchanted Ball |
Curse of Gorgon Medusa ゴーゴン=メデューサの呪い![]() |
018 | 1 | Sub | Treasure Keepers |
125 | 125 | Enchanted Ball |
Unfortunate Thief 不運な盗賊![]() |
018 | 2 | Main | Journey to Nowhere |
126 | 126 | Enchanted Ball |
Mirror of Gorgon Medusa ゴーゴン=メデューサの鏡![]() |
018 | 3 | Sub | Ritual Paraphernalia |
127 | 127 | Enchanted Ball |
Gentleman of Fortune 幸運な紳士![]() |
018 | 4 | Sub | |
128 | 128 | Enchanted Ball |
Divine Scent 神々しい香り![]() |
018 | 5 | Sub | Pleasant Moments |
129 | 129 | Enchanted Ball |
Astral Visor 霊視バイザー![]() |
018 | 6 | Sub | Mixed up in Magic |
130 | 130 | Enchanted Ball |
Supply of Provisions 食料備蓄![]() |
018 | 7 | Sub | During Exploration |
131 | 131 | Enchanted Ball |
Good Trophies 素晴らしき戦利品![]() |
018 | 8 | Sub | Root Magic |
132 | 132 | Enchanted Ball |
Spirits of Nature 自然界の精霊たち![]() |
018 | 9 | Sub | Root Magic |
133 | 133 | Enchanted Ball |
The Secret Behind Five Seals 五つの封蝋に隠された秘密![]() |
018 | 10 | Sub | Otherworldly Messages |
134 | 134 | Enchanted Ball |
Ball Queen's Dress 舞踏会のクイーンのドレス![]() |
018 | 11 | Main | Contract with a Demon |
135 | 135 | Enchanted Ball |
Ball Queen's Jewellery 舞踏会のクイーンのジュエリー![]() |
018 | 12 | Main | Contract with a Demon |
136 | 136 | Enchanted Ball |
Brilliant Dance 鮮やかな踊り![]() |
018 | 13 | Main | Contract with a Demon |
137 | 137 | Enchanted Ball |
Ball Orchestra 舞踏会のオーケストラ![]() |
018 | 14 | Main | Contract with a Demon |
138 | 138 | Enchanted Ball |
Great Talent 偉大なる才能![]() |
018 | 15 | Main | Contract with a Demon |
139 | 139 | Red Rose Café |
Manly Spirits 強い酒 ![]() |
013 | 1 | Sub | Dangerous Gifts |
140 | 140 | Red Rose Café |
Mystical Tournament 神秘のトーナメント![]() |
013 | 2 | Sub | Magical Exploration |
141 | 141 | Red Rose Café |
Law and Order 法と秩序![]() |
013 | 3 | Sub | Active Recreation |
142 | 142 | Red Rose Café |
Men's Accessories 紳士小物![]() |
013 | 4 | Sub | Commotion around the Cardsharp |
143 | 143 | Red Rose Café |
Women's Trifles 女性用の小間物![]() |
013 | 5 | Sub | Nice and Useful |
144 | 144 | Red Rose Café |
Fortune 運命の女神![]() |
013 | 6 | Sub | Successful Outcome |
145 | 145 | Red Rose Café |
Cure for Apathy 関心の欠落に対する治療![]() |
013 | 7 | Sub | Adventures Continue |
139 | 139 | Red Rose Café |
Manly Spirits 強い酒 *another story![]() |
013 | 8 | Sub | |
139 | 139 | Red Rose Café |
Manly Spirits 強い酒 *another story![]() |
013 | 9 | Sub | |
146 | 146 | Red Rose Café |
Kraken's Curse クラーケンの呪い![]() |
013 | 10 | Sub | |
147 | 147 | Red Rose Café |
Tournament Caseトーナメント事件![]() |
013 | 11 | Main | Grand Prize |
148 | 148 | Red Rose Café |
Tournament Shadow トーナメントの幻![]() |
013 | 12 | Main | Grand Prize |
149 | 149 | Red Rose Café |
Mystical Gambler 神秘のギャンブラー![]() |
013 | 13 | Main | Grand Prize |
150 | 150 | Red Rose Café |
Talents of Four 四つの才能![]() |
013 | 14 | Main | Grand Prize |
151 | 151 | Red Rose Café |
Bring to Light 不正を暴け![]() |
013 | 15 | Main | Grand Prize |
152 | 152 | Red Rose Café |
Phantom Guard ファントム-レッドローズを護る者![]() |
013 | 16 | Sub | |
153 | 153 | Red Rose Café |
Dedicated Man カフェに人生を捧げた男![]() |
013 | 17 | Sub | |
154 | 154 | Red Rose Café |
Magnificent Courage 華麗なるカレッジ![]() |
013 | 18 | Sub | |
155 | 155 | Red Rose Café |
Trap for Courage カレッジには罠を![]() |
013 | 19 | Sub | |
156 | 156 | Red Rose Café |
Enchanted Melodies 魅惑の旋律![]() |
013 | 20 | Sub | |
157 | 157 | Airship Dock |
Stranger's Name 異邦人の名は![]() |
015 | 1 | Main | Unbreakable Bond |
158 | 158 | Airship Dock |
Hidden City ヒドゥンシティ![]() |
015 | 2 | Main | Unbreakable Bond |
159 | 159 | Airship Dock |
Against the Fog 霧に抗(あらが)いながら![]() |
015 | 3 | Main | Unbreakable Bond |
160 | 160 | Airship Dock |
Mystery Solver 謎を解く者![]() |
015 | 4 | Main | Unbreakable Bond |
161 | 161 | Airship Dock |
Protection Ritual 護りの儀式![]() |
015 | 5 | Main | Unbreakable Bond |
162 | 162 | Airship Dock |
Eternal Waiting 永遠の待ち人![]() |
015 | 6 | Sub | |
163 | 163 | Airship Dock |
Broken Lantern 壊されたランタン![]() |
015 | 7 | Sub | |
164 | 164 | Airship Dock |
Secret Drawings 秘密の図面![]() |
015 | 8 | Sub | |
165 | 165 | Airship Dock |
Girlish Trinkets 女の子らしい持ち物![]() |
015 | 9 | Sub | |
166 | 166 | Airship Dock |
Lost Souls 彷徨える魂たち![]() |
015 | 10 | Sub | |
167 | 167 | Airship Dock |
Look into the Fog 霧の中を覗け![]() |
015 | 11 | Sub | |
168 | 168 | Laboratory |
Chapel Basement 礼拝堂の地下室![]() |
059 | 11 | Sub | Journey to Nowhere |
169 | 169 | Castle Gate |
Lord of the Fog 霧を統べる者![]() |
050 | 11 | Sub | Magical Exploration |
170 | 170 | Castle Gate |
Mounted Crusader 騎乗の十字軍![]() |
050 | 12 | Sub | Active Recreation |
171 | 171 | Castle Gate |
Knightly Duel 騎士の決闘![]() |
050 | 13 | Sub | Commotion around the Cardsharp |
172 | 172 | Manor House Gate |
Time Games タイム・ゲームズ![]() |
011 | 13 | Sub | Starry Music |
173 | 173 | Market |
Gold Fever ゴールド・フィーバー![]() |
038 | 11 | Sub | Outside Interference |
174 | 174 | Sunny Terrace |
Leprechaun's Treasure レプラカーンの財宝![]() |
144 | 9 | Sub | Outside Interference |
175 | 175 | Greenhouse |
Incense Burner 香炉![]() |
093 | 10 | Sub | Secrets of the East |
18 | 18 | Witches' Abode |
Witchcraft Artifacts 魔法の力を持つアーティファクト *another story![]() |
111 | 11 | Sub | Starry Music |
176 | 176 | Organ Room |
Shadow Items 幻のアイテム![]() |
019 | 1 | Sub | Ghost of the Past |
177 | 177 | Organ Room |
Pack of Dogs 犬の軍団![]() |
019 | 2 | Sub | Hobbies as a Skill |
178 | 178 | Organ Room |
Balloonist's Kit 気球乗りのツール![]() |
019 | 3 | Sub | City News |
179 | 179 | Organ Room |
Shadow Music 幻の旋律 (1)
![]() |
019 | 4 | Sub | Powerful Artifacts |
180 | 180 | Organ Room |
Love and Music 愛と音楽![]() |
019 | 5 | Sub | Mixed up in Magic |
181 | 181 | Organ Room |
Freed Souls 自由になった魂![]() |
019 | 6 | Sub | Outside Interference |
182 | 182 | Organ Room |
Assortment of Tea 種々様々なお茶![]() |
019 | 7 | Sub | Little Secrets |
183 | 183 | Organ Room |
Furniture for the Club 社交クラブ向けの家具![]() |
019 | 8 | Sub | Adventures Continue |
184 | 184 | Organ Room |
Magic of Hotei 布袋さんの御利益![]() |
019 | 9 | Sub | Secrets of the East |
179 | 179 | Organ Room |
Shadow Music 幻の旋律(2) *another story![]() |
019 | 10 | Sub | |
185 | 185 | Angel statue |
Old Coins 古(いにしえ)のコイン![]() |
026 | 1 | Sub | Treasure Keepers |
186 | 186 | Angel statue |
Resurrection Ritual 復活の儀式![]() |
026 | 2 | Sub | Magical Exploration |
187 | 187 | Angel statue |
Women's Accessories 女性の服飾アイテム![]() |
026 | 3 | Sub | Pleasant Moments |
188 | 188 | Angel statue |
Inspiration from a Muse ミューズからのインスピレーション![]() |
026 | 4 | Sub | Restoring Balance |
189 | 189 | Angel statue |
An Artist's Skill 画家のスキル![]() |
026 | 5 | Sub | Nice and Useful |
190 | 190 | Angel statue |
Horoscopes 占星術![]() |
026 | 6 | Sub | Outside Interference |
191 | 191 | Angel statue |
Alex's Note アレックスのメモ![]() |
026 | 7 | Sub | |
192 | 192 | Angel statue |
Strange Pistols 風変わりな銃![]() |
026 | 8 | Sub | |
193 | 193 | Angel statue |
Retro Cars レトロカー![]() |
026 | 9 | Sub | |
194 | 194 | Angel statue |
Locked and Loaded ロックト・アンド・ローディッド![]() |
026 | 10 | Sub | |
0 | 0 | Others (Nowhere) |
Musical Kingdom 音楽の王国![]() |
000 | 10 | no story | Treasure Keepers |
195 | 195 | Bedroom |
Curses and Malefices 呪いと呪術![]() |
042 | 16 | Sub | Treasure Keepers |
00 | 00 | Others (Nowhere) |
Treasure Hunter's Equipment トレジャーハンターの装備![]() |
000 | 11 | Sub | Treasure Keepers |
196 | 196 | Angel statue |
Secret Meetings 密会![]() |
026 | 11 | Sub | Mysteries Became Clear |
197 | 197 | Angel statue |
Underground River 地下を流れる河![]() |
026 | 12 | Sub | Mysteries Became Clear |
00 | 00 | Others (Nowhere) |
Treasure Hunter's Equipment *another story![]() |
000 | 12 | Sub | |
198 | 198 | Masquerade Ball |
First-born Gargoyle 始まりのガーゴイル![]() |
068 | 12 | Sub | Magical Exploration |
199 | 199 | Yard |
Dog-carting 犬のカートレース![]() |
044 | 11 | Sub | Development of Valour |
200 | 200 | Secret Room |
Vampire Hunter バンパイア・ハンター![]() |
087 | 12 | Sub | Development of Valour |
201 | 201 | Fair |
Coats of Arms 紋章![]() |
072 | 11 | Sub | Dungeon Legends |
202 | 202 | Witches' Abode |
Secret Books 知られざる書物![]() |
111 | 13 | Sub | Dungeon Legends |
203 | 203 | Market |
Bold Caper 大胆不適な犯罪![]() |
038 | 12 | Sub | Dungeon Legends |
204 | 204 | Secret Room |
Bureaucratic Chain お役所仕事の流れ![]() |
087 | 13 | Sub | Tricky Mechanisms |
205 | 205 | Angel statue |
Conversation with the Bat 蝙蝠(こうもり)との対話![]() |
026 | 13 | Sub | Tricky Mechanisms |
206 | 206 | Angel statue |
Underground Trip 地下探検![]() |
026 | 14 | Sub | Bring to Light |
207 | 207 | Market |
Trolls' Secret トロールたちの秘密![]() |
038 | 1 | Main | Spring Chime |
208 | 208 | Market |
Dreams of Spring 春の夢![]() |
038 | 2 | Main | Spring Chime |
209 | 209 | Market |
Light of Love 愛の灯(ともしび)![]() |
038 | 3 | Main | Spring Chime |
210 | 210 | Market |
Magic of Reflection 鏡に映った魔法![]() |
038 | 4 | Main | Spring Chime |
211 | 211 | Market |
Dreaming of Spring 春を夢見て![]() |
038 | 5 | Main | Spring Chime |
212 | 212 | Market |
Vitamin Bomb ビタミン爆弾![]() |
038 | 6 | Sub | Incredible Plants |
213 | 213 | Market |
Rare Elixirs 様々な珍しい秘薬![]() |
038 | 7 | Sub | Little Secrets |
214 | 214 | Market |
Magic Shoes 魔法の靴![]() |
038 | 8 | Sub | |
215 | 215 | Market |
Magnificent Fruits 種々錚々(そうそう)たる木の実![]() |
038 | 9 | Sub | |
216 | 216 | Market |
Two of Every Kind あらゆる種(しゅ)の番(つがい)![]() |
038 | 10 | Sub | |
217 | 217 | Room of Fate |
Mysteries of the Five Seas 五つの海のミステリー![]() |
003 | 14 | Main | Pirate Flag |
218 | 218 | Pier |
Postcards from the Road 旅先のポストカード![]() |
065 | 11 | Main | Pirate Flag |
219 | 219 | Italian Patio |
Pirate's Things 海賊の持ち物![]() |
090 | 11 | Main | Pirate Flag |
220 | 220 | Greenhouse |
Power of the Winds 風の力![]() |
093 | 11 | Main | Pirate Flag |
221 | 221 | Mansion |
Summer Drinks 夏向きのドリンク![]() |
081 | 11 | Main | Joy of the Holidays |
222 | 222 | City Hall |
Treasure Chest お宝の箱![]() |
002 | 9 | Main | Pirate Flag |
223 | 223 | Castle Gate |
Scarlet Secret 緋色に隠された秘密![]() |
050 | 14 | Sub | Mysteries Became Clear |
224 | 224 | Castle Gate |
Spider's Curse 蜘蛛の呪い![]() |
050 | 15 | Sub | Mysteries Became Clear |
225 | 225 | Masquerade Ball |
Uncovering Secrets 秘密を紐解いて![]() |
068 | 11 | Sub | Tricky Mechanisms |
226 | 226 | Pier |
Pirate's Parrots 海賊の鸚鵡(おうむ)たち![]() |
065 | 12 | Sub | Bring to Light |
227 | 227 | Haunted Park |
Halloween Steward ハロウィーンの世話役![]() |
034 | 1 | Main | First Samhain |
228 | 228 | Haunted Park |
Dracula's Costume ドラキュラの衣装![]() |
034 | 2 | Main | First Samhain |
229 | 229 | Haunted Park |
Jack's Things ジャックの持ち物![]() |
034 | 3 | Main | First Samhain |
230 | 230 | Haunted Park |
Pumpkins of the World 世界のパンプキン![]() |
034 | 4 | Main | First Samhain |
231 | 231 | Haunted Park |
Threads of Positivity 前向きな気持ちから紡がれた糸![]() |
034 | 5 | Main | Nice and Useful |
232 | 232 | Haunted Park |
Homemade Talismans 手作りのタリスマン![]() |
034 | 6 | Main | First Samhain |
233 | 233 | Haunted Park |
Halloween Treats ハロウィーンのご馳走![]() |
034 | 7 | Sub | Little Secrets |
234 | 234 | Haunted Park |
Do-It-Yourself Costume 手作りのコスチューム![]() |
034 | 8 | Sub | Chip of the Season |
235 | 235 | Haunted Park |
Oak Grove Ritual オークの木立の儀式![]() |
034 | 9 | Sub | |
236 | 236 | Haunted Park |
Famous Ancestors 高名なご先祖様たち![]() |
034 | 10 | Sub | |
237 | 237 | Christmas Hall |
Christmas Crime クリスマスの犯罪![]() |
036 | 1 | Main | Snowy Treasure |
238 | 238 | Christmas Hall |
Winter Wear ウィンター・ウェア![]() |
036 | 2 | Main | Snowy Treasure |
239 | 239 | Christmas Hall |
Christmas Clues クリスマスの手がかり![]() |
036 | 3 | Main | Snowy Treasure |
240 | 240 | Christmas Hall |
Christmas Team クリスマスの捜索隊![]() |
036 | 4 | Main | Snowy Treasure |
241 | 241 | Christmas Hall |
Snowmen Helpers 雪だるまの助手![]() |
036 | 5 | Main | Joy of the Holidays |
242 | 242 | Christmas Hall |
Faith in Christmasクリスマスを信じる心![]() |
036 | 6 | Main | Snowy Treasure |
243 | 243 | Christmas Hall |
Christmas Decor クリスマスの飾り付け![]() |
036 | 7 | Sub | Joy of the Holidays |
244 | 244 | Christmas Hall |
Delicious Puddings デリシャスなプディング![]() |
036 | 8 | Sub | Chip of the Season |
245 | 245 | Christmas Hall |
Invigorating Drinks 元気の出る飲み物![]() |
036 | 9 | Sub | |
246 | 246 | Christmas Hall |
Downhill Racing 橇(そり)滑りレース![]() |
036 | 10 | Sub | |
247 | 247 | Secret Room |
Werewolf's Trophy 狼男の戦利品![]() |
087 | 9 | Sub | Forgotten Treasure |
248 | 248 | Hidden Row |
Search for a Cub 狼の仔の探索![]() |
001 | 8 | Sub | Mixed up in Magic |
249 | 249 | Jack's Tower |
Hunter's Armour 狩人の鎧![]() |
099 | 10 | Sub | Dungeon Legends |
250 | 250 | Witches' Abode |
Mushroom Army 闘うマッシュルーム![]() |
111 | 12 | Sub | Incredible Plants |
251 | 251 | Palace |
Blades of Tianxia 天下の刃(やいば)![]() |
078 | 11 | Sub | Secrets of the East |
252 | 252 | Hidden Row |
Discoverer's Amulets 新たなる発見をする者のアミュレット![]() |
001 | 9 | Sub | Dungeon Legends |
253 | 253 | Gift Shop |
Icy Tryst 氷の逢瀬(おうせ)![]() |
046 | 1 | Main | Winter Wonder |
254 | 254 | Gift Shop |
Gift Shop Mystery ギフトショップの謎![]() |
046 | 2 | Main | Winter Wonder |
255 | 255 | Gift Shop |
Michel's Past ミシェルの過去![]() |
046 | 3 | Main | Winter Wonder |
256 | 256 | Gift Shop |
Great Heart 大いなる心![]() |
046 | 4 | Main | Winter Wonder |
257 | 257 | Gift Shop |
Fragment of the Past 過去の欠片![]() |
046 | 5 | Main | Joy of the Holidays |
258 | 258 | Gift Shop |
Fiery Heart 燃える心![]() |
046 | 6 | Main | Winter Wonder |
259 | 259 | Gift Shop |
Romantic Date ロマンティック・デート![]() |
046 | 7 | Sub | Heart's Secrets |
260 | 260 | Gift Shop |
Holiday Gifts バレンタイン・プレゼント![]() |
046 | 8 | Sub | Heart's Secrets |
261 | 261 | Gift Shop |
Cold Heart 冷え切った心![]() |
046 | 9 | Sub | |
262 | 262 | Gift Shop |
Frozen Desserts 冷え冷えデザート![]() |
046 | 10 | Sub | |
263 | 263 | Bridge |
Spring Picnic 春のピクニック![]() |
028 | 1 | Main | Easter Miracle |
264 | 264 | Bridge |
Joyless Spring 喜びなき春![]() |
028 | 2 | Main | Easter Miracle |
265 | 265 | Bridge |
Spring Outfit 春の衣装![]() |
028 | 3 | Main | Easter Miracle |
266 | 266 | Bridge |
Symbols of Spring 春のシンボル![]() |
028 | 4 | Main | Easter Miracle |
267 | 267 | Bridge |
Easter Games イースター・ゲーム![]() |
028 | 5 | Main | Easter Miracle |
268 | 268 | Bridge |
Sharp Sight はっきりした視界![]() |
028 | 6 | Sub | Natural Wonder |
269 | 269 | Bridge |
Fairy Gift 妖精さんの贈り物![]() |
028 | 7 | Sub | Practical Magic |
270 | 270 | Bridge |
Sweet Zoo 甘ーい動物園![]() |
028 | 8 | Sub | |
271 | 271 | Bridge |
Natural Magisterium 自然の教え![]() |
028 | 9 | Sub | |
272 | 272 | Bridge |
Bird Feeders 様々な鳥の餌箱![]() |
028 | 10 | Sub | |
273 | 273 | Bedroom |
Evidence 証拠![]() |
042 | 1 | Main | Power of the Sorceress |
274 | 274 | Bedroom |
The Mistress's Past ミストレスの過去![]() |
042 | 2 | Main | Power of the Sorceress |
275 | 275 | Bedroom |
Broken Dreams 敗れた夢![]() |
042 | 3 | Main | Power of the Sorceress |
276 | 276 | Bedroom |
Amorous Incantations 蕩(とろ)けるような愛の呪文![]() |
042 | 4 | Main | Power of the Sorceress |
277 | 277 | Bedroom |
Missing Nobility 失踪した貴族たち![]() |
042 | 5 | Main | Power of the Sorceress |
278 | 278 | Bedroom |
Greenhouse for Juliette ジュリエットの温室![]() |
042 | 6 | Sub | Natural Wonder |
279 | 279 | Bedroom |
Mirror Shards 鏡の破片![]() |
042 | 7 | Sub | Ghost of the Past |
280 | 280 | Bedroom |
Golden Flatware 金のカトラリー![]() |
042 | 8 | Sub | Chip of the Season |
281 | 281 | Bedroom |
Ghost Hunt ゴーストハント![]() |
042 | 9 | Sub | Otherworldly Messages |
282 | 282 | Bedroom |
Perfect Husband パーフェクト・ハズバンド![]() |
042 | 10 | Sub | Heart's Secrets |
283 | 283 | Yard |
Forgotten Things 忘れられた物たち![]() |
044 | 1 | Main | Secrets of the Yard of Forgotten Toys |
284 | 284 | Yard |
Child's Birthday こどもの誕生日![]() |
044 | 2 | Main | Secrets of the Yard of Forgotten Toys |
285 | 285 | Yard |
Daughter's Gifts 娘へのプレゼント![]() |
044 | 3 | Main | Secrets of the Yard of Forgotten Toys |
286 | 286 | Yard |
Unique Dolls 二つとない人形たち![]() |
044 | 4 | Main | Secrets of the Yard of Forgotten Toys |
287 | 287 | Yard |
The Soul of a Doll 人形の魂![]() |
044 | 5 | Main | Secrets of the Yard of Forgotten Toys |
288 | 288 | Yard |
Dream Dolls 夢見る人形![]() |
044 | 6 | Sub | |
289 | 289 | Yard |
Delicious Prizes 美味しい賞品![]() |
044 | 7 | Sub | |
290 | 290 | Yard |
Gardening Arsenal ガーデニング用品![]() |
044 | 8 | Sub | Incredible Plants |
291 | 291 | Yard |
All the Colors of Happiness 色とりどりの幸せ![]() |
044 | 9 | Sub | |
292 | 292 | Yard |
Time Shifter 時間をズラすモノ![]() |
044 | 10 | Sub | |
293 | 293 | The Hotel |
Summer Hats 夏の帽子![]() |
048 | 1 | Main | Power of Love |
294 | 294 | The Hotel |
Magnificent Birds 華やかな鳥たち![]() |
048 | 2 | Main | Power of Love |
295 | 295 | The Hotel |
Lady Peacock's Love レディ=ピーコックの愛![]() |
048 | 3 | Main | Power of Love |
296 | 296 | The Hotel |
The Story of a Ball ある舞踏会の物語![]() |
048 | 4 | Main | Power of Love |
297 | 297 | The Hotel |
Stolen Feelings 盗まれた強い想い![]() |
048 | 5 | Main | Power of Love |
298 | 298 | The Hotel |
Herbs and Spices 各種香辛料![]() |
048 | 6 | Sub | Natural Wonder |
299 | 299 | The Hotel |
Perfumes for the Soul 手作りの香水![]() |
048 | 7 | Sub | Natural Wonder |
300 | 300 | The Hotel |
Paradise Fruit 楽園の果実![]() |
048 | 8 | Sub | Incredible Plants |
301 | 301 | The Hotel |
Incense Smoke 香炉から漂う煙![]() |
048 | 9 | Sub | |
302 | 302 | The Hotel |
Steam Cocktail 蒸気のカクテル![]() |
048 | 10 | Sub | |
303 | 303 | Castle Gate |
Traces of Vampires ヴァンパイアたちの足跡(そくせき)![]() |
050 | 1 | Main | Vampire's Secrets |
304 | 304 | Castle Gate |
Young Monsters 若いモンスターたち![]() |
050 | 2 | Main | Vampire's Secrets |
305 | 305 | Castle Gate |
Outfit Charm 魔避けの装身具一式![]() |
050 | 3 | Main | Vampire's Secrets |
306 | 306 | Castle Gate |
Duel with the Vampire ヴァンパイアとの決闘![]() |
050 | 4 | Main | Vampire's Secrets |
307 | 307 | Castle Gate |
Samhain Clock サーウィン・クロック![]() |
050 | 5 | Main | Vampire's Secrets |
308 | 308 | Castle Gate |
Halloween Masquerade ハロウィーンの仮装![]() |
050 | 6 | Sub | Chip of the Season |
309 | 309 | Castle Gate |
Pet Snakes 蛇のペット![]() |
050 | 7 | Sub | Otherworldly Messages |
310 | 310 | Castle Gate |
Barber's History 理髪師に纏わるいわくつきのお話![]() |
050 | 8 | Sub | Otherworldly Messages |
311 | 311 | Castle Gate |
Witch's Trinkets 魔女の装飾品![]() |
050 | 9 | Sub | |
312 | 312 | Castle Gate |
Vampire Power 吸血鬼の力![]() |
050 | 10 | Sub | |
313 | 313 | Temple |
Spirit from Shangri-La 桃源郷の寺の仙人![]() |
053 | 1 | Main | Treasures of an Ancient China |
314 | 314 | Temple |
Dragon's Nature 龍の属性![]() |
053 | 2 | Main | Treasures of an Ancient China |
315 | 315 | Temple |
Keepers of the Pearl of Wisdom 賢者の知恵の守護者たち![]() |
053 | 3 | Main | Treasures of an Ancient China |
316 | 316 | Temple |
Dragon Master's Wand 龍を制する者の杖![]() |
053 | 4 | Main | Treasures of an Ancient China |
317 | 317 | Temple |
Dragon's Awaking 龍の覚醒![]() |
053 | 5 | Main | Treasures of an Ancient China |
318 | 318 | Temple |
Lantern Festival (1)
灯篭祭り![]() |
053 | 6 | Sub | |
319 | 319 | Temple |
Seals for the Cache
隠し場所の封印![]() |
053 | 7 | Sub | Otherworldly Messages |
320 | 320 | Temple |
Wishes for Citizens
市民の為なる願いの言葉![]() |
053 | 8 | Sub | |
321 | 321 | Temple |
Emperor's Wand 皇帝の笏(しゃく)![]() |
053 | 9 | Sub | |
322 | 322 | Temple |
Vases with Riddles
謎かけの花瓶![]() |
053 | 10 | Sub | |
323 | 323 | Rapture Theater |
Cast of Characters 出演者の役柄![]() |
056 | 1 | Main | Mysteries of the Theater |
324 | 324 | Rapture Theater |
Fateful Props 不吉な小道具![]() |
056 | 2 | Main | Mysteries of the Theater |
325 | 325 | Rapture Theater |
Emotion Masks 感情の仮面![]() |
056 | 3 | Main | Mysteries of the Theater |
326 | 326 | Rapture Theater |
Lost City-Dwellers 行方不明のシティの住民たち![]() |
056 | 4 | Main | Mysteries of the Theater |
327 | 327 | Rapture Theater |
Happy Ending ハッピーエンド![]() |
056 | 5 | Main | Mysteries of the Theater |
328 | 328 | Rapture Theater |
Mystery of the Dressing Room 楽屋裏のミステリー![]() |
056 | 6 | Sub | |
329 | 329 | Rapture Theater |
Cylinder Secret シルクハットの秘密![]() |
056 | 7 | Sub | |
330 | 330 | Rapture Theater |
King of Fools 愚か者たちの王![]() |
056 | 8 | Sub | |
331 | 331 | Rapture Theater |
Bacchus's Artifacts バッカスのアーティファクト![]() |
056 | 9 | Sub | |
332 | 332 | Laboratory |
Around the Time 時間を巡(めぐ)って![]() |
059 | 1 | Main | Moment of Truth |
333 | 333 | Laboratory |
Towards the Past 過去へと向かって![]() |
059 | 2 | Main | Moment of Truth |
334 | 334 | Laboratory |
Memories of the Future 未来の思い出![]() |
059 | 3 | Main | Moment of Truth |
335 | 335 | Laboratory |
Power Over Time 時を従える力![]() |
059 | 4 | Main | Moment of Truth |
336 | 336 | Laboratory |
Secret of the Laboratory 研究室の秘密![]() |
059 | 5 | Main | Moment of Truth |
337 | 337 | Laboratory |
Pencil Story 鉛筆物語![]() |
059 | 6 | Sub | Bring to Light |
338 | 338 | Laboratory |
蒸留装置![]() |
059 | 7 | Sub | |
339 | 339 | Laboratory |
Laboratory Glassware 実験用ガラス器具![]() |
059 | 8 | Sub | |
340 | 340 | Laboratory |
Looking at the Past 過去を見つめて![]() |
059 | 9 | Sub | |
341 | 341 | Laboratory |
League of Alchemists 錬金術師たちの連携![]() |
059 | 10 | Sub | |
342 | 342 | Angela's Park |
Tape Recorder Repairs テープレコーダの修理![]() |
062 | 1 | Main | Five Families' Values |
343 | 343 | Angela's Park |
Mafia Bosses' Lighters マフィアのボスのライター![]() |
062 | 2 | Main | Five Families' Values |
344 | 344 | Angela's Park |
Mafia Bosses' Cigar Cases マフィアのボスの葉巻入れ![]() |
062 | 3 | Main | Five Families' Values |
345 | 345 | Angela's Park |
Mafia Traitors' Hats マフィアの裏切り者の帽子![]() |
062 | 4 | Main | Five Families' Values |
346 | 346 | Angela's Park |
Arsenal in Cases ケースに入った武器の備え![]() |
062 | 5 | Main | Five Families' Values |
347 | 347 | Angela's Park |
Writer's Talisman 執筆者のタリスマン![]() |
062 | 6 | Sub | |
348 | 348 | Angela's Park |
Inspector's Hall of Fame 捜査官の名誉の殿堂![]() |
062 | 7 | Sub | |
349 | 349 | Angela's Park |
Author's Bookmarks 作家の栞(しおり)![]() |
062 | 8 | Sub | |
350 | 350 | Angela's Park |
Destroying Deduction 推理法抹消の謀略![]() |
062 | 9 | Sub | |
351 | 351 | Angela's Park |
Typewriters タイプライター![]() |
062 | 10 | Sub | |
352 | 352 | Angela's Park |
Angela Crowley's Characters アンジェラ=クロウリーの登場人物たち![]() |
062 | 11 | Sub | |
353 | 353 | Pier |
Dangerous Expedition 危険な遠征![]() |
065 | 1 | Main | Deserved Reward |
354 | 354 | Pier |
Search for Healing 癒しの力を求めて![]() |
065 | 2 | Main | Deserved Reward |
355 | 355 | Pier |
Undesirable Groom 好ましからざる花婿![]() |
065 | 3 | Main | Deserved Reward |
356 | 356 | Pier |
Exotic Flowers エキゾチックな花々![]() |
065 | 4 | Main | Deserved Reward |
357 | 357 | Pier |
Knight's Artifacts 騎士のアーティファクト![]() |
065 | 5 | Main | Deserved Reward |
358 | 358 | Pier |
Connection to Reality 現実世界との繋がり![]() |
065 | 6 | Sub | |
359 | 359 | Pier |
Songbirds 春告げ鳥![]() |
065 | 7 | Sub | |
360 | 360 | Pier |
News for the Beloved 最愛の者への便り![]() |
065 | 8 | Sub | |
361 | 361 | Pier |
Ink of Salvation 救済のインク![]() |
065 | 9 | Sub | |
362 | 362 | Pier |
Spy Vintage スパイ・ビンテージ![]() |
065 | 10 | Sub | |
363 | 363 | Masquerade Ball |
Shreds of Humanity 人間らしさの欠片![]() |
068 | 1 | Main | Halloween Transformations |
364 | 364 | Masquerade Ball |
Dark Gifts 闇からの贈り物![]() |
068 | 2 | Main | Halloween Transformations |
365 | 365 | Masquerade Ball |
Mad Professor マッド・プロフェッサー![]() |
068 | 3 | Main | Halloween Transformations |
366 | 366 | Masquerade Ball |
Festive Machine 祭日用のマシーン![]() |
068 | 4 | Main | Halloween Transformations |
367 | 367 | Masquerade Ball |
Essence of Horror 恐怖のエキス![]() |
068 | 5 | Main | Halloween Transformations |
368 | 368 | Masquerade Ball |
Love Chest 愛のチェスト![]() |
068 | 6 | Sub | |
369 | 369 | Masquerade Ball |
Ghostly Accessories 霊的な装飾品![]() |
068 | 7 | Sub | |
370 | 370 | Masquerade Ball |
Otherworldly Alarm Clock 異界のアラーム・クロック![]() |
068 | 8 | Sub | |
371 | 371 | Masquerade Ball |
Seedlings from the Fog 霧から生まれた苗木たち![]() |
068 | 9 | Sub | |
372 | 372 | Masquerade Ball |
Otherworldly Admirer 異界でのデートのお誘い![]() |
068 | 10 | Sub | |
373 | 373 | Enchanted Ball |
Runaway Bride 逃げ出した花嫁![]() |
018 | 16 | Sub | Lady's Happiness |
374 | 374 | Secret Room |
Tomb of
the Knight とある騎士の墓碑 Former name: Livingstone's Secrets リヴィングストンの秘密 ![]() |
087 | 10 | Sub | Forgotten Treasure |
374 | 374 | Secret Room |
Tomb of
the Knight とある騎士の墓碑 *another story Former name: Livingstone's Secrets リヴィングストンの秘密 ![]() |
087 | 11 | Sub | Forgotten Treasure |
375 | 375 | Fair |
Autumn Fair 秋の市(いち)![]() |
072 | 1 | Main | Thanksgiving Day |
376 | 376 | Fair |
Drained Artifacts 使い切られたアーティファクト![]() |
072 | 2 | Main | Thanksgiving Day |
377 | 377 | Fair |
Tribute to Taurus タウルスへの貢ぎ物![]() |
072 | 3 | Main | Thanksgiving Day |
378 | 378 | Fair |
Engineered Desire 仕組まれた欲望![]() |
072 | 4 | Main | Thanksgiving Day |
379 | 379 | Fair |
Good Deeds 善行![]() |
072 | 5 | Main | Thanksgiving Day |
380 | 380 | Fair |
Autumn Lamps 秋のランプ![]() |
072 | 6 | Sub | |
381 | 381 | Fair |
A Strudel for the Huntress ハントレスの為のシュトㇽードゥ![]() |
072 | 7 | Sub | |
382 | 382 | Fair |
Morning Pastries 朝のパン菓子の詰め合わせ![]() |
072 | 8 | Sub | |
383 | 383 | Fair |
A Little Warmth for Wanderers 流浪の民にほんの僅(わず)かな温もりを![]() |
072 | 9 | Sub | |
384 | 384 | Fair |
Financial Luck 経済運![]() |
072 | 10 | Sub | |
385 | 385 | Christmas School |
Christmas Light クリスマスの光![]() |
075 | 1 | Main | Christmas Saviour |
386 | 386 | Christmas School |
Christmas Artisans クリスマスの職人![]() |
075 | 2 | Main | Christmas Saviour |
387 | 387 | Christmas School |
Frozen Discoveries 凍った品々の発見![]() |
075 | 3 | Main | Christmas Saviour |
388 | 388 | Christmas School |
Power of Christmas クリスマスの力![]() |
075 | 4 | Main | Christmas Saviour |
389 | 389 | Christmas School |
Talent Stones 才能の石![]() |
075 | 5 | Main | Christmas Saviour |
390 | 390 | Christmas School |
Christmas Plants クリスマスの植物![]() |
075 | 6 | Sub | |
391 | 391 | Christmas School |
Animal Talismans 新年を祝う動物たち![]() |
075 | 7 | Sub | |
392 | 392 | Christmas School |
A Trek Through the Stars 星空を巡る旅![]() |
075 | 8 | Sub | |
393 | 393 | Christmas School |
Burn Brightly 赤々と燃やし給いて![]() |
075 | 9 | Sub | |
394 | 394 | Christmas School |
Primeval Heat
太古の熱![]() |
075 | 10 | Sub | |
395 | 395 | Palace |
Legend of the Four Winds 四方位の伝説![]() |
078 | 1 | Main | Jade Ruler |
396 | 396 | Palace |
Veil of the Azure Dragon 青龍の隠された帳(とばり)の奥で![]() |
078 | 2 | Main | Jade Ruler |
397 | 397 | Palace |
Education of Valor 武勇の教育![]() |
078 | 3 | Main | Jade Ruler |
398 | 398 | Palace |
Unity of Opposites 対局を成すものの和合![]() |
078 | 4 | Main | Jade Ruler |
399 | 399 | Palace |
Divine Games 聖獣の遊戯![]() |
078 | 5 | Main | Jade Ruler |
400 | 400 | Palace |
Calligraphy Lessons 書道![]() |
078 | 6 | Sub | |
401 | 401 | Palace |
Turquoise Swarm 水標(みはなだ)の群れ![]() |
078 | 7 | Sub | |
402 | 402 | Palace |
Princess Clothes 皇女さまの衣装![]() |
078 | 8 | Sub | |
403 | 403 | Palace |
Stone Guard 石造の護法神(ごほうしん)![]() |
078 | 9 | Sub | |
404 | 404 | Palace |
Silk Road シルクロード![]() |
078 | 10 | Sub | |
405 | 405 | Mansions |
Spring Invitation 春の招待状![]() |
081 | 1 | Main | Spring Story |
406 | 406 | Mansions |
Garden Diagnostics 庭木の診断学![]() |
081 | 2 | Main | Spring Story |
407 | 407 | Mansions |
Magic Melody 魔法の旋律![]() |
081 | 3 | Main | Spring Story |
408 | 408 | Mansions |
Love in the Air 漂う愛に包まれて![]() |
081 | 4 | Main | Spring Story |
409 | 409 | Mansions |
Spring Gate 春の門![]() |
081 | 5 | Main | Spring Story |
410 | 410 | Mansions |
Silver Tea Time 銀食器でティータイム![]() |
081 | 6 | Sub | |
411 | 411 | Mansions |
Baking Pans ケーキの焼き型![]() |
081 | 7 | Sub | |
412 | 412 | Mansions |
Precious Insects 宝石の昆虫たち![]() |
081 | 8 | Sub | |
413 | 413 | Mansions |
Comfort for the Medium 霊媒師のためのくつろぎ![]() |
081 | 9 | Sub | |
414 | 414 | Mansions |
Spring Joys 春の大いなる喜び![]() |
081 | 10 | Sub | |
415 | 415 | Japanese Garden |
Way of Valor 武勇への道![]() |
084 | 1 | Main | Way of Trials |
416 | 416 | Japanese Garden |
Way of Contemplation 黙想への道![]() |
084 | 2 | Main | Way of Trials |
417 | 417 | Japanese Garden |
Way of Creation 創造への道![]() |
084 | 3 | Main | Way of Trials |
418 | 418 | Japanese Garden |
Way of Humanity 人間性への道![]() |
084 | 4 | Main | Way of Trials |
419 | 419 | Japanese Garden |
Way of Poetry 歌詠みへの道![]() |
084 | 5 | Main | Way of Trials |
420 | 420 | Japanese Garden |
Taiko Drums 太鼓![]() |
084 | 6 | Sub | |
421 | 421 | Japanese Garden |
Temari Balls 手毬(てまり)![]() |
084 | 7 | Sub | |
422 | 422 | Japanese Garden |
Mystery Shuriken 手裏剣の奥義![]() |
084 | 8 | Sub | |
423 | 423 | Japanese Garden |
Luck in Japanese Style 日本式の幸運![]() |
084 | 9 | Sub | |
424 | 424 | Japanese Garden |
Jelly Masterpieces 匠の逸品の琥珀羹(こはくかん)![]() |
084 | 10 | Sub | |
425 | 425 | Secret Room |
Follow the Shadow シャドウの後を追って![]() |
087 | 1 | Main | City of Shadows Hints |
426 | 426 | Secret Room |
Backstreet Horrors 路地裏の惨劇(さんげき)![]() |
087 | 2 | Main | City of Shadows Hints |
427 | 427 | Secret Room |
Scary Fairy Tale 恐ろしいおとぎ話![]() |
087 | 3 | Main | City of Shadows Hints |
428 | 428 | Secret Room |
Servants of Death 死の使い![]() |
087 | 4 | Main | City of Shadows Hints |
429 | 429 | Secret Room |
Order of Five's Protection 「五賢守護団」の護り![]() |
087 | 5 | Main | City of Shadows Hints |
430 | 430 | Secret Room |
Night Visitor 真夜中の訪問者![]() |
087 | 6 | Sub | |
431 | 431 | Secret Room |
Elzsébet's Case エルジェーベトの裁判![]() |
087 | 7 | Sub | |
432 | 432 | Secret Room |
Office Secrets 探偵事務所の秘密![]() |
087 | 8 | Sub | |
433 | 433 | Italian Patio |
Italian Painter イタリアの画家![]() |
090 | 1 | Main | Life-giving Art |
434 | 434 | Italian Patio |
Under Close Scrutiny 厳しい監視の下で![]() |
090 | 2 | Main | Life-giving Art |
435 | 435 | Italian Patio |
Mediterranean Patio 地中海沿岸のパティオ![]() |
090 | 3 | Main | Life-giving Art |
436 | 436 | Italian Patio |
Painting Artifacts 絵画のアーティファクト![]() |
090 | 4 | Main | Life-giving Art |
437 | 437 | Italian Patio |
Painter's Story ある画家の物語![]() |
090 | 5 | Main | Life-giving Art |
438 | 438 | Italian Patio |
Alchemical Paint 錬金術師の絵の具![]() |
090 | 6 | Sub | |
439 | 439 | Italian Patio |
Talent Feather 才人の筆記具![]() |
090 | 7 | Sub | |
440 | 440 | Italian Patio |
Refreshing Still Lifes のどごし爽やかな静物画![]() |
090 | 8 | Sub | |
441 | 441 | Italian Patio |
Artistic Blackmail 芸術的脅迫状![]() |
090 | 9 | Sub | |
442 | 442 | Italian Patio |
Mysterious Paintings ミステリアスな絵画![]() |
090 | 10 | Sub | |
443 | 443 | Greenhouse |
Unexpected Visitor 予期せぬ来訪者![]() |
093 | 1 | Main | Bird Catcher's Curse |
444 | 444 | Greenhouse |
Trap Nets 罠(わな)![]() |
093 | 2 | Main | Bird Catcher's Curse |
445 | 445 | Greenhouse |
Feathered Trail 羽根の付いた手がかり![]() |
093 | 3 | Main | Bird Catcher's Curse |
446 | 446 | Greenhouse |
In Search of a Phantom 面影を追い求めて![]() |
093 | 4 | Main | Bird Catcher's Curse |
447 | 447 | Greenhouse |
Five Riddles 五つの謎かけ![]() |
093 | 5 | Main | Bird Catcher's Curse |
448 | 448 | Greenhouse |
Five Answers 五つの答え![]() |
093 | 6 | Sub | |
449 | 449 | Greenhouse |
Guiding Nautilus 導きのノーティラス![]() |
093 | 7 | Sub | |
450 | 450 | Greenhouse |
Point of Harmony 心の調和を齎(もたら)すには![]() |
093 | 8 | Sub | |
451 | 451 | Greenhouse |
Stolen Souls 盗まれた魂![]() |
093 | 9 | Sub | |
452 | 452 | Observatory |
Destroying the Anomaly 超常現象の撲滅![]() |
096 | 1 | Main | Observatory Tools |
453 | 453 | Observatory |
Owners of the Observatory 天文台の主(あるじ)![]() |
096 | 2 | Main | Observatory Tools |
454 | 454 | Observatory |
Hidden Energy 隠されたエネルギー![]() |
096 | 3 | Main | Observatory Tools |
455 | 455 | Observatory |
Cipher for an Astronomer 天文学者に繋がる暗号のカギ![]() |
096 | 4 | Main | Observatory Tools |
456 | 456 | Observatory |
Zodiac Protection 黄道十二宮の護り![]() |
096 | 5 | Main | Observatory Tools |
457 | 457 | Observatory |
Star Jewelry スター・ジュエリー![]() |
096 | 6 | Sub | |
458 | 458 | Observatory |
Cosmic Alchemy 宇宙的錬金術![]() |
096 | 7 | Sub | |
459 | 459 | Observatory |
Astronomers' Artifacts 天文学者たちの作った芸術品![]() |
096 | 8 | Sub | |
460 | 460 | Observatory |
New Neighbors 新たな隣人![]() |
096 | 9 | Sub | |
461 | 461 | Observatory |
Aura of Constellations 星座の放(はな)つオーラ![]() |
096 | 10 | Sub | |
462 | 462 | Jack's Tower |
Steward's Features 世話役の特徴![]() |
099 | 1 | Main | Bride of Darkness |
463 | 463 | Jack's Tower |
Taming the Spirits 精霊たちを手懐けるには![]() |
099 | 2 | Main | Bride of Darkness |
464 | 464 | Jack's Tower |
In the Captors' Footsteps 攫った者の足取りを追って![]() |
099 | 3 | Main | Bride of Darkness |
465 | 465 | Jack's Tower |
Light in the Darkness 闇を照らす光![]() |
099 | 4 | Main | Bride of Darkness |
466 | 466 | Jack's Tower |
Long Live the Queen! 女王陛下万歳!![]() |
099 | 5 | Main | Bride of Darkness |
467 | 467 | Jack's Tower |
Test for the Queen 女王のための試験![]() |
099 | 6 | Sub | |
468 | 468 | Jack's Tower |
King's Carelessness 王の軽率さ![]() |
099 | 7 | Sub | |
469 | 469 | Jack's Tower |
Dark Entourage 闇の側近衆![]() |
099 | 8 | Sub | |
470 | 470 | Jack's Tower |
Gifts of Night Spirits 夜の精霊たちからの贈り物![]() |
099 | 9 | Sub | |
471 | 471 | Autumn Valley |
Uninvited Guest 招かれざる客![]() |
102 | 1 | Main | Tricks of Autumn Spirits |
472 | 472 | Autumn Valley |
Autumn Mastery 秋を司る者![]() |
102 | 2 | Main | Tricks of Autumn Spirits |
473 | 473 | Autumn Valley |
World Tour 世界を巡る旅![]() |
102 | 3 | Main | Tricks of Autumn Spirits |
474 | 474 | Autumn Valley |
Harvest Energy 豊穣のエネルギー![]() |
102 | 4 | Main | Tricks of Autumn Spirits |
475 | 475 | Autumn Valley |
Strongest Bonds 最強の結び付き![]() |
102 | 5 | Main | Tricks of Autumn Spirits |
476 | 476 | Autumn Valley |
Openwork Seasons レース編みの季節![]() |
102 | 6 | Sub | |
477 | 477 | Autumn Valley |
Weather Forecast 天気予報![]() |
102 | 7 | Sub | |
478 | 478 | Autumn Valley |
Secret Recipe 秘密のレシピ![]() |
102 | 8 | Sub | |
479 | 479 | Autumn Valley |
Rainy Season 雨の季節![]() |
102 | 9 | Sub | |
480 | 480 | Polar Quarter |
Winter Foundling 冬の拾い児(ひろいご)![]() |
105 | 1 | Main | Breath of the North |
481 | 481 | Polar Quarter |
Winter's Bride 冬の花嫁![]() |
105 | 2 | Main | Breath of the North |
482 | 482 | Polar Quarter |
Ice Attack 氷の攻撃![]() |
105 | 3 | Main | Breath of the North |
483 | 483 | Polar Quarter |
Wonder Child 世界を変える力を持つ子供![]() |
105 | 4 | Main | Breath of the North |
484 | 484 | Polar Quarter |
Warming the Soul 魂を温めて![]() |
105 | 5 | Main | Breath of the North |
485 | 485 | Polar Quarter |
Snow Queen's Armor 雪の女王の鎧![]() |
105 | 6 | Sub | |
486 | 486 | Polar Quarter |
Cozy Holiday 心地良い祭日![]() |
105 | 7 | Sub | |
487 | 487 | Polar Quarter |
Drops of the Sun 太陽の雫(しずく)![]() |
105 | 8 | Sub | |
488 | 488 | Polar Quarter |
Polar Animals 北極の動物たち![]() |
105 | 9 | Sub | |
489 | 489 | Polar Quarter |
Christmas Tree Angels クリスマスツリーの天使たち![]() |
105 | 10 | Sub | |
490 | 490 | Pagoda of Legends |
Mysterious Shrine 謎に包まれた廟![]() |
108 | 1 | Main | Heavenly Ancestor's Blessing |
491 | 491 | Pagoda of Legends |
Legends of the Pagoda 楼(ろう)にまつわる伝説![]() |
108 | 2 | Main | Heavenly Ancestor's Blessing |
492 | 492 | Pagoda of Legends |
Wind's Favorite 風に愛されし者![]() |
108 | 3 | Main | Heavenly Ancestor's Blessing |
493 | 493 | Pagoda of Legends |
Heavenly Bow 天弓(てんきゅう)![]() |
108 | 4 | Main | Heavenly Ancestor's Blessing |
494 | 494 | Pagoda of Legends |
Heavenly Archer's Help 天弓の射手の助け![]() |
108 | 5 | Main | Heavenly Ancestor's Blessing |
495 | 495 | Pagoda of Legends |
Contacting Ancestral Spirits 祖霊たちとの交信![]() |
108 | 6 | Sub | |
496 | 496 | Pagoda of Legends |
Ancient Know-How 古代の専門知識![]() |
108 | 7 | Sub | |
497 | 497 | Pagoda of Legends |
Military Tricks 軍事戦略![]() |
108 | 8 | Sub | |
498 | 498 | Pagoda of Legends |
Wind Over the Observatory 天文台上空の風![]() |
108 | 9 | Sub | |
499 | 499 | Pagoda of Legends |
Wind Magic 風の仙術![]() |
108 | 10 | Sub | |
500 | 500 | Witches' Abode |
Moira's Yarn モイラの織り糸![]() |
111 | 1 | Main | Return from the Shadow World |
501 | 501 | Witches' Abode |
Voices of the Forest 森の生き物たちの声![]() |
111 | 2 | Main | Return from the Shadow World |
502 | 502 | Witches' Abode |
Bell of Destruction 破滅の鐘![]() |
111 | 3 | Main | Return from the Shadow World |
503 | 503 | Witches' Abode |
Hermit's Vision 隠者の視覚![]() |
111 | 4 | Main | Return from the Shadow World |
504 | 504 | Witches' Abode |
Soul Eater Trap 魂を喰(は)む者への罠![]() |
111 | 5 | Main | Return from the Shadow World |
505 | 505 | Witches' Abode |
Day of the Blind Sun 盲(めしい)の太陽の日![]() |
111 | 6 | Sub | |
506 | 506 | Witches' Abode |
Ancient Portals 古(いにしえ)の次元の扉![]() |
111 | 7 | Sub | |
507 | 507 | Witches' Abode |
Witch's Flowers 魔女の様々な花![]() |
111 | 8 | Sub | |
508 | 508 | Witches' Abode |
Cursed Gifts 呪われた贈り物![]() |
111 | 9 | Sub | |
509 | 509 | Witches' Abode |
Source of the Truth 真実の源![]() |
111 | 10 | Sub | |
510 | 510 | Tea House |
Origami Secrets 折り紙の秘密![]() |
114 | 1 | Main | Way of Atonement |
511 | 511 | Tea House |
Banners of Honor 名誉の旗印![]() |
114 | 2 | Main | Way of Atonement |
512 | 512 | Tea House |
Harmony of Nature 自然の調和![]() |
114 | 3 | Main | Way of Atonement |
513 | 513 | Tea House |
Bonds of Gratitude 感謝の気持ちの絆![]() |
114 | 4 | Main | Way of Atonement |
514 | 514 | Tea House |
Hanako's Ritual 花子の儀式![]() |
114 | 5 | Main | Way of Atonement |
515 | 515 | Tea House |
Kokeshi Dolls こけし人形![]() |
114 | 6 | Sub | |
516 | 516 | Tea House |
Gods of Happiness 福の神![]() |
114 | 7 | Sub | |
517 | 517 | Tea House |
Precious Kanzashi Flowers 特別な簪(かんざし)の花![]() |
114 | 8 | Sub | |
518 | 518 | Tea House |
Tumbling Darumas 転がり落ちる達磨(だるま)たち![]() |
114 | 9 | Sub | |
519 | 519 | Tea House |
Protective Braiding 護りの組紐(くみひも)![]() |
114 | 10 | Sub | |
520 | 520 | Tea House |
Golden Seam 金継(きんつ)ぎ![]() |
114 | 11 | Sub | |
521 | 521 | Easter Picnic |
Spring Wizard 春の魔術師![]() |
117 | 1 | Main | Spring Helper |
522 | 522 | Easter Picnic |
Hostage of the Era 政略の時代![]() |
117 | 2 | Main | Spring Helper |
523 | 523 | Easter Picnic |
Epic of Love 愛の抒情詩![]() |
117 | 3 | Main | Spring Helper |
524 | 524 | Easter Picnic |
Solemn Outfit 厳かなる装い![]() |
117 | 4 | Main | Spring Helper |
525 | 525 | Easter Picnic |
Spring Vows 春の誓い![]() |
117 | 5 | Main | Spring Helper |
526 | 526 | Easter Picnic |
Merry Wedding メリー・ウェディング![]() |
117 | 6 | Sub | |
527 | 527 | Easter Picnic |
Ostara's Ritual オスターラへの儀式![]() |
117 | 7 | Sub | |
528 | 528 | Easter Picnic |
Lost Spirits 迷子の精霊たち![]() |
117 | 8 | Sub | |
529 | 529 | Easter Picnic |
Detective's Breakfast 刑事のためのブレックファースト![]() |
117 | 9 | Sub | |
530 | 530 | Easter Picnic |
Wedding Favors 結婚式のお返し![]() |
117 | 10 | Sub | |
531 | 531 | Summer Theater Stage |
Dramatic Introduction ドラマティックな序章![]() |
120 | 1 | Main | Enchanted Manuscript |
532 | 532 | Summer Theater Stage |
Loving Mother's Outfit 愛情深い母親の衣裳![]() |
120 | 2 | Main | Enchanted Manuscript |
533 | 533 | Summer Theater Stage |
Songbird's Outfit 歌うたいの衣裳![]() |
120 | 3 | Main | Enchanted Manuscript |
534 | 534 | Summer Theater Stage |
Loyal Friend's Outfit 誠実な友の衣裳![]() |
120 | 4 | Main | Enchanted Manuscript |
535 | 535 | Summer Theater Stage |
Cunning Demon Outfit 狡猾な悪魔の衣裳![]() |
120 | 5 | Main | Enchanted Manuscript |
536 | 536 | Summer Theater Stage |
Cursed Makeup 呪われたメーキャップ![]() |
120 | 6 | Sub | |
537 | 537 | Summer Theater Stage |
Theatrical Diary 劇場のダイアリー![]() |
120 | 7 | Sub | |
538 | 538 | Summer Theater Stage |
Superstition on Stage 舞台上の迷信![]() |
120 | 8 | Sub | |
539 | 539 | Summer Theater Stage |
Mysteries of the Scenery 舞台背景のミステリー![]() |
120 | 9 | Sub | |
540 | 540 | Academy |
Ballet Academy Student バレエ学院の生徒![]() |
005 | 1 | Main | Family Secrets |
541 | 541 | Academy |
Mysterious Disappearance ミステリアスな失踪![]() |
005 | 2 | Main | Family Secrets |
542 | 542 | Academy |
Hidden Threat 見えない脅威![]() |
005 | 3 | Main | Family Secrets |
543 | 543 | Academy |
Dancing with the Devil 悪魔との舞い![]() |
005 | 4 | Main | Family Secrets |
544 | 544 | Academy |
Unfulfilled Dreams 果たされぬ夢![]() |
005 | 5 | Main | Family Secrets |
545 | 545 | Academy |
Real Ballerina 真のバレリーナ![]() |
005 | 6 | Sub | |
546 | 546 | Academy |
Thorny Path to Glory 栄光への茨(いばら)の道![]() |
005 | 7 | Sub | |
547 | 547 | Academy |
Disappearance of Mr. Weiss ミスター・ワイスの失踪![]() |
005 | 8 | Sub | |
548 | 548 | Academy |
Missing Headmistress 消えた学院長![]() |
005 | 9 | Sub | |
549 | 549 | Academy |
Wrath of the Overthrown 王位を追われし者の激憤![]() |
005 | 10 | Sub | |
550 | 550 | Palace of Wishes |
Mistress of Wishes 願いの司(つかさ)![]() |
126 | 1 | Main | Homecoming |
551 | 551 | Palace of Wishes |
Palace Traps 宮殿の罠![]() |
126 | 2 | Main | Homecoming |
552 | 552 | Palace of Wishes |
Power of Fears 恐れの持つ力![]() |
126 | 3 | Main | Homecoming |
553 | 553 | Palace of Wishes |
Hidden Truth 隠された真実![]() |
126 | 4 | Main | Homecoming |
554 | 554 | Palace of Wishes |
Bridge Between the Worlds 二つの世界の架け橋![]() |
126 | 5 | Main | Homecoming |
555 | 555 | Palace of Wishes |
Fairy Tale Treasures お伽噺(おとぎばなし)の宝物![]() |
126 | 6 | Sub | |
556 | 556 | Palace of Wishes |
Amina's Past アミーナの過去![]() |
126 | 7 | Sub | |
557 | 557 | Palace of Wishes |
Finding Ravi ラヴィを探せ![]() |
126 | 8 | Sub | |
558 | 558 | Palace of Wishes |
Duty Above Love 愛に勝る使命![]() |
126 | 9 | Sub | |
559 | 559 | Palace of Wishes |
Heart of the Palace 宮殿の深奥(しんおう)![]() |
126 | 10 | Sub | |
560 | 560 | Halls of Samhain |
Halls of Life and Death 生と死の広間![]() |
129 | 1 | Main | Keeper of the Halls of Samhain |
561 | 561 | Halls of Samhain |
Mirror Mystery 鏡のミステリー![]() |
129 | 2 | Main | Keeper of the Halls of Samhain |
562 | 562 | Halls of Samhain |
Mystery of Countless Treasures 数え切れないほどのお宝に纏わるミステリー![]() |
129 | 3 | Main | Keeper of the Halls of Samhain |
563 | 563 | Halls of Samhain |
Mystery of a Disappearances とある失踪事件のミステリー![]() |
129 | 4 | Main | Keeper of the Halls of Samhain |
564 | 564 | Halls of Samhain |
Mystical Werewolf Case 得体の知れない狼男の事件![]() |
129 | 5 | Main | Keeper of the Halls of Samhain |
565 | 565 | Halls of Samhain |
Fear's Power 恐れの力![]() |
129 | 6 | Sub | |
566 | 566 | Halls of Samhain |
Eternal Beauty 永遠の美![]() |
129 | 7 | Sub | |
567 | 567 | Halls of Samhain |
Ritual Dinner 儀式的晩餐会![]() |
129 | 8 | Sub | |
568 | 568 | Halls of Samhain |
Gifts for the Queen 女王陛下への献上品![]() |
129 | 9 | Sub | |
569 | 569 | Halls of Samhain |
Fugitives with Burning Eyes 燃える瞳の逃亡者![]() |
129 | 10 | Sub | |
570 | 570 | Halls of Samhain |
Gifts for the Wild Hunt ワイルドハントへの供物(くもつ)![]() |
129 | 11 | Sub | |
571 | 571 | Golden Daisies Alley |
Eternal Wanderer 永遠のさすらい人(びと)![]() |
132 | 1 | Main | Heartwarming Memories |
572 | 572 | Golden Daisies Alley |
Miss Ginger ミス・ジンジャー![]() |
132 | 2 | Main | Heartwarming Memories |
573 | 573 | Golden Daisies Alley |
Last Adventure 最後の冒険![]() |
132 | 3 | Main | Heartwarming Memories |
574 | 574 | Golden Daisies Alley |
Tangled Roads 縺(もつ)れた道![]() |
132 | 4 | Main | Heartwarming Memories |
575 | 575 | Golden Daisies Alley |
Holiday Traditions 祭日の伝統![]() |
132 | 5 | Main | Heartwarming Memories |
576 | 576 | Golden Daisies Alley |
Winner's Punch 勝者のフルーツパンチ![]() |
132 | 6 | Sub | |
577 | 577 | Golden Daisies Alley |
Very Sleepy Night とても眠い夜![]() |
132 | 7 | Sub | |
578 | 578 | Golden Daisies Alley |
Preservation of Crops 収穫物の保全![]() |
132 | 8 | Sub | |
579 | 579 | Golden Daisies Alley |
Feast for Lady Autumn レディ・オータムへの饗宴(きょうえん)![]() |
132 | 9 | Sub | |
580 | 580 | Golden Daisies Alley |
Trial for Cardsharp カードシャープに対する試練![]() |
132 | 10 | Sub | |
581 | 581 | Golden Daisies Alley |
Perfect Disguise パーフェクトな変装![]() |
132 | 11 | Sub | |
582 | 582 | Ice Palace |
Christmas Presents クリスマスプレゼント![]() |
135 | 1 | Main | Journey North |
583 | 583 | Ice Palace |
Christmas Thieves クリスマスの盗人(ぬすびと)たち![]() |
135 | 2 | Main | Journey North |
584 | 584 | Ice Palace |
Eternal Source of Frost 飽くなき氷雪(ひょうせつ)の源![]() |
135 | 3 | Main | Journey North |
585 | 585 | Ice Palace |
Warmth of Christmas クリスマスの温(ぬく)もり![]() |
135 | 4 | Main | Journey North |
586 | 586 | Ice Palace |
Basics of Training トレーニングの基礎![]() |
135 | 5 | Main | Journey North |
587 | 587 | Ice Palace |
Christmas Article クリスマスの特集コラム![]() |
135 | 6 | Sub | |
588 | 588 | Ice Palace |
Unusual Packing ユニークなラッピング![]() |
135 | 7 | Sub | |
589 | 589 | Ice Palace |
Socks Galore ソックスよりどりみどり![]() |
135 | 8 | Sub | |
590 | 590 | Moon Gate |
Guiding Ritual 導きの儀式![]() |
138 | 1 | Main | New Year's Magic |
591 | 591 | Moon Gate |
Revived Legend 伝説の再来![]() |
138 | 2 | Main | New Year's Magic |
592 | 592 | Moon Gate |
Scarlet Defense 緋色の護り![]() |
138 | 3 | Main | New Year's Magic |
593 | 593 | Moon Gate |
Crash of Thunder 雷鳴![]() |
138 | 4 | Main | New Year's Magic |
594 | 594 | Moon Gate |
Family Ties 家族の絆![]() |
138 | 5 | Main | New Year's Magic |
595 | 595 | Moon Gate |
Paper Roof Alley 紙細工の屋根の小路(こうじ)![]() |
138 | 6 | Sub | |
596 | 596 | Moon Gate |
Tea Pets 茶寵(ちゃちょう)![]() |
138 | 7 | Sub | |
597 | 597 | Moon Gate |
Dragon Breath 龍の吐息![]() |
138 | 8 | Sub | |
598 | 598 | Moon Gate |
Flying Daggers 宙を舞う双剣![]() |
138 | 9 | Sub | |
599 | 599 | Moon Gate |
Color Exchange 変化は好機なり![]() |
138 | 10 | Sub | |
600 | 600 | Moon Gate |
New Year's Feast 新年の晩餐会![]() |
138 | 11 | Sub | |
601 | 601 | Moon Gate |
Combat with a Shadow 影との闘い![]() |
138 | 12 | Sub | |
602 | 602 | Moon Gate |
Camphor Tree 楠(くすのき)![]() |
138 | 13 | Sub | |
603 | 603 | Moon Gate |
Stolen Love 盗まれた愛![]() |
138 | 14 | Sub | |
604 | 604 | Moon Gate |
Fiery Virtues 聖なる炎の力![]() |
138 | 15 | Sub | |
742 | 605 | Riverside Abode |
Empty House 人気(ひとけ)のない家![]() |
141 | 1 | Main | Song of Cherry Blossoms |
743 | 606 | Riverside Abode |
Going to the Next World 死後の世界へ赴いて![]() |
141 | 2 | Main | Song of Cherry Blossoms |
744 | 607 | Riverside Abode |
Voice of the Home 我が家の呼び声![]() |
141 | 3 | Main | Song of Cherry Blossoms |
745 | 608 | Riverside Abode |
Temptations 誘惑![]() |
141 | 4 | Main | Song of Cherry Blossoms |
746 | 609 | Riverside Abode |
Overcoming Obstacles 艱難辛苦(かんなんしんく)を乗り越え![]() |
141 | 5 | Main | Song of Cherry Blossoms |
747 | 610 | Riverside Abode |
Evening Contemplation 物思いに耽る宵(よい)![]() |
141 | 6 | Sub | |
748 | 611 | Riverside Abode |
Hovering Bonsai 宙に浮く盆栽![]() |
141 | 7 | Sub | |
749 | 612 | Riverside Abode |
Finding Inspiration インスピレーションを求めて![]() |
141 | 8 | Sub | |
750 | 613 | Sunny Terrace |
Petrified Key 石化した鍵![]() |
144 | 1 | Main | Old Habits |
751 | 614 | Sunny Terrace |
Saved Pets 保護された生き物たち![]() |
144 | 2 | Main | Old Habits |
752 | 615 | Sunny Terrace |
Missing Gatekeeper 消えたゲートキーパー![]() |
144 | 3 | Main | Old Habits |
753 | 616 | Sunny Terrace |
Liberation Ritual 解放の儀式![]() |
144 | 4 | Main | Old Habits |
754 | 617 | Sunny Terrace |
Transformation Story 変貌(へんぼう)の物語![]() |
144 | 5 | Main | Old Habits |
755 | 618 | Sunny Terrace |
Bird Day 鳥日和(とりびより)![]() |
144 | 6 | Sub | |
756 | 619 | Sunny Terrace |
Spring Runaways 春の逃亡劇![]() |
144 | 7 | Sub | |
757 | 620 | Sunny Terrace |
In the Heavy Rain 雨の激しく降る日にも![]() |
144 | 8 | Sub | |
758 | 621 | Pagoda of Legend |
Infinite Cycle Sign 悠久なる循環の印![]() |
108 | 11 | Sub | |
759 | 622 | Ice Palace |
Ice Diamond 氷のダイヤモンド![]() |
135 | 9 | Sub | |
777 | 623 | Station |
Toy Railcars 玩具の鉄道車両![]() |
004 | 12 | Sub | |
778 | 624 | Hidden Row |
On the Burglar's Trail 侵入犯の足取りを追って![]() |
001 | 1 | Main | Life Saved by the City |
779 | 625 | Hidden Row |
Finds and Losses 見付けた物、失った物![]() |
001 | 2 | Main | Life Saved by the City |
780 | 626 | Hidden Row |
Battle with Werewolves 狼男たちとの戦闘![]() |
001 | 3 | Main | Life Saved by the City |
781 | 627 | Hidden Row |
Story of the Stranger 異邦人に纏わる話![]() |
001 | 4 | Main | Life Saved by the City |
782 | 628 | Hidden Row |
Final Mission ファイナル・ミッション![]() |
001 | 5 | Main | Life Saved by the City |
783 | 629 | Hidden Row |
Witch Flu 魔女風邪![]() |
001 | 6 | Sub | |
784 | 630 | Hidden Row |
Spying スパイ行為![]() |
001 | 7 | Sub | |
794 | 631 | Compartment №8 |
Life Is a Game 人生はゲームだ![]() |
147 | 1 | Main | Master's Watch |
795 | 632 | Compartment №8 |
Fortune's Favorite 幸運の女神に愛されし者![]() |
147 | 2 | Main | Master's Watch |
796 | 633 | Compartment №8 |
Gear Magic 歯車の魔術![]() |
147 | 3 | Main | Master's Watch |
797 | 634 | Compartment №8 |
Cursed and Elusive 呪われててしかも捕まえにくくて![]() |
147 | 4 | Main | Master's Watch |
798 | 635 | Compartment №8 |
Saving Clockie クロッキーを救え![]() |
147 | 5 | Main | Master's Watch |
799 | 636 | Compartment №8 |
Foggy Express フォギー=エクスプレス![]() |
147 | 6 | Sub | |
800 | 637 | Compartment №8 |
City Legend シティの言い伝え![]() |
147 | 7 | Sub | |
801 | 638 | Compartment №8 |
Fake Crime 見せかけの犯罪![]() |
147 | 8 | Sub | |
815 | 639 | Collector's House |
Star Mirror スター・ミラー![]() |
007 | 10 | Sub | |
816 | 640 | Hidden Row |
Searching for a Woman とある女を探して![]() |
001 | 10 | Sub | |
817 | 641 | Compartment №8 |
You Are Responsible For... 君には責任があるんだから…![]() |
147 | 9 | Sub | |
827 | 642 | River of Oblivion |
Ball of Immortals 命限りなき者たちの舞踏会![]() |
156 | 1 | Main | Queen of the Night's Owl |
828 | 643 | River of Oblivion |
Lord of Primordial Darkness 始まりの闇を司る者![]() |
156 | 2 | Main | Queen of the Night's Owl |
829 | 644 | River of Oblivion |
Stray Boat 迷える小舟![]() |
156 | 3 | Main | Queen of the Night's Owl |
830 | 645 | River of Oblivion |
To the World of the Living 生きる者の世界へ向かって![]() |
156 | 4 | Main | Queen of the Night's Owl |
831 | 646 | River of Oblivion |
Halloween Transformation ハロウィーンの変身![]() |
156 | 5 | Main | Queen of the Night's Owl |
832 | 647 | River of Oblivion |
Spooky Boogeyman Story 不気味なブーギマンのお話![]() |
156 | 6 | Sub | |
833 | 648 | River of Oblivion |
Halloween in Danger ハロウィーン、危機一髪![]() |
156 | 7 | Sub | |
834 | 649 | River of Oblivion |
Elixir of Bravery 勇気の秘薬![]() |
156 | 8 | Sub | |
839 | 650 | Compartment №8 |
Forbidden Artifacts 禁じられたアーティファクト![]() |
147 | 10 | Sub | |
840 | 651 | Bonmarito Villa |
Monster Hunting モンスター狩り![]() |
159 | 1 | Main | Unusual Adornment |
841 | 652 | Bonmarito Villa |
Dangerous Wish 危険な願い![]() |
159 | 2 | Main | Unusual Adornment |
842 | 653 | Bonmarito Villa |
Mystical Ritual 神秘の儀式![]() |
159 | 3 | Main | Unusual Adornment |
843 | 654 | Bonmarito Villa |
Dark Fragment 闇の欠片![]() |
159 | 4 | Main | Unusual Adornment |
844 | 655 | Bonmarito Villa |
Gift of Fate 運命の贈り物![]() |
159 | 5 | Main | Unusual Adornment |
845 | 656 | Bonmarito Villa |
City Budget シティの公的予算![]() |
159 | 6 | Sub | |
846 | 657 | Bonmarito Villa |
Throne for Lady Autumn レディ・オータムの為の玉座![]() |
159 | 7 | Sub | |
847 | 658 | Bonmarito Villa |
Precious Stash 貴重品の隠し場所![]() |
159 | 8 | Sub | |
848 | 659 | Bonmarito Villa |
Meeting with Destiny 運命の人との出会い![]() |
159 | 9 | Sub | |
849 | 660 | Ice Palace |
Winter Flowers 冬の花々![]() |
135 | 10 | Sub | |
850 | 661 | Ice Palace |
Christmas Omens クリスマスの縁起担ぎ![]() |
135 | 11 | Sub | |
851 | 662 | Ice Palace |
Palace Mystery 宮殿の神秘![]() |
135 | 12 | Sub | |
852 | 663 | Miracle Fair |
Footprints in the Snow 雪の中の足跡![]() |
162 | 1 | Main | Moments of Joy |
853 | 664 | Miracle Fair |
Distorted Beauty 歪められた美![]() |
162 | 2 | Main | Moments of Joy |
854 | 665 | Miracle Fair |
Prisoners of Ice 氷に囚われし者たち![]() |
162 | 3 | Main | Moments of Joy |
855 | 666 | Miracle Fair |
Centrifugal Magic 遠心力の魔法![]() |
162 | 4 | Main | Moments of Joy |
856 | 667 | Miracle Fair |
Long-Awaited Reunion 待ちわびた再会![]() |
162 | 5 | Main | Moments of Joy |
857 | 668 | Miracle Fair |
Repaying the Debt 借りを返すには![]() |
162 | 6 | Sub | |
858 | 669 | Miracle Fair |
White Christmas ホワイト・クリスマス![]() |
162 | 7 | Sub | |
859 | 670 | Miracle Fair |
Warm Work あったか作業![]() |
162 | 8 | Sub | |
870 | 671 | Bedroom |
Echoes of Motives 動機を語る魂の叫び![]() |
042 | 11 | Main | Shield of Heart |
871 | 672 | Bedroom |
Weed in a Rose Garden 薔薇園に生えた一本の雑草![]() |
042 | 12 | Main | Shield of Heart |
872 | 673 | Bedroom |
Consolation Witch 慰めの魔女![]() |
042 | 13 | Main | Shield of Heart |
873 | 674 | Bedroom |
Secret Instruments 様々な秘密の道具![]() |
042 | 14 | Main | Shield of Heart |
874 | 675 | Bedroom |
Light in the Heart 心に灯(とも)る光![]() |
042 | 15 | Main | Shield of Heart |
875 | 676 | Compartment №8 |
Poisonous Dust 毒性の塵![]() |
147 | 11 | Sub | |
876 | 677 | Bonmarito Villa |
Outlandish Flower 風変わりな花![]() |
159 | 10 | Sub | |
877 | 678 | Bonmarito Villa |
Good News 良い知らせ![]() |
159 | 11 | Sub | |
878 | 679 | Sun Pavilion |
Stars' Voices 星々の声![]() |
168 | 1 | Main | Magical Song of the Heavens |
879 | 680 | Sun Pavilion |
Dreadful Eclipse 悍(おぞ)ましき蝕(しょく)![]() |
168 | 2 | Main | Magical Song of the Heavens |
880 | 681 | Sun Pavilion |
Before Dawn 夜明け前![]() |
168 | 3 | Main | Magical Song of the Heavens |
881 | 682 | Sun Pavilion |
Life-Giving Sun 命の母なる太陽![]() |
168 | 4 | Main | Magical Song of the Heavens |
882 | 683 | Sun Pavilion |
Healing Light 癒しの光![]() |
168 | 5 | Main | Magical Song of the Heavens |
883 | 684 | Sun Pavilion |
Great Hunt 邪霊狩り![]() |
168 | 6 | Sub | |
884 | 685 | Sun Pavilion |
Lantern Festival (2) 元宵節(げんしょうせつ)![]() |
168 | 7 | Sub | |
885 | 686 | Sun Pavilion |
Sun and Time 天の陽と時の流れと![]() |
168 | 8 | Sub | |
891 | 687 | Sunny Terrace |
Bird Trail 鳥の飛跡![]() |
144 | 10 | Sub | |
892 | 688 | Sunny Terrace |
Ball Lightning 雷球(らいきゅう)![]() |
144 | 11 | Sub | |
893 | 689 | Blooming Quarter |
Magic Craft 超常の力の技巧![]() |
171 | 1 | Main | Valuable Knowledge |
894 | 690 | Blooming Quarter |
Beautiful Aimi 麗しの愛美![]() |
171 | 2 | Main | Valuable Knowledge |
895 | 691 | Blooming Quarter |
Appeasing Ceremony 心を鎮める茶席![]() |
171 | 3 | Main | Valuable Knowledge |
896 | 692 | Blooming Quarter |
Genuine Emotions 生粋の心![]() |
171 | 4 | Main | Valuable Knowledge |
897 | 693 | Blooming Quarter |
Hanami for Two 花見での逢瀬(おうせ)![]() |
171 | 5 | Main | Valuable Knowledge |
898 | 694 | Blooming Quarter |
Sincere Emotions 心からの喜怒哀楽![]() |
171 | 6 | Sub | |
899 | 695 | Blooming Quarter |
Time for Positive Change 陽の気に変ずる時![]() |
171 | 7 | Sub | |
900 | 696 | Blooming Quarter |
Dance of Cherished Feelings 愛(いと)おしき想いの舞い![]() |
171 | 8 | Sub | |
901 | 697 | Mezzanine |
Solid Evidence 物的証拠![]() |
174 | 1 | Main | Sweet Life |
902 | 698 | Mezzanine |
Evil Genius 邪(よこしま)なる天才![]() |
174 | 2 | Main | Sweet Life |
903 | 699 | Mezzanine |
Re-Evaluation of Values 価値の再評価![]() |
174 | 3 | Main | Sweet Life |
904 | 700 | Mezzanine |
Big Change 目覚ましい変化![]() |
174 | 4 | Main | Sweet Life |
905 | 701 | Mezzanine |
Happy Future 幸せな未来![]() |
174 | 5 | Main | Sweet Life |
906 | 702 | Mezzanine |
Little Messengers of the Soul 魂の小さなメッセンジャー![]() |
174 | 6 | Sub | |
907 | 703 | Mezzanine |
Beekeeper's Tricks 養蜂家の策略![]() |
174 | 7 | Sub | |
908 | 704 | Mezzanine |
Along the Animal Paths 獣道(けものみち)を辿った先には![]() |
174 | 8 | Sub | |
909 | 705 | Mezzanine |
Golden Choice 最高の選択![]() |
174 | 9 | Sub | |
910 | 706 | Mezzanine |
Glorifiers of Life 命を賛美する者たち![]() |
174 | 10 | Sub | |
911 | 707 | Sunny Terrace |
Pet Competition ペット・レース![]() |
144 | 12 | Sub | |
936 | 708 | Room of Fate |
Search for the Truth 真実を探して![]() |
003 | 15 | Introduction | |
937 | 709 | Hidden Row |
Secret League シークレット・リーグ![]() |
001 | 11 | Sub | |
938 | 710 | Station |
One-Way Ticket 片道切符![]() |
004 | 13 | Sub | |
939 | 711 | Station |
Escape Plan 脱出計画![]() |
004 | 14 | Sub | |
940 | 712 | Station |
Dream of Homecoming 帰郷の夢![]() |
004 | 15 | Sub | |
941 | 713 | Collector's House |
Detective's Last Case 刑事最後の事件簿![]() |
007 | 11 | Sub | |
942 | 714 | Collector's House |
Reality Distorter 現実を歪めたるモノ![]() |
007 | 12 | Sub | |
943 | 715 | Collector's House |
Deceived Genius 欺(あざむ)かれた天才![]() |
007 | 13 | Sub | |
946 | 716 | Observatory |
Mystery of the Foggy Lights 霧の光のミステリー![]() |
096 | 11 | Main | Soul's Call |
947 | 717 | Observatory |
Delivery from the Fog 霧からの配達便![]() |
096 | 12 | Main | Soul's Call |
948 | 718 | Observatory |
Imprisoned Soul 囚われた魂![]() |
096 | 13 | Main | Soul's Call |
949 | 719 | Observatory |
Unusual Traps 風変わりなトラップ![]() |
096 | 14 | Main | Soul's Call |
950 | 720 | Observatory |
Escape from the Phylactery フィラクタリーからの脱出![]() |
096 | 15 | Main | Soul's Call |
993 | 721 | River of Oblivion |
Vacation カロンの休暇![]() |
156 | 9 | Sub | |
994 | 722 | Hall of Departure |
Those Who Cheated Death 「死」を欺(あざむ)きし者たち![]() |
195 | 1 | Main | Healing the Heart |
995 | 723 | Hall of Departure |
Shadow Tamer 影を手懐(てなず)ける者![]() |
195 | 2 | Main | Healing the Heart |
996 | 724 | Hall of Departure |
Heartful Duty 衷心(ちゅうしん)からの責任感![]() |
195 | 3 | Main | Healing the Heart |
997 | 725 | Hall of Departure |
Bard of His Era 現代の吟遊詩人![]() |
195 | 4 | Main | Healing the Heart |
998 | 726 | Hall of Departure |
Until We Meet Again また逢う日まで![]() |
195 | 5 | Main | Healing the Heart |
999 | 727 | Hall of Departure |
Witch's Circle 魔女会![]() |
195 | 6 | Sub | |
1000 | 728 | Hall of Departure |
Eastern Tales 東方の伝え語り![]() |
195 | 7 | Sub | |
1001 | 729 | Hall of Departure |
Long-Awaited Dawn 待ち侘びた夜明け![]() |
195 | 8 | Sub | |
1002 | 730 | Hall of Departure |
Abaddon the Instigator 唆(そそのか)し屋アバドン![]() |
195 | 9 | Sub | |
1003 | 731 | Hall of Departure |
Otherworldly Loss 魔界的損失![]() |
195 | 10 | Sub | |
1004 | 732 | Greenhouse |
Who Lurks in the Jungle ジャングルに潜む者![]() |
093 | 12 | Main | Children of the City |
1005 | 733 | Greenhouse |
Familiar Stranger 顔なじみの不審者![]() |
093 | 13 | Main | Children of the City |
1006 | 734 | Greenhouse |
Curse of Love 愛の呪い![]() |
093 | 14 | Main | Children of the City |
1007 | 735 | Greenhouse |
Bowl of Hygieia ヒュギエイアの杯![]() |
093 | 15 | Main | Children of the City |
1008 | 736 | Greenhouse |
Goodbye, City さようなら、シティ![]() |
093 | 16 | Main | Children of the City |
1009 | 737 | Feast Garden |
Ghosts of the Past 過去の亡霊たち![]() |
198 | 1 | Main | Irish Scope |
1010 | 738 | Feast Garden |
Maturing Love 年月に培(つちか)われた愛![]() |
198 | 2 | Main | Irish Scope |
1011 | 739 | Feast Garden |
Story of a Betrayal 裏切り行為の物語![]() |
198 | 3 | Main | Irish Scope |
1012 | 740 | Feast Garden |
Broken Feelings 打ち砕かれた想い![]() |
198 | 4 | Main | Irish Scope |
1013 | 741 | Feast Garden |
Time for Sincerity 誠意を見せるべき時![]() |
198 | 5 | Main | Irish Scope |
1014 | 742 | Feast Garden |
Concept of Family 家族ってなあに![]() |
198 | 6 | Sub | |
1015 | 743 | Feast Garden |
Winds of Change 変化をもたらす風![]() |
198 | 7 | Sub | |
1016 | 744 | Feast Garden |
You've Got a Tail! しっぽを捕まえたゾ!![]() |
198 | 8 | Sub | |
1017 | 745 | Feast Garden |
Moon Cow 月の牛![]() |
198 | 9 | Sub | |
1018 | 746 | Compartment №8 |
Toys of Fate 運命の玩具![]() |
147 | 12 | Sub | |
1019 | 747 | Cozy Mezzanine |
Christmas Story クリスマスの出来事![]() |
201 | 1 | Main | Day of Miracles |
1020 | 748 | Cozy Mezzanine |
Pursuing the Past 過去を追い求めて![]() |
201 | 2 | Main | Day of Miracles |
1021 | 749 | Cozy Mezzanine |
Magic Threads 魔法の糸![]() |
201 | 3 | Main | Day of Miracles |
1022 | 750 | Cozy Mezzanine |
Heat Against Cold 冷気に抗(あらが)う熱![]() |
201 | 4 | Main | Day of Miracles |
1023 | 751 | Cozy Mezzanine |
Sweet Home 愛しの我が家![]() |
201 | 5 | Main | Day of Miracles |
1024 | 752 | Cozy Mezzanine |
Guardians of Cold 冷気の守り人![]() |
201 | 6 | Sub | |
1025 | 753 | Cozy Mezzanine |
Freezing Artifacts 凍気を放つアーティファクト![]() |
201 | 7 | Sub | |
1026 | 754 | Cozy Mezzanine |
Anomalous Cold Snap 異常寒波![]() |
201 | 8 | Sub | |
1027 | 755 | Cozy Mezzanine |
Second Youth 去りし時よ再び![]() |
201 | 9 | Sub | |
1028 | 756 | Moon Gate |
Room for Happiness 幸せを迎え入れるための場所![]() |
138 | 16 | Sub | |
1029 | 757 | Moon Gate |
Dragon's Treasure 青龍様のご宝物(ほうもつ)![]() |
138 | 17 | Sub | |
1030 | 758 | Tiger's Spring |
In the Water Stream 流れ出る水の中には![]() |
204 | 1 | Main | Faded Evil |
1031 | 759 | Tiger's Spring |
Legend of Master Fu 傅大師(フゥ・ダァシー)の言い伝え![]() |
204 | 2 | Main | Faded Evil |
1032 | 760 | Tiger's Spring |
Guardians of the Earth 大地の守護獣たち![]() |
204 | 3 | Main | Faded Evil |
1033 | 761 | Tiger's Spring |
Great Virtues 欠くべからざる美徳![]() |
204 | 4 | Main | Faded Evil |
1034 | 762 | Tiger's Spring |
Singing Elements 響き渡る五行の調べ![]() |
204 | 5 | Main | Faded Evil |
1035 | 763 | Tiger's Spring |
Toys of the Guardians 守護獣さま達の玩具![]() |
204 | 6 | Sub | |
1036 | 764 | Tiger's Spring |
New Patron 新たな守り神![]() |
204 | 7 | Sub | |
1037 | 765 | Tiger's Spring |
Legend of the River Maiden 洛水(らくすい)の仙女の伝説![]() |
204 | 8 | Sub | |
1048 | 766 | Bamboo Grove |
Sprout in Dry Ground 枯れ地に芽生えた愛![]() |
210 | 1 | Main | Tranquil Heaven |
1049 | 767 | Bamboo Grove |
Threads of Our Feelings 想い合う二人の糸![]() |
210 | 2 | Main | Tranquil Heaven |
1050 | 768 | Bamboo Grove |
What Light Hides 灯りの中に隠されたるもの![]() |
210 | 3 | Main | Tranquil Heaven |
1051 | 769 | Bamboo Grove |
Image of a Hundred Reflections 幾多の面影から見える人物像![]() |
210 | 4 | Main | Tranquil Heaven |
1052 | 770 | Bamboo Grove |
His True Form 真の姿![]() |
210 | 5 | Main | Tranquil Heaven |
1053 | 771 | Bamboo Grove |
Golden-Scaled Prince 金鱗を纏う河伯の御子(かはくのみこ)![]() |
210 | 6 | Sub | |
1054 | 772 | Bamboo Grove |
Desired Gift 望ましき贈り物![]() |
210 | 7 | Sub | |
1055 | 773 | Bamboo Grove |
Fateful Mystery 致命的な怪事件![]() |
210 | 8 | Sub | |
1056 | 774 | Bamboo Grove |
Accessory for the Goddess 月読(つくよみ)さまの装飾品![]() |
210 | 9 | Sub | |
1057 | 775 | Bamboo Grove |
Dog Spirit 犬神(いぬがみ)![]() |
210 | 10 | Sub | |
1058 | 776 | Easter Veranda |
Two Goats 二匹の山羊![]() |
213 | 1 | Main | Learning the Future |
1059 | 777 | Easter Veranda |
Tragedy of Growing Up 育ちゆく悲劇![]() |
213 | 2 | Main | Learning the Future |
1060 | 778 | Easter Veranda |
Curse of the Gift 才能の呪い![]() |
213 | 3 | Main | Learning the Future |
1061 | 779 | Easter Veranda |
Soul-to-Soul Talk 魂と魂の語らい![]() |
213 | 4 | Main | Learning the Future |
1062 | 780 | Easter Veranda |
Divination of the Prophetic Forest 予言の森のこれから![]() |
213 | 5 | Main | Learning the Future |
1063 | 781 | Easter Veranda |
Suncatcher サンキャッチャー![]() |
213 | 6 | Sub | |
1064 | 782 | Easter Veranda |
Gifts from the Bunny うさ吉くんからの贈り物![]() |
213 | 7 | Sub | |
1065 | 783 | Easter Veranda |
Deepest Desire 心の奥底の願い![]() |
213 | 8 | Sub | |
1074 | - | Pack of Werewolves (Monsters) |
Torture for Greater Good 大義の為の拷問![]() |
M0w | 1 | Main | Doctor's True Purpose |
1075 | - | Pack of Werewolves (Monsters) |
Mental Protection 精神防御![]() |
M0w | 2 | Main | Doctor's True Purpose |
1076 | - | Pack of Werewolves (Monsters) |
Suppression of Will 自我の抑圧![]() |
M0w | 3 | Main | Doctor's True Purpose |
1077 | - | Pack of Werewolves (Monsters) |
True Face of the Pack Leader 群れのリーダーの正体![]() |
M0w | 4 | Main | Doctor's True Purpose |
1078 | - | Pack of Werewolves (Monsters) |
Sworn Enemies 互いの仇敵(きゅうてき)![]() |
M0w | 5 | Main | Doctor's True Purpose |
1079 | 784 | House on the Reef |
Guardians of the Sky 空を守護する者たち![]() |
219 | 1 | Main | Guardian of the City of Shadows |
1080 | 785 | House on the Reef |
Shards of Pearly Souls 真珠の魂の欠片![]() |
219 | 2 | Main | Guardian of the City of Shadows |
1081 | 786 | House on the Reef |
Three People in Despair 絶望に暮れる三人![]() |
219 | 3 | Main | Guardian of the City of Shadows |
1082 | 787 | House on the Reef |
Do-Re-Mi Sea ドレミの海![]() |
219 | 4 | Main | Guardian of the City of Shadows |
1083 | 788 | House on the Reef |
From the Abyss to the Stars 深淵から星々へ![]() |
219 | 5 | Main | Guardian of the City of Shadows |
1114 | - | Gargoyles (Monsters) |
Gargoyle's Map ガーゴイルの地図![]() |
M0g | 1 | Main | Winged Octopus |
1115 | - | Gargoyles (Monsters) |
Pieces of the Puzzle パズルのピース![]() |
M0g | 2 | Main | Winged Octopus |
1116 | - | Gargoyles (Monsters) |
Hints ヒント![]() |
M0g | 3 | Main | Winged Octopus |
1117 | - | Gargoyles (Monsters) |
In Search of the Spark 飛び散る火花を探して![]() |
M0g | 4 | Main | Winged Octopus |
1118 | - | Gargoyles (Monsters) |
Path to Wealth 富への道筋![]() |
M0g | 5 | Main | Winged Octopus |
1129 | 789 | Pharaoh's Gallery |
Home of Darkness 闇の住処(すみか)![]() |
234 | 1 | Main | Gift of the Goddess |
1130 | 790 | Pharaoh's Gallery |
Traces of Chaos 混沌の痕跡![]() |
234 | 2 | Main | Gift of the Goddess |
1131 | 791 | Pharaoh's Gallery |
Poltergeist Trap ポルターガイスト・トラップ![]() |
234 | 3 | Main | Gift of the Goddess |
1132 | 792 | Pharaoh's Gallery |
Journey into the Abyss 深淵への旅路![]() |
234 | 4 | Main | Gift of the Goddess |
1133 | 793 | Pharaoh's Gallery |
Fateful Ritual 命運を決する儀式![]() |
234 | 5 | Main | Gift of the Goddess |
1134 | 794 | Pharaoh's Gallery |
Little Ones on the Run
ちびっこたち逃走中![]() |
234 | 6 | Sub | |
1135 | 795 | Pharaoh's Gallery |
Invitation for a Vampire ヴァンパイアへの招き![]() |
234 | 7 | Sub | |
1136 | 796 | Pharaoh's Gallery |
Horrors from the Past 去りし日からの恐怖![]() |
234 | 8 | Sub | |
1137 | 797 | Pharaoh's Gallery |
Peek into the Soul 魂を覗き見て![]() |
234 | 9 | Sub | |
1138 | 798 | Harvest Festival |
Autumn Oddities 異様な秋模様のモノたち![]() |
237 | 1 | Main | Golden Boom |
1139 | 799 | Harvest Festival |
Into the Monsters Lair モンスターの塒(ねぐら)の中へ![]() |
237 | 2 | Main | Golden Boom |
1140 | 800 | Harvest Festival |
Miraculous Liberation 奇跡的な釈放![]() |
237 | 3 | Main | Golden Boom |
1141 | 801 | Harvest Festival |
Trap Key トラップ・キー![]() |
237 | 4 | Main | Golden Boom |
1142 | 802 | Harvest Festival |
Toward the Holiday 祭日に向かって![]() |
237 | 5 | Main | Golden Boom |
1143 | 803 | Harvest Festival |
Magic with a Catch 予想外の魔法![]() |
237 | 6 | Sub | |
1144 | 804 | Harvest Festival |
Miracle or Monster? ミラクルか、モンスターか?![]() |
237 | 7 | Sub | |
1145 | 805 | Harvest Festival |
Foggy Suspicions 霧煙(けぶ)る疑い![]() |
237 | 8 | Sub | |
1146 | 806 | Headquarters (former name; Department) |
What's in the Sorceress's Sleigh? 魔女の橇(そり)の中にあるのは?![]() |
240 | 1 | Main | Melody of a Snowy Heart |
1147 | 807 | Headquarters (former name; Department) |
Blizzard of Brilliant Ideas うんざりするほどいっぱいの素晴らしいアイデア![]() |
240 | 2 | Main | Melody of a Snowy Heart |
1148 | 808 | Headquarters (former name; Department) |
Faded Christmas 色褪せたクリスマス![]() |
240 | 3 | Main | Melody of a Snowy Heart |
1149 | 809 | Headquarters (former name; Department) |
Sparks of Impressions 迸(ほとばし)る感銘![]() |
240 | 4 | Main | Melody of a Snowy Heart |
1150 | 810 | Headquarters (former name; Department) |
Magic Reborn 魔力の復活![]() |
240 | 5 | Main | Melody of a Snowy Heart |
1151 | 811 | Headquarters (former name; Department) |
Polar Expedition 北極探検![]() |
240 | 6 | Sub | |
1152 | 812 | Headquarters (former name; Department) |
A Cold Forge 低温鍛造(たんぞう)炉![]() |
240 | 7 | Sub | |
1153 | 813 | Headquarters (former name; Department) |
Snow Burglar 雪まみれの泥棒さん![]() |
240 | 8 | Sub | |
1172 | 814 | Cat Café |
Palace of Whiskers and Claws 猫ひげと猫爪の御殿(ごてん)![]() |
249 | 1 | Main | Feline Gratitude |
1173 | 815 | Cat Café |
Lady of the Mountains' Past 山岳の若女将の過去![]() |
249 | 2 | Main | Feline Gratitude |
1174 | 816 | Cat Café |
Paragon of Devotion 献身の極み![]() |
249 | 3 | Main | Feline Gratitude |
1175 | 817 | Cat Café |
Grace of the Eternals 久遠(くおん)なる仙猫からの恩寵![]() |
249 | 4 | Main | Feline Gratitude |
1176 | 818 | Cat Café |
Wandering Soul 彷徨える魂![]() |
249 | 5 | Main | Feline Gratitude |
1177 | 819 | Cat Café |
Wanderer in the Fog 霧の中を彷徨う者は![]() |
249 | 6 | Sub | |
1178 | 820 | Cat Café |
Created by the Fog 霧によりて作られしは![]() |
249 | 7 | Sub | |
1179 | 821 | Cat Café |
Children of Twilight 黄昏(たそがれ)の申し子たち![]() |
249 | 8 | Sub | |
1180 | 822 | Mill |
Leaking Wealth 漏れだした富![]() |
252 | 1 | Main | Tailed Rascal |
1181 | 823 | Mill |
Life's Work 生命(いのち)の営み![]() |
252 | 2 | Main | Tailed Rascal |
1182 | 824 | Mill |
Chasing Sun 太陽を追いかけて![]() |
252 | 3 | Main | Tailed Rascal |
1183 | 825 | Mill |
Magical Rebirth 魔法の力の再生![]() |
252 | 4 | Main | Tailed Rascal |
1184 | 826 | Mill |
All-Pervading Energy 万物に浸み渡るエネルギー![]() |
252 | 5 | Main | Tailed Rascal |
1185 | 827 | Mill |
Disappeared River 消えた川![]() |
252 | 6 | Sub | |
1186 | 828 | Mill |
Miller's Recipe 粉屋のレシピ![]() |
252 | 7 | Sub | |
1187 | 829 | Mill |
Legend of the Wind and Flute 風と笛の伝説![]() |
252 | 8 | Sub | |
1196 | 830 | Red Rose Café |
Fog Cards 霧のトランプ![]() |
013 | 21 | Main | Elegant Solution |
1197 | 831 | Laboratory |
Merry's Memories メリーの追憶![]() |
059 | 12 | Main | Elegant Solution |
1198 | 832 | Italian Patio |
Unfinished Portraits 未完の肖像画![]() |
090 | 12 | Main | Elegant Solution |
1199 | 833 | Angela's Park |
Invisible Connection 見えない繋がり![]() |
062 | 12 | Main | Elegant Solution |
1200 | 834 | Collector's House |
Long Hunt ロング・ハント![]() |
007 | 14 | Main | Elegant Solution |
1201 | 835 | Boat |
Engagement with Death 死の契り![]() |
258 | 1 | Main | Little Guardian of the City |
1202 | 836 | Boat |
Fleeting Bloom 束の間の花盛り![]() |
258 | 2 | Main | Little Guardian of the City |
1203 | 837 | Boat |
Other Faces of Evil 悪しき者の表の顔![]() |
258 | 3 | Main | Little Guardian of the City |
1204 | 838 | Boat |
Under the Wing of Four 四柱の庇護の下で![]() |
258 | 4 | Main | Little Guardian of the City |
1205 | 839 | Boat |
Warm Feelings 心温まる気持ち![]() |
258 | 5 | Main | Little Guardian of the City |
1206 | 840 | Boat |
Dragon Regatta
龍舟(ロンジョウ)レース![]() |
258 | 6 | Sub | |
1207 | 841 | Boat |
Picturesque Joy
絵にかいたような喜び![]() |
258 | 7 | Sub | |
1208 | 842 | Boat |
Underwater Summer
水中都市の夏![]() |
258 | 8 | Sub | |
1209 | 843 | Wildlife Park |
Scene of the Incident 捨て置けない事案の現場![]() |
261 | 1 | Main | Two Plus Two |
1210 | 844 | Wildlife Park |
Chaising Memories 複数の記憶を頼って![]() |
261 | 2 | Main | Two Plus Two |
1211 | 845 | Wildlife Park |
Dating in Vain 失敗に終わった交際![]() |
261 | 3 | Main | Two Plus Two |
1212 | 846 | Wildlife Park |
Reverse Potion 巻き戻しの秘薬![]() |
261 | 4 | Main | Two Plus Two |
1213 | 847 | Wildlife Park |
Dangerous Fantasy 危険な夢物語![]() |
261 | 5 | Main | Two Plus Two |
1214 | 848 | Wildlife Park |
Zoo Treasures 動物園のお宝![]() |
261 | 6 | Sub | |
1215 | 849 | Wildlife Park |
Ghostly Guest この世に非ざる客人(まれびと)![]() |
261 | 7 | Sub | |
1216 | 850 | Wildlife Park |
Where's Eddie? エディーは何処へ行った?![]() |
261 | 8 | Sub | |
1225 | 851 | Crystals |
Slot-Machine Mystery スロットマシーン・ミステリー![]() |
006 | 11 | Main | Conversation with a Contact |
1226 | 852 | Cards of Fate |
Hidden Functions 隠し機能![]() |
010 | 11 | Main | Conversation with a Contact |
1227 | 853 | Expedition |
Finding the Addressee アドレスの相手を探して![]() |
017 | 11 | Main | Conversation with a Contact |
1228 | 854 | Observatory |
Language of Communication 通信言語![]() |
096 | 16 | Main | Conversation with a Contact |
1229 | 855 | Airship Dock |
Helping Hand 補助アーム![]() |
015 | 12 | Main | Conversation with a Contact |
1238 | 856 | Beauty Salon |
Finding a Miracle ミラクルを探して![]() |
270 | 1 | Main | Invisible City |
1239 | 857 | Beauty Salon |
Witch Hunting 魔女狩り![]() |
270 | 2 | Main | Invisible City |
1240 | 858 | Beauty Salon |
On the Demon's Trail 魔物の痕跡を追って![]() |
270 | 3 | Main | Invisible City |
1241 | 859 | Beauty Salon |
Incredible Unmasking 驚愕(きょうがく)の正体![]() |
270 | 4 | Main | Invisible City |
1242 | 860 | Beauty Salon |
Power of Good 善意の力![]() |
270 | 5 | Main | Invisible City |
1243 | 861 | Beauty Salon |
Grand Disorder 始まりの混沌![]() |
270 | 6 | Sub | |
1244 | 862 | Beauty Salon |
Suspicious Order 怪しいオーダー![]() |
270 | 7 | Sub | |
1245 | 863 | Beauty Salon |
Slick Investigation ぬるんぬるん捜査![]() |
270 | 8 | Sub | |
1246 | 864 | Maze |
Terrors in the Night とある夜のいくつもの恐怖![]() |
273 | 1 | Main | My Bedroom Is My Castle |
1247 | 865 | Maze |
Visions of the Past 過去のビジョン![]() |
273 | 2 | Main | My Bedroom Is My Castle |
1248 | 866 | Maze |
Sleeping Legends 数多の眠れる伝説![]() |
273 | 3 | Main | My Bedroom Is My Castle |
1249 | 867 | Maze |
Changing the Rules Rules ルールを変更せよ![]() |
273 | 4 | Main | My Bedroom Is My Castle |
1250 | 868 | Maze |
Sleep Science 眠りの科学![]() |
273 | 5 | Main | My Bedroom Is My Castle |
1251 | 869 | Maze |
Origins of Horror 恐怖の生まれし場所![]() |
273 | 6 | Sub | |
1252 | 870 | Maze |
Sleep Wardens 眠りの監視者たち![]() |
273 | 7 | Sub | |
1253 | 871 | Maze |
Anti-Nightmare Gun 対悪夢銃![]() |
273 | 8 | Sub | |
1254 | 872 | Vegetable Shop |
Traces of a Magic Crime 魔術的犯罪の痕跡![]() |
276 | 1 | Main | Special Autumn Day |
1255 | 873 | Vegetable Shop |
Growth Enhancers 畑の成長促進剤![]() |
276 | 2 | Main | Special Autumn Day |
1256 | 874 | Vegetable Shop |
Hidden in the Depths 奥深くに隠されしは![]() |
276 | 3 | Main | Special Autumn Day |
1257 | 875 | Vegetable Shop |
Catching Shadows 影を捉えて![]() |
276 | 4 | Main | Special Autumn Day |
1258 | 876 | Vegetable Shop |
Supremacy of Life 命の優位![]() |
276 | 5 | Main | Special Autumn Day |
1259 | 877 | Vegetable Shop |
Mystery of the Dark Garden ダーク・ガーデンの不思議![]() |
276 | 6 | Sub | |
1260 | 878 | Vegetable Shop |
Black Waters 闇汚染水![]() |
276 | 7 | Sub | |
1261 | 879 | Vegetable Shop |
Sun Thieves キラキラ泥棒![]() |
276 | 8 | Sub | |
1262 | 880 | Confectionery |
Gloomy Christmas Eve 陰鬱なクリスマスイブ![]() |
279 | 1 | Main | Eternal Winter |
1263 | 881 | Confectionery |
Where Are You, Ronan? 君はどこだい、ロウナン?![]() |
279 | 2 | Main | Eternal Winter |
1264 | 882 | Confectionery |
Nasty Pastry Chef 卑劣なパティシエ![]() |
279 | 3 | Main | Eternal Winter |
1265 | 883 | Confectionery |
Battle of the Chefs パティシエ同士の闘い![]() |
279 | 4 | Main | Eternal Winter |
1266 | 884 | Confectionery |
Recipe for the Best Christmas 最高のクリスマスに向けたレシピ![]() |
279 | 5 | Main | Eternal Winter |
1267 | 885 | Confectionery |
Dinner for Isabelle イザベルの為のディナー![]() |
279 | 6 | Sub | |
1268 | 886 | Confectionery |
Journey to Christmas クリスマスへの旅![]() |
279 | 7 | Sub | |
1269 | 887 | Confectionery |
Lost Gifts 失われたプレゼント![]() |
279 | 8 | Sub | |
1283 | 888 | Residence |
Rejected Gifts 突っ返された贈り物![]() |
285 | 1 | Main | Illuminated Path |
1284 | 889 | Residence |
Family Values 家族のありがたみ![]() |
285 | 2 | Main | Illuminated Path |
1285 | 890 | Residence |
Happiness Through Tears 涙を乗り越えての幸せ![]() |
285 | 3 | Main | Illuminated Path |
1286 | 891 | Residence |
Holiday Chores 春節の掛かり事![]() |
285 | 4 | Main | Illuminated Path |
1287 | 892 | Residence |
Forms of Love 様々な愛の形![]() |
285 | 5 | Main | Illuminated Path |
1288 | 893 | Residence |
Old Man Under the Moon 月下老人![]() |
285 | 6 | Sub | |
1289 | 894 | Residence |
Remembering What Never Happened 起きたはずのない出来事を思い出して![]() |
285 | 7 | Sub | |
1290 | 895 | Residence |
Mysterious Box 三福之箱![]() |
285 | 8 | Sub | |
1291 | 896 | Sunroom |
Missing Spring やって来ない春![]() |
288 | 1 | Main | Happy Reunion |
1292 | 897 | Sunroom |
Miracle Story 奇跡の物語![]() |
288 | 2 | Main | Happy Reunion |
1293 | 898 | Sunroom |
Pranks and Mischief イタズラと悪ふざけと![]() |
288 | 3 | Main | Happy Reunion |
1294 | 899 | Sunroom |
Stumbling Stone 躓(つまづ)きの石![]() |
288 | 4 | Main | Happy Reunion |
1295 | 900 | Sunroom |
Blooming Time 花綻(ほころ)ぶ時![]() |
288 | 5 | Main | Happy Reunion |
1296 | 901 | Sunroom |
Shades of Happiness 幸せの彩(いろどり)![]() |
288 | 6 | Sub | |
1297 | 902 | Sunroom |
Spring Recipes 春のレシピあれこれ![]() |
288 | 7 | Sub | |
1298 | 903 | Sunroom |
More Colors! もっとカラフルに!![]() |
288 | 8 | Sub | |
1299 | 904 | Cloud Theater |
Shadow of Betrayal 裏切りの影![]() |
291 | 1 | Main | New Wings |
1300 | 905 | Cloud Theater |
Fateful Spat 運命の分かれ道の諍(いさか)い![]() |
291 | 2 | Main | New Wings |
1301 | 906 | Cloud Theater |
New Fate 新たな宿命(さだめ)![]() |
291 | 3 | Main | New Wings |
1302 | 907 | Cloud Theater |
Chasing the Story 物語を辿って![]() |
291 | 4 | Main | New Wings |
1303 | 908 | Cloud Theater |
New Meeting 邂逅(かいこう)![]() |
291 | 5 | Main | New Wings |
1304 | 909 | Cloud Theater |
Capricious Goddess 気まぐれな比売神(ひめがみ)様![]() |
291 | 6 | Sub | |
1305 | 910 | Cloud Theater |
Wind Mechanics 風力カラクリ![]() |
291 | 7 | Sub | |
1306 | 911 | Cloud Theater |
All the Heads of Evil 荒魂(あらみたま)の頭![]() |
291 | 8 | Sub | |
1344 | 912 | Festive Street |
Escape from the Festival お祭りからの逃亡![]() |
306 | 1 | Main | Sparrow's Treasure |
1345 | 913 | Festive Street |
Black Sparrow 黒雀(くろすずめ)![]() |
306 | 2 | Main | Sparrow's Treasure |
1346 | 914 | Festive Street |
Solid Alibi 確固たるアリバイ![]() |
306 | 3 | Main | Sparrow's Treasure |
1347 | 915 | Festive Street |
Expert's Assessment 専門家の下した評価![]() |
306 | 4 | Main | Sparrow's Treasure |
1348 | 916 | Festive Street |
Sparrow Hunt 雀狩り![]() |
306 | 5 | Main | Sparrow's Treasure |
1349 | 917 | Festive Street |
Rose with Thorns 棘(とげ)のある薔薇![]() |
306 | 6 | Sub | |
1350 | 918 | Festive Street |
Theft Reconstruction 盗難現場の再現![]() |
306 | 7 | Sub | |
1351 | 919 | Festive Street |
Laughter in the Night Garden 夜の雑木林にさざめく笑い声![]() |
306 | 8 | Sub | |
1360 | 920 | Garden of Oblivion |
Story of Loss 喪失の物語![]() |
312 | 1 | Main | Catch Your Chance |
1361 | 921 | Garden of Oblivion |
Ghost's Revelation 霊からの啓示![]() |
312 | 2 | Main | Catch Your Chance |
1362 | 922 | Garden of Oblivion |
Deadly Mystery 死に至るミステリー![]() |
312 | 3 | Main | Catch Your Chance |
1363 | 923 | Garden of Oblivion |
Path of Repentance 悔悛(かいしゅん)への道![]() |
312 | 4 | Main | Catch Your Chance |
1364 | 924 | Garden of Oblivion |
Eternal Love 果てしなく続く愛![]() |
312 | 5 | Main | Catch Your Chance |
1365 | 925 | Garden of Oblivion |
Ghostly Waltz 冥界のワルツ![]() |
312 | 6 | Sub | |
1366 | 926 | Garden of Oblivion |
Unexpected Guest 予期せぬ訪問客![]() |
312 | 7 | Sub | |
1367 | 927 | Garden of Oblivion |
De Bertrand Dogs ドゥ=ベルトラン家の犬たち![]() |
312 | 8 | Sub | |
1368 | 928 | Bright Living Room |
Troublemakers トラブルメイカーたち![]() |
315 | 1 | Main | Journalist's Assistant |
1369 | 929 | Bright Living Room |
Family Kaleidoscope 家族を映す万華鏡![]() |
315 | 2 | Main | Journalist's Assistant |
1370 | 930 | Bright Living Room |
Magic Craft 魔力の糸紡(つむ)ぎ![]() |
315 | 3 | Main | Journalist's Assistant |
1371 | 931 | Bright Living Room |
Mystery of Kinship 血の繋がりの謎![]() |
315 | 4 | Main | Journalist's Assistant |
1372 | 932 | Bright Living Room |
More Precious Than Gold お金よりも大事なモノは![]() |
315 | 5 | Main | Journalist's Assistant |
1373 | 933 | Bright Living Room |
Restless Doggy 落ち着きのないワンちゃん![]() |
315 | 6 | Sub | |
1374 | 934 | Bright Living Room |
Coziness Potion ぽかぽかポーション![]() |
315 | 7 | Sub | |
1375 | 935 | Bright Living Room |
Autumn Hustle 秋のドタバタ劇![]() |
315 | 8 | Sub | |
1376 | 936 | Boulevard |
Evidence at the Fair 季節の市(いち)での証拠![]() |
318 | 1 | Main | Candy Adventure |
1377 | 937 | Boulevard |
Mistress's Amulet ミストレスのアミュレット![]() |
318 | 2 | Main | Candy Adventure |
1378 | 938 | Boulevard |
Miraculous Remedies 奇跡の治療法![]() |
318 | 3 | Main | Candy Adventure |
1379 | 939 | Boulevard |
Essence of Christmas クリスマスの本質![]() |
318 | 4 | Main | Candy Adventure |
1380 | 940 | Boulevard |
Sweet Gratitude スウィートな感謝の気持ち![]() |
318 | 5 | Main | Candy Adventure |
1381 | 941 | Boulevard |
Book of Good Deeds 善い行い記録帳![]() |
318 | 6 | Sub | |
1382 | 942 | Boulevard |
Interview with the Elf エルフへの取材![]() |
318 | 7 | Sub | |
1383 | 943 | Boulevard |
Christmas Melodies クリスマス・メロディーズ![]() |
318 | 8 | Sub | |
1400 | 95 | 325 |
List 2: Upper City
List 3: Anomaly and Monster
List 4: Artifact